Chapter 12: Part 2:battle with Uppermoon 6 Daki and Gyutaro

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Hello everyone hope you all are excited to read the battle that'll occur now let's not waste any time shall we?


The demon stares down at me and he asks again "Hey I asked a question... why is a demon fighting alongside the demon slayers...?" I then state "I'm no regular demon...." I seethed and state "I was forced to turn into one but I am still as much as a demon slayer as all of them! AND I WILL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU UPPER RANKS INCLUDING UPPER 3 AKAZA I WILL NEVER EVER FORGIVE THAT BASTARD" I clenched my swords and I realized the demon had sickles and he had a pissed look from my statement "Oh really...?" He then turned to Tegen "Your tall... you look at least 6 foot.... and you got some flesh on yourself.... Unlike me I'm shriveled like a rasin.... And your handsome you must be a ladies man GOD THAT MAKES MY SKIN CRAWL OH I ENVY YOUUu...." He stated enviously clawing himself and then Tegen stated  "Not to brag or anything but I have 3 wives" the demons face was the same then it turned into a pissed look "Am I going deaf or did I hear you just say you have 3 wives?!" He stated "I envy you oh I envy you....  Remember this name when your dead... Remember THE NAME GYUTARO!!!" He threw his sickles at Tegen but he deflected them and as he did they went back to the demon "Blood demon art.... FLYING BLOOD SICKLES!!!" His sickles were flowing with his blood as flying slashes approached Tegen I go infront of Tegen and instead of being slash by them I absorb them and smirk "Heheh.... BLOOD DEMON ART.... EXPLODING SLASHES" I then slash my swords and the same blood slashes go toward Gyutaro which is amplified from my exploding blood and this shocked Gyutaro as the slashes hit him and exploded.


I then hear maniacal laughter and I recognized the laughter "HEY WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING FIGHTING A DEMON WITHOUT THE GREAT LORD INOSUKE?!" I roll my eyes and yell "ITS A UPPER RANK INSOUKE WE HAVE TO DEFEAT IT WE HAVE TO CUT BOTH OF THEIR HEADS WE CANT CUT ONE!!" Inosuke nods and Zenitsu was behind him asleep obviously and in..... girls clothes and.... Very very ugly makeup. The sister then launches Tanjiro in the air onto a roof and she went on the roof too as the others followed Tanjiro leaving me and Tegen to Gyutaro "Hahahaha! You 2 don't have a chance facing me!" Gyutaro stated I then breath deeply and state "W...what makes so sure you'll win don't get too cocky of yourself..." Zaru looked at me and then at Gyutaro standing her ground understanding we're about to fight. "That demon... is she your little sister..?"Gyutaro asked I then stare at him "Yeah w...what's it to you?." I stated. Gyutaro laughed menacingly and stated "Oh my oh my Lord Muzan will be furious to find 2 demons siding with the slayers! Oh your so pathetic" this statement pissed Zaru and she grabbed a Kunai and cut herself and threw it at Gyutaro it then hit him he was confused at first when he saw flowers blooming he touched the flower and then he exploded and I was in shock "AHHHHHHHHHHH" Gyutaro screamed in agony.


Gyutaro coughed after the smog cleared and my blade was up to his neck near to decapitate him and then he counters it with both of his sickles and launched me backward I landed on the ground and breathed deeply and cut myself "Blood demon art... combined arts! Snoring Mansion Bloodbath Lunar Eclipse!!" I slash Gyutaro and he was engulfed in flames and slashed by blood red moon crescents and engulfed by a purple smog this move shocked Tegen and the demon was decapitated and trying to put his head back on "Oh no you don't!!" I yelled zooming over to Gyutaro and grabbing his head "HEY LET ME GO!!" Gyutaro stated squirming his head I then see  Tanjiro coughing and kneeling before Daki and she was about to kill him "TANJI-" before I could even say anything Nezuko came out of her box and kicked Daki in the head taking a half of her head off "AGHHHH YOU LITTLE BRAT HOW DARE YOU KICK ME?!" She exclaimed then Gyutaro screamed "HOW ARE YOU KICK MY LITTLE SISTER?!" Nezuko growled at Daki and I was in shock that Nezuko took a part of a Upper rank's head off and I just watched as a battle broke out and was in shock and Nezuko got slashed by her bands and almost got cut in half "NEZUKO!" I yelled and she cut flung into a building that was already broken down me and Mitsuri rush to Nezuko and she was under rubble trying to get out and I grab her arm that isn't ripped off and help her out and I saw Daki at the corner of my eye in shock I was confused then realized Nezuko's wounds were already healed and then she raised her missing arm and it instantly regenerated and then her appearance started to change it looked like their were vines growing that were embedded into her skin and a horn also came out of her head.


"Nezuko...?" I stated utterly in shock at her demon transformation and she vanished and I saw her kick Daki with such force "W-woah...." I stated quietly, Mitsuri was also in shock at Nezuko's demonic transformation. She then kicked Daki into a building and she was smiling maniacally and she then looked and saw a 2 people and a women was bleeding her teeth clattered and her mouth drooled and she tried to resist the urge to try and eat them but the urge was too strong and she lunged at them but Tanjiro came just in time and was behind her and put his sheath of his katana to her mouth to stop her, she flailed trying to escape his grasp Nezuko growled ferociously and knocked him back and made him land on the ground but Tanjiro still had a hold on her "NEZUKO YOU HAVE TO CALM DOWN!!" Tanjiro exclaimed but Nezuko kept flailing and scratched Tanjiro's face I yell "YOU HAVE TO FIND A WAY TO CALM HER DOWN SING HER A LULLABY OR SOMETHING WE'LL DEAL WITH THE DEMON" me and Mitsuri rush toward Daki and she was trying to get up but I didn't let her and but then Gyutaro stopped me by biting my arm "AGH!!!" I screamed in pain as I tried to get his bodiless head off of my arm "MITSURI YOU'LL HAVE TO FINISH THE SISTER GYUTARO IS GIVING ME A HARD TIME ACK!-" I yelled Mitsuri nodded understanding the situation and slashed the demon's neck with ease without giving the demon a warning I throw Gyutaro's head next to the sister and they started to slowly turn into ash "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!" Gyutaro yelled at his sister "HOW WAS IT MY FAULT?! YOU FAILED TO KILL A HASHIRA AND GOT BEHEADED BY A NOBODY IF ITS ANYBODY'S FAULT ITS YOURS!! I WISH YOU WERE NEVER MY BROTHER YOU'RE SO UGLY!!" The sister yelled and Gyutaro's face was heartbroken and then he yelled "OH YEAH? SO WHAT I WISH I WASN'T YOUR BROTHER IN THE FIRST PLACE YOUR SO DUMB YOU CANT EVEN STOP BEING BEHEADED AND YOUR AN ANNOYING LITTLE BRAT!!! IF ANYONES ADOPTED IT'D BE YOU!!!" The sister was heartbroken then cried and wailed "I DON'T WANNA DIEEEE" she said before turning to ash "UME!!" Gyutaro yelled before he was turned to ash a little after the sister was turned to ash, after he did I touched his blood and absorbed it... somehow.


Hope you all have enjoyed! Expect more amazing chapters to release in the near future! I'll see you then and have an amazing day!! ☺️☺️

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