prologe-chapter 7: here for you mentally

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Third person

The party has begun, nitro and Chris finished setting up, Eva and wimothy finished laying everything out, and Cassandra, lisana, and Krystal finished decorating(Krystal had to do most of it)

Wimothy- it's about time we finished this.

Nitro- you can say that again.

Chris- thanks for helping out nitro.

Nitro- don't mention it.

Just then flo flew in from outside and went straight to wimothy

Flo- hello! Miss snoden.

Wimothy- hey flo. Also didn't I say wimothy was fine?

Flo- oh. Sorry I forgot.

Nitro- don't worry about it flo. Remember I made you as a confused emotion just like the rest of your siblings after different emotions.

Flo- ah that's right! Is that why I have trouble remembering?

Nitro- it is indeed.

Wimothy- wait. Flo why are you here? I thought nitro was putting you guys in his room?

Flo- don't worry nitro wanted me here for everyone. Here for you mentally that is.

Wimothy- well we're gonna need that. Because you know that nitro and Chris are pron to psychotic and mental breakdowns.

Chris- yup!

Nitro- can confirm!

Flo- which is precisely why I'm here!

Wimothy- well that's a good thing! And you know how lisana handles her anger issues. Right?

Flo- don't worry about that! Master can you call the others?

Nitro- sure.

Eva- nitro. Dear. Are you sure you can handle all of this?

Nitro- if my step sisters were here. They would of done the same thing.

Wimothys POV

Just then a flurry of blue and red streaked by us and straight to nitro.

Nitro- there you are! Anyways, null, nob, and flo will be responsible for you all.

Wimothy- null and nob? ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ

Chris- why'd you name them that?

Nitro- ugh. Listen I made them when I was 13. Shut up.

Wimothy- fair enough.

Nitro- ok so null will be taking care of Chris, and nob will be taking care of lisana.

Wimothy- alright and with that. I think we're free to start the party!

All- YEAH!!

I still can't shake this feeling tho. Nitro kinda reminds me of someone.






???- see you should bring to your classes mor often! My brother could learn a thing or two from you!

Wimothy- yeah. Though he doesn't really come outta his room lately.

???- I know my brother can be a bit. . . awkward at sometimes. But I'm sure he'll enjoy it.

???- hah. That's if I actually come outta my room!

???- mrah! What are ya scared!!

???- well yeah!? Social interactions are sus, and I don't wanna be apart of them. If only they had online classes tbh.



End flashy backy


Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon!

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