prologe-chapter 35: dive in head first.

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Lisanas POV

After the headmage called up other students, he got to me.

Lisana- here 'goes.

As I step up to the mirror I can feel the heavy gaze of everyone on me, as I usually do. I remain calm and focus. I cross my fingers in hopes to get octavinelle.

Then the mirror spoke

Dark mirror- you have good knowledge in performance. Perfect for octavinelle.

I here the students in octavinelle start applauding, and I start silently cheering.

Lisana- yes!

As Im celebrating Azul walks up to me.

Azul- my you're awfully excited. You wanted to be with us that bad?

Lisana- um duh!? That's why I was crossing my fingers. Where else would a shark fit into?

Azul- you are right. But welcome to the team.

Azul takes my hand, I shake it vigorously.

Azul- my, my, Floyds gonna be happy when he sees you.

Cassandras POV

When the headmage called my name, I step up to the mirror, I don't feel scared like the others, I quite used to it.

Dark mirror- ah, a confident one I see. You'll be in scarabia.

I hear the students of scarabia start applauding, it makes me feel proud about myself, because over the last few weeks I've struck up some convos with the housewarden, though I was skeptical at first, but now I feel like I can relax.

I walk over to the scarabia housewarden.

Kalim- congrats on making it in!

Cassandra- yep! After talking with you the past few weeks, I'm excited for this. Though as a retired guard, I won't let anything bad happen! And that's a promise.

Kalim- ha ha! There's no need for that. This'll be fun! Do you trust me?

Kalim extends his hand for me

Cassandra- yes.


Evas POV

A few more students get sorted and then it's my turn, the headmage calls my name and I stand up. Immediately I here murmurs and whispers coming from every direction.

I ignore them and walk up to the mirror.

Dark mirror- you possess great abilities in potion making, you're assigned to pomefior.

I hear the pomefior students start applauding, I look over to see the housewarden looking back at me as I walk over to him.

I will not be fooled, I will not be fooled. I silently think to myself.

Vil- well then, you where assigned to me?

Eva- yes.

Vil- I had a feeling, here.

Vil offers me his hand

Vil- take my hand, join us.

I take his hand, everything will be fine, don't worry Eva, just take it slow, you'll trust him eventually.




Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

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