prologe-chapter 33: unexpected arrival

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Wimothys POV

As I stand there eyes all around me with judging looks

???- who is she?

???- how did a girl get enrolled here?

???- she doesn't have any magic either.

???- headmage. What should we do about her.

I stand up to speak

Wimothy- where am I? How did I get here? Who are you!?

???- don't be alarmed now. I believe the mirror has made a mistake. Dark mirror, would you please send this one home?

Dark mirror- no such place exists for this one.

Wimothy- h-huh!?


End flashy backy

As I stand there next to everyone else the headmage begins his speech.

I can hear murmurs coming from the crowd.

???- isn't that her?

???- yeah that's the prefect.

???- she looks even cooler now

???- I didn't know she came back.

Riddle looks at me with a concerned yet happy look.

Riddle- you nervous?

Wimothy- uh yeah a lil bit.

Riddle- don't worry, everyone was nervous on their first time, this will be a piece of cake.

I nod and turn my focus to the headmage. Suddenly a crash can be heard from the entrance and a maniacal laugh came soon after.


wimothy- what the!?

Crowley- not again. . . Who goes there!?

???- tis I the great grim! The great mage in all of twisted wonderland!

Wimothy- grim!?

Grim- I have no need for my henchhuman anymore, I have finally achieved my goal! Now nobody can stop me! MYAHAHAHA!

wimothy- this isn't good grims gone mad. Again.

Riddle- we must stop him. Let's go

Wimothy- right behind you!

Azul- let's go help!

Kalim- got it!

Vil- right behind you.

Idia- *" let's go save Mr. Grim! "*

Leona- ugh fine. . .

Lilia- let's go!!!

As grim runs down the hallway wimothy and Riddle trail behind

Riddle- grim seise this at once!!

Grim- myaha! Catch me if you can!!

Wimothy- grim stop this at once!!

Grim didn't listen and continued running

Kalim- wimothy! Riddle! Need some help!?

Kalim and his magic carpet zoom by us

Wimothy- sure!! Thanks for the lift!

Riddle- this should help us reach him

Once we grow closer to him, me and riddle jump off but barely manage to even get close to him.

Grim- hey! That's cheating!

Wimothy- shit! We almost had him!

Riddle- wimothy, you have magic! Use it!

Wimothy- right!! My unique magic!!

I almost forgot about my unique magic, there's no time to lose!

Strike for love. . .

Strike for fear. . .


as I cast my unique magic I hold my hands above my head and grip my trusty bat and with all the force I have, I slam It down to the ground.

Grim- myaha! Slippery!!!

Wimothy- hey grim!!! Wanna see something cool? HAH!

i swing my bat and send shards of ice flying towards him.

Grim- mrahhh!!

Wimothy- riddle! Your turn!

I shout to riddle as he's planning his unique magic.

Riddle- off with your head!!

Grim- myah! Okay! Okay! I surrender!

Riddle- this is the second time you've done this, grim.

Wimothy- you've caused enough trouble here mister.

Grim- mrr I'm sorry wimothy. . .

Wimothy- oh you better be. You're in BIG trouble grim.

As we start walking back to the mirror chamber grim muttered something to me.

Grim- i-i still missed you.

Wimothy- I missed you too, grim.

I wispered back





Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

twisted wonderland: Welcome Back To The Villains World-Prologe Where stories live. Discover now