prologe-chapter 16: this can't be good for me.

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Nitros POV
Tw: claustrophobia- maybe

Something about this morning doesn't sit right with me. This feeling of floating in the black darkness. Either this is a dark room or it's just dark outside. I reach my arms out and I feel a wall in front and all around me.

The walls make me question how I got here. And why a dark room of all places, my head hurts, the darkness around me makes me feel sick.

I have to get out of here, I just have to stay calm, its fine. . . I'm fine. I tap each wall to see if I can bust outta here

The front wall then flings open and I fell out onto my stomach.

It was quite painful.

Nitro- ow!

???- eek! What was that!? Oh. . . Huh?

In front of me stood a tall boy with blue fire for hair.

Wimothy- oh there he is!

Chris- nitro!!

I hear wimothy and Chris shout form afar

???- oh my! Are you alright, young man?

???- he doesn't look right headmage.

???- here let me help you!

So noisy!!

Cassandra- HEY! give the man some space!

???- yeah what the Leppard said! The noise is starting to bother.

The boy with blue hair approached me holding a tablet to his face.

???-*"r u ok?"*

Nitro- huh oh yeah I'm fine! It's just a little noisy.

???- *"ik it's gonna be like that till all y'all arrive, at least that's what the headmage, Crowley says."*

Nitro- Crowley?

Crowley- yes indeed! That is me! And welcome to twisted wonderland!

???- *" it might be a lil sus for how you got here. But you'll get used to it."*

Nitro- y-yeah.

???- might I have a look at him!

All of a sudden a blond haired boy walks up to me and grabs me by the arm.

???- oh wait! Mr. Shoenheit! I don't think you sho-

???- sorry headmage I just want to take a look at him.

The blonde boy carefully examines me.

???- well then. The pink color study is quite unusual, but I support it.

Nitro- u-uh t-thanks? I guess. . .

Crowley- might we give him a little bit of space.

???- oh uh yes headmage my apologies I just Wanted to have a look at him.

Nitro- . . .

I glanced around the room to look at everyone. God I wish flo was here.

Crowley- you don't have to be afraid. Everything might seem strange for a while but you'll get used to it.

Nitro- yeah. Strange like you.

Wimothy- NITRO!!

wimothy shouted at me from across the room, almost like she's reprimanding me

???-*" uh headmage can I talk to the new guy?"*

Crowley- of course Mr. Shroud!

???-*" big preesh!*"

The blue haired boy brought me away from the crowd.

???-*" srry I forgot to do a proper intro. Well what's your name?"*

Nitro- uh, nitro Mavericks. But nitros fine.

With that the boy lowered the tablet from his face to reveal his face. He had blue eyes and blue eye shadow, as well as deep blue tear streams down his face. Whatever happened it looked like he'd been crying for a long time, months maybe years.

???- I- I'm idia. . . I-idia shroud.

Nitro- nice to meet you idia.

Idia- ya know you not to bad I- I don't mean that in a bad way!

Nitro- don't worry. You're not so bad either.

Idia- rlly! Ty.

Wimothy- now headmage I think there's only one more left.

Crowley- really well the let's get them Out he-

???- that won't be necessary Crowley. . .

Chris- huh!?

Idia- ahh! What was that!?

Nitro- idk but whatever it is it sounds bad!





Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon!

twisted wonderland: Welcome Back To The Villains World-Prologe Where stories live. Discover now