prologe-chapter 27: watch yo back

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Nitros POV

God what have I done? What did I do to make Floyd angry, ugh why was I so stupid! Nobody told me he gets mad so easily?

Nitro- . . . !

Floyd- I thought we were having a good conversation.

Wimothy- oh god. Nitro what have you done!

Floyd- if you don't wanna get squeezed until you pop how bout you just think before you act, okay?

I can't even get a word out, a part of me wants to scream as loud as I can but I can barely manage a whisper.

Floyd- hmm not talkin eh? Well then I'll just take your silence as a yes.

Finally he let me go

Floyd- oh and one more thing. . . Make sure you don't fuck up your words so easily, don't wanna have to tangle with me again, do we? No we don't.

The only words I manage to force out was a simple yes. With that Floyd backed off and became all smiley again.

Floyd- anyways. . .

I was so tense I fell to the floor.

Eva- nitro!?

Floyd- oof you don't look so good, axolotl kun.

Azul- yeah because of you! You took that a bit too far, Floyd!

Lisana- is he okay?

Jade- don't worry dear, Floyd usually does this to assert dominance to people who cross him, don't worry he'll be fine soon.

Lisana- I mean sometimes I do the same, but that usually ends with me being pryd off of someone before I lop an arm off of em.

Ace- geez

Wimothy- yeah if anything Lisa's worse

Nitro- you can. . . S-say that again.

Eva- oh he's alive good.

Eva picked me up by the arm and helped me to my feet.

Nitro- I just wanna go home. . .

Eva- you wanna go rest for a while?

Nitro- y-yes. . .

Wimothy- that's fine we can all go the cafeteria to eat something.

Azul- anyways you all have fun! The three of us have to head back to mostro lounge.

Jade- farewell, also lisana wasn't it?

Lisana- uh yeah?

Jade- here's the business card for mostro lounge if you want to come over before orientation please give us a call.

Lisana- okay but why before?

Jade- because I know you'll be apart of octavinelle.

Floyd- bye shrimpy! Bye sharky, and bye orca sensei!

Krystal- oh my! Well then goodbye Floyd! Jade! Azul!

Wimothy- did he just call you sensei?

Krystal- yes I believe so. I have been a professor here back then but not when Floyd was here. Oh dear I think it's because he saw the yearbook.

Ace- really? I think my brother might have still been here when you where still teaching.

Krystal- I do remember teaching one boy from the trappola family.


Wimothy- Oh yeah I forgot, ace has a brother, anyways let's go get some food.





Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon.

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