prologe-chapter 28: complimentary photos.

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Third person

The group continued through the hallways, finally they made it to the cafeteria. There they saw three familiar faces.

???- oh there she is!

???- oh you're here, Wimothy.

???- omg you're back!!!!

Wimothy- ruggie, Jack, cater!!!

Wimothy embraces them all.

Cater- I can't believe you're finally back, girl! You look amazing in your new dorm outfit!

Wimothy- yeah I know! It's about time am I right!

Cater- hell yeah!

Ruggie- oh hey you got some new people here!

Chris- yep we just got here today!

Ruggie- nice to meet you! Im pretty sure wimothy already told y'all who I am but I'm ruggie bucchi, and this is Jack howl.

Jack- you didn't have to use my full name, but yeah that's me

Chris- you two must be apart of Savannahclaw right?

Ruggie- yep yep! You'd be correct.

Jack- you're a small fella, huh?

Chris- well yes but no!

Cater- ooh who are these peeps?

Wimothy- didn't riddle mention that I brought friends with me?

Cater- I think he did.

Ace- you don't remember do you.

Cater- aww you caught me.

Ace- you're not slick, cate.

Cater- I try okay!

Wimothy- anyways I did bring some friends with me this time!

Chris- hey wimothy these two over here are pretty cool, hm who's he?

Wimothy- oh you me-

Cater- well I'm glad you asked!! My name cater diamond aka cay cay! You can call whatever!

Chris- I'll call you cay cay for now but I'll think of something fun to call you in the meantime!

Cater- I like this ones enthusiasm! He's just like me!

Chris- hah! Thanks the names Chris if you're wondering!

Cater- well in that case it's nice to meet you! How bout a complimentary photo for this occasion!

Chris- fun! Let's do it!

Cater- alright acey! Wims! Get over here!

Ace- ooo we takin a picture? I'm in!

Wimothy- sure I'll join! Make sure it's perfect!

Cater- alright! Say cheese!!!


Cater- perfect as always! I'll be sure to post it later!

Chris- could I get you number so you could send it to me?

Wimothy- only 15 minutes into meeting him and you're already asking him for his phone number? *Sigh* oh to be like you chris.

Cater- sure! I'll let you join the group chat I'm sure lils and the others would like to meet you!

Chris- uh who's lils?

???- I'm right here!







thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon.

twisted wonderland: Welcome Back To The Villains World-Prologe Where stories live. Discover now