prologe-chapter 36: the final two

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Nitros POV

More students get called up, then it's my turn, the headmage calls me up. As I look around sceptical, I see other students looking at me, nows not the time to stand here.

I walk up to the dark mirror, looking around at the other people.

Suddenly the mirror spoke.

Dark mirror- someone who takes pride In the use of technology instead of magic? I'll have you in ignihyde.

I hear the ignihyde students start clapping, I look over to see idia, motioning for me to go over to him.

Idia- h-hey congrats on getting into ignihyde.

Nitro- thanks.

Idia- with you here, this is gonna be fun. wehehe.

Idia smiled creepily

Nitro- uh neat!


Krystals POV

I am the final student to get called up, I make my way over to the dark mirror.

Dark mirror- ah an old friend is here, you hold the Magic of protection, you will be in diasomnia.

Silence. . .

The a couple of whispers

???- her? In diasomnia?

???- she looks like a child

???- but she also looks like a freshman student?

???- how could this be?

Lilia- there she is! What a surprise Krystal!

Krystal- why hello Lilia.


I look at Lilia

Krystal- not many people know?

Lilia- I'm afraid not.

Krystal- that's alright.

Cater- isn't that one of the old proffs?

Trey- I think it is.

Ace- yeah it is! She taught me brother when he was a freshman.

Cater- for reals!? Good observation acey.

Crowley- and with that, we will conclude our orientation. Housewardens please lead your students to your dorms.

Wimothy- anyone who's in ramshackle please follow me!

Riddle- students of heartslabul please follow my lead.

Leona- Savannahclaw students, shut up and listen up.

Azul- octavinelle students! Follow me.

Kalim- people of scarabia! Listen up!

Vil- pomefior students, eyes on me!

Idia- ignihyde students, eyes on your dorm leader!

Lilia- students of diasomnia. Please follow me.

Chris's POV

As we all follow Leona to the hall of mirrors, he kept me at his side the whole way there, once we arrived I saw that the rim of the mirror was decorated to look like objects and items you can find in the savannah, it's kinda cool and at the top of the mirrors rim was in the shape of a lion.

Once we entered the mirror we were quickly transported to a, rather dry place, with many rock formations and arches throughout, we headed to the main building which was tucked away in a giant cave structure, which was even more pretty on the inside.

Chris- holy. . . Wow.

Leona- this is where you will spend the rest of your semesters at. Just be careful not to make so much noise

Chris- I think I scored BIG on this one.

Ruggie- oh hey it's you again!

Chris- ruggie! Hi!

Ruggie- how are ya liking the place so far?

Chris- it looks so good! I think I can get used to this!

Ruggie- that's great news! Follow me to your room if you would.

Chris- okay.

I follow ruggie to the bedrooms for the students.

Ruggie- this is where you'll be staying.

Chris- bwah!? My stuff is here too!?

Ruggie- oh yeah wimothy helped us move it heh.

Chris- she did? That's so sweet of her!

Ruggie- yeah although she wouldn't stop complaining, ahem! Anyways! Enjoy your time here!

As ruggie leaves the room I sit down on the bed and stare out the window, the sunset over this magical place is so soothing.

Chris- this is my new life now.




Writers note
Just a heads-up I'm trying to remember what the dorms look like from the game so if something is wrong just know I tried my best.

Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

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