prologe-chapter 4: a living of ghost and crow

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Wimothys POV

Wimothy- Eva!

I swear she's always hiding somewhere! Where could she be now?

???- oh I'm up here, dear!

I heard a voice from up in that creepy attic we have. Why do we even have that?

Wimothy- here you are! I was looking for ya! And. . . Wait WHO THE HELL!?

???- oh! Hello there love!

???- oh wimothy. Don't be alarmed. Krystal is here for the party after all!

Wimothy- the who and the what now?

This ghost like girl stood in front of me. I have no idea who she is or what she's doing in the attic of all places but she scared the hell outta me! Apparently her name is Krystal. But how does she look so young?

Krystal- nice to meet you, love.

Wimothy- n-nice to m-meet you to. Are you gonna kill me?

???- oh wimothy. Don't be a scaredy cat! Krystal is friendly!

Krystal- exactly! Eva here invited me over! She said to watch over someone.

Eva- precisely!

Watch over who? I think it's best not to ask that. But there reminding me of someone.




???- early training again? Good, you can never go wrong with an early start.

Wimothy- early morning classes are a good thing, I guess.

???- to be fair. It is better than late night classes.

Wimothy- THOSE EXIST!?

???- mrah. . . So sleepy. . . Mrrrr. . .




End flashy backy

Wimothy- ya know I'm happy to have you here with us Krystal.

Eva- glad you could get over your fear of ghosts.

Krystal- yes let's make this party a living for ghost and crow!

Wimothy- nice ok I'ma go get ready no- AH FUCK!!!!

eva- oh dear! She fell again!

Krystal- is this normal for her?

Eva- yes. Sadly it is.




Writers note
I honestly like writing shorter chapters. Now this story is in the lead of all my other stories. Lol

Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon!

twisted wonderland: Welcome Back To The Villains World-Prologe Where stories live. Discover now