prologe chapter 2: the party

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Wimothys POV

When we headed towards the living room I could see that the place was already decorated to my exact listing.

Cassandra-geez girl you did all of this?

Wimothy- uh yeah with the help of nitro and his ghosts. He was actually kind enough to help me.

Cassandra- cuz he knew you couldn't reach the ceiling without his help 😏

Wimothy- oh be quiet cassi!!

Cassandra- oh c'mon. You know I'm right.

I know shes right, geez no point in fighting she kinda reminds me of someone.




???- OH YEAH!? you should really stay in your coop YOU CHICKEN!!!

???- aha? I'm the chicken? I think you're the only chicken here, huh?

Wimothy- are you kidding me guys? Grow up.

???- mrah!! Seriously!! Y'all are annoying!!




. End flashy backy

Wimothy-alright! I give! you win!

Cassandra-admitting defeat already. huh? That's not how I was raised. My uncle didn't raise a bitch.

Wimothy- what do you mean you're more of a b-

Cassandra- what? I can't hear over all the bitching you're doing.


both- sorry Chris!!!

Wimothy- you know what fuck you cassi. . .

Cassandra- love ya too wimothy. . .

Cassis POV

Cassandra- hey Chris, sorry about all the bickering we were doing up there.

Chris- it's cool. It's cool. Y'all argue alot more than nitro and her.

Cassandra- yeah I know.

Chris- anyways are ya excited for this party tonight?

Cassandra- oh gigantic yes!! Ya know how long I've been waiting for this?

Chris- I know you're a real party animal.

Cassandra- you know it!

Cassandra- I should probably go check on the others.

Chris- yeah, and hey have fun!

Cassandra-you too!!

As I left the room I couldn't help but think about wimothy, is she ok? It feels like she's missing someone?

I should tell her tonight.




Writers note
Wow two chapters in one day 😳
Idk why but thanks to everyone for reading this

Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon!

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