prologe-chapter 23 it's all for history

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Wimothys POV

Saying our goodbyes to riddle and epel I was telling everyone the history of the seven.

Lisana- so what you're saying is that there's seven people that nrc takes after?

Wimothy- yep the seven are people who have done many things to influence their fame here, all seven dorms take after the seven.

Eva- and what are the seven dorms called?

Wimothy- I'm glad you asked! First there's heartslabul themed after the queen of hearts.

Ace- yup just like the queen of hearts we in heartslabul have to follow all her rules

Wimothy- mhm and if you don't

Both- it's off with your head!

Cassandra- geez, that sounds uptight.

Wimothy- next there's Savannahclaw, themed after the king of beasts, everyone in this dorm is very athletic, much more than I can handle.

Chris- that's sounds fun.

Ace- then there's octavinelle, themed after the sea witch, this dorm runs some  shady side businesses.

Lisana- all here for it.

Nitro- that's concerning.

Wimothy- then there's scarabia, themed after the sorcerer of the sands, people in this dorm are all party animals.

Cassandra- sounds interesting.

Wimothy-then there's pomefior, themed after the fairest queen, the people in this dorm are always trying to be beautiful and all of them are good at potionology.

Eva- I could work with that.

Ace- and then there's ignihyde themed after the ruler of the underworld, people here are real adequate with technology.

Nitro- now you have my attention.

Wimothy- and finally there's diasomnia themed after the Thorne fairy.

Ace- not much is known about them, but I'm pretty sure everyone here knows about the draconia family.

Wimothy- yup who doesn't know about them?

Krystal- the draconia family? I might of heard of them before back then, I believe the mother was named mellanor draconia.

Wimothy- maybe we don't know.

As we close up the conversation I see two people walking down main street.

???- hmm I knew I would find you two here.

???- ah bon jour madame neige

Wimothy- I think I know who that is. Trey!

Trey- welcome back, wimothy.

Wimothy- I missed you so much trey! And you too rook.

Eva- you really have lots of friends here, don't you?

Rook- that'd be correct madame!

Wimothy- rook and trey have always been reliable study partners.

Trey- aww you're too kind.

Rook- oh my! don't say that.

Nitro- a British man and a French man. . . Eva they seem like your type!

Eva- nitro please not now. . .

I swear nitro always does this. . .

Rook- oh my, oh my! Aren't you beautiful!

Eva- uh m- me?

Rook- of course! For roi des poison told me everything about what happened today and he mentioned you, madame.

Eva- oh um, that's uh. . . Nice I guess he he. . .

Nitro- and this roi de poison you speak of, is it that one guy who was quote unquote "examining" me?

Trey- yup that sure sounds like vil, I feel like he does that every time we get someone new here.

Wimothy- yeo treys right. But, once you get to know him he is really nice.

Trey- she's not wrong, anyways we better get going professor crewel is waiting for us, also wimothy you should probably go find cater he's been wanting to see you again.

Wimothy- oh I will.

Ace- see ya later trey-sen.

Rook- we'll have to talk later madame crow. Farewell to you all!





Writers note
Idk how far we're into this story but we ain't even half way there anyways. . .

Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

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