prologe-chapter 39: in our paradise

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Nitros POV

As we walk through the mirror to ignihyde I here peoples murmurs and whispers directed at me.

???- look at that guy.

???- why does he wear that mask?

???- he's kinda creepy.

???- shh! Quiet down! He's gonna hear us!

I look at the students behind me as they stop their whispers, and stare in surprise.

Nitro- Идиоты.(idiots.)

When we enter I'm greeted by a dark atmosphere with a building that looks like it's constructed out of bones, the same can be said about the entry way, with giant spikes looming over us, with torches with light blue flames. And a hologram of the ignihyde logo at the entrance.

Nitro- weird decor for the outside. . .

I murmur to myself, but once we were inside, I saw light blue, white, and grey colors alike, oh and can't forget about the giant column of screens in the middle.

Idia- welcome to ignihyde. Now just do whatever, idc.

As idia releases all of us, I head off to explore, the other students are still whispering about me, but I don't care anymore it's just background noise now.

Idia- h- hey! Nitro?

Nitro- hm? Oh idia. What do you want?

Idia- a-are uh. . . Um. Are you?

Idia studders for a minute before pulling out his tablet and holding it in front of his face.

Idia- *" are you looking for your room by chance?"*

Nitro- whoa hey! I can understand you just fine. You don't have to shove your tablet in my face like that.

Idia- *" oh uh srry "*

Nitro- nah, you're good. I was just looking around. But yeah, where is my room?

Idia- *" follow me "*

I follow idia into one of the hallways and we stop at a door with a digital nameplate with my name on it.

Idia- *" here, hope you like it. "*

Nitro- thanks idia.

Idia- *" np "*

I open the door and see that my room is exactly like the rest of the dorm, with the same light blue, white and grey colors, however I saw the charging docs for flo and the others all huddled in the corner near the desk, I could also see ally equipment too.

Idia- *" we also put a couple of game consoles in here for ya, you also get your own PC set-up "*

Nitro- free PC set-up? Nice! But, how the hell did you get all of this!?

Idia- *" well uh long story short, the headmage swung by and dropped off all of your stuff, so I was told. "*

Nitro- okay then. . . But the room is real cool.

Idia- y- you like it?

Nitro- uh yeah I like it.

I saw that idia was blushing a bit. He wasn't really hiding it well.

Nitro- are you blushing?

Idia- huh!? N-no!!!

Nitro- idia, you don't really hide it well, the tips of your hair are turning pink.

Idia- ahh! Stop it!!

Nitro- haha! Okay, okay I'm sorry! Heh.

Idia- j-just enjoy your stay!

And just like that idia ran off, I step into the room and boot up the PC.

Nitro- this is gonna be fun.


Krystals POV

Oh how I miss this place, the hall of mirrors, a place where you can access all of the dorms, looks like wimothy has her own dorm now, I'm so proud. I've been selected into diasomnia, malleus is going to be so happy.

When we enter the mirror, I see the same dark stormy sky, the same archway, and the same looming castle, silver and sebek await our arrival outside of the entrance.

Silver- thank you Lilia. We'll take it from here.

Sebek- welcome humans! Let's not keep malleus waiting! Hurry up.

This place looks so strange. How do you know so much about this place?

I'll tell you soon enough, dear.


The new students head inside to see malleus sitting on his throne.

Malleus- welcome everyone. . . To diasomnia.

I have the sudden urge to bow before him, he is the prince of Brier valley after all.

I can't fight the urge and bow before him.

Sebek- my, looks like someone has some respect towards the great malleus.



immediately everyone bows

Malleus- sebek. . . I don't think that was necessary.

Sebek- s-sorry Waka sama!

Lilia- ahem! Anyways the sleeping quarters are up the stairs over there. Feel free to explore as much as you like!

Everyone else runs off to explore but I approach malleus , but before I do that sebek stops me

Sebek- hold up there! Young one, you should be off exploring like the rest of them!

Krystal- oh sorry, is malleus busy at the time?

Sebek- o-oh it's you. Um sorry go right ahead!

Krystal- you're alright sebek.

Sebek awkwardly steps out of the way as I walk up to malleus.

Malleus- we meet again.

Krystal- hello my treasure.

Malleus- you look. . . Wonderful in that robe.

Krystal- thank you, mally.

He's so sweet, he was raised so well, Ill have to thank Lilia for raising him so well. I could talk with him for hours.



He's all mine . . .





Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

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