prologe-chapter 31: rap up this tour

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Wimothys POV

As the group steps out of the mirror chamber. They make their way back to ramshackle.

Ace- welp the tour was great! You guys feeling better about this place.

All- yeah.

Wimothy- it was nice but we didn't find grim yet. . .

Chris- you and this "grim" person seem to be really close.

Cassandra- who even is grim?

Wimothy- that's right I haven't told you all about grim.

*Flashy backy*

???- myah ha ha! I can't believe that I got a higher score than you henchhuman!! Now let's head back so you can cash in the tuna!!!


???- p-promise you'll come back soon?

*End flashy backy*

Wimothy- he's never told me his place of origin, all he told me is that he wants to someday be a great mage. I-i made a promise to him that I wouldn't be gone that long.

Nitro scoffed

Nitro- a promise will never work. . .

Eva- did you say something?

Nitro- huh oh uh no.

Ace- don't worry prefect, I just know he's going to show up soon.

Lisana- okay well that was fun can we head inside, now?

Wimothy- yes, yes let's go.

Ace- y'all can go but, I gotta bounce, my housewarden will have my head if I'm not back by curfew.

Chris- kinda strict don't ya think?

Ace- riddles orders. Anyways see ya!

Wimothy- bye ace.

Later that night

As everyone was sleeping I couldn't stop thinking about him maybe grim would make an appearance soon. Who knows.

As I lay in bed I hear a strange humming sound.

???- 🎶🎶🎶

Wimothy- huh?

It was a familiar tune but it wasn't him, it sounded like. . . A woman?

I decided to get up and investigate as I stepped outside it was. . . Snowing? Wait. That can only mean one thing.

Then with the humming of that woman a man joined in

???- 🎶🎶🎶~

At the entrance of ramshackle I saw them I saw Krystal and . . . Malleus?

*Flashy backy*

???- hmm child of man? Tis a fine evening tonight, don't you think?

Wimothy- why is it snowing though?

???- sorry, I believe it is a habit of mine.

Wimothy- hornton. . .

*End flashy backy*

Wimothy- hornton. . . HORNTON!!!

???- !!!

Krystal- wimothy?

???- child of man!

Without thinking I immediately jumped towards him and embraced him.

Wimothy- hornton. . . Malleus. . .

Malleus- . . . W-

Ever since his overblot he has gone mute and could only speak in short sentences and phrases, luckily Lilia visits often to help with his recovery and it's been going well.

Malleus- w-wimothy?

Wimothy- hornton. . . *Sniff* my baby. . . My malleus. *Sob*

Malleus- child of man. . . P-please . . . Do not. . . Cry.

Krystal- wimothy, love. You must have really missed him, dear.

Krystal hugged me too.

Krystal- it's okay dear. I know you're worried about him, but hes alright now you're okay. . .

Malleus- Lilia. . . Allowed me to. . . Visit.

Krystal- but it's good that you're healing, my baby mal mal.

Lilia- indeed he is, professor.

Krystal- Lilia, and who are they?

???- father said that you are one of his acquaintances, in that case we are the royal guards for malleus-sama.

???- WAKA-SAMA!!!!

wimothy- yep I knew it was you. . .

???- Waka sama are you alright? Are you hurt?

Malleus- sebek. . . I'm fine. . .

Sebek- oh thank the seven. . .

Krystal- oh sebek, I have herd alot about you in the past, well when I was still alive.

Lilia- I see. Baul must have told you everything about little sebek when you were sick. Welcome back a-

???- father! We should hurry. We have to take malleus-sama back to diasomnia!

Krystal- oh silver, you have grown beautifully since I have last seen you.

Silver- hm!?

Lilia- ah I remember when I brought you too her she was practically in tears when she saw you, silver.

Silver: . . . I must say I'm impressed, I'm glad you still remember me.

Lilia- anyways we must be on our way, malleus has to rest up now.

Silver- Fair well Krystal, wimothy.

Sebek- fair well, humans!

As the two of the walked off malleus stayed behind, and looked at us

Malleus- . . . . Goodnight . . . The both of you. . .

Malleus slowly walked away towards Lilia and the others, his tail dragging behind, as I look to Krystal I can see that she's crying?

Wimothy- Krystal?

Krystal- he grew up so well. . . And I was never there to see him. . .

Her voice was breaking as she fell to her knees and started sobbing, however malleus heard her and started running back to her.

Lilia- malleus!

He ran to where she was and kneeled down to comfort her, even though Krystal was the size of a child, she still embraced him like a child of her own, as she brought her hands to his face

Krystal- my baby. . . You've grown so well. . .

Malleus- . . . . .

Malleus was silent as he watched as Krystal continued weeping and caressing his cheeks, like he didn't care at all

But he did. . .





Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

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