prologe-chapter 37: the best tours

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Lisanas POV

As we make out way to the hall of mirrors I can see mirrors leading to all 7 dorms, the one we were heading to was octavinelle, which was the third mirror in the room.

Once we entered the mirror the dizziness hit me and I felt sick, luckily I didn't vomit though.

Azul- we're here.

I look around to see a bright and beautiful landscape, it looked like it was under water, bubbles were floating everywhere, the bright lilac stone pillars that showcased banners for octavinelle, and the main buildings shaped like shells.

You can also see brightly coloured plants and corals too, immediately I feel instantly relaxed.

Lisana- this is just like home.

Azul- impressive isn't it? For any merfolk coming from the coral sea, I welcome you dearly.

Well I'm not from the coral sea. But this is still pretty.

Lisana- geez, I haven't seen a place like this since I left the sea.

Azul- and for anyone who's willing to work as a waiter, waitress, or performer, you can apply for a job at mostro lounge today! Aka the number one student hangout spo-

Lisana- IM IN!!!

i didn't give Azul time to finish his sentence and just shouted

Lisana- I volunteer, Azul!

Azul looked at me surprised.

Azul- it's your first day and you're already asking for a job, I can't blame you, but my, you're desperate.

Lisana- well it's just that, I'm an ex pop idol and performer and I kinda miss it. And I feel like this is the perfect chance.

Azul takes a look at me, I'm confidently looking up at him, my shark tail slapping the ground.

Azul- you know what? I'll take it! Once the tour is done come visit me In the vip lounge.

I stand there unimpressed that he didn't just take me up on the offer, now everyone is staring at me, I awkwardly laughed and continued to follow azul.

When we entered the building it was a huge (very vintage) lounge where I saw many other students at. And the entire back wall was a giant aquarium. Seriously this place is nice

Azul- the sleeping quarters are just down the hall, the vip lounge is right down there as well as-

As Azul continued talking I saw someone at the corner of my eye, it was Floyd. Since Azul was just taking questions from the other students, and most of them were exploring, I decided to go talk to him.

Lisana- Floyd!

I energetically wave my hands around.

Floyd- heh? Sharky!

He stands up and starts waving too

Floyd- how are you liking the place?

Lisana- is just like my home! I LOVE IT!

Jade- hm hm, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Oh by the way, did you see your dorm room yet?

Lisana- no I haven't, I've just been looking around.

Jade- well follow us we'll show you where it is.

Floyd- it's right next to ours!

Jade- Floyd, I was going to say that.

Floyd- my bad.

Lisana- alright let's go!





Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

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