prologe: chapter 3 fun for all

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Cassis POV

As I cross the river leading to the campsite I found that there was a bit of competitive ghosts there.

???- ha ha! I have won again!

???- son of a! C'mon! Why do I keep losing!

???- that's because you are bad!

???- guys please stop!

Nitro was busy wrangling his ghosts

Cassandra- hey nitro!

Nitro- huh! Oh hey cassi!

Cassandra- trying to keep em inline still? Huh?

Nitro- yup, the four of them are always zipping around the entire treehouse. Luckily I programmed a function in my wristbands that allows me to tether the four of them to me.

Cassandra- wow you seem to be very busy with that.

Nitro- don't worry about me cassi. Just focus on making the party fun for all!

Cassandra- ya sure you can handle it?

Nitro- positive!

Not wanting to start a argument I get up to go find Eva. Lately shes been on nitro for his terrible sleep schedule. Wimothy too.




Writers note
Another day another sla- I mean chapter! This story is already going smoothly pretty soon we'll be on to the first book!

Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon!

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