Chapter 15: Recovering from the Battle

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Hello everyone! Hope you guys are having an amazing Christmas/Hanukkah! Hope you all enjoy this new chapter of the Uppermoon demon slayer! ☺️


After the battle I woke up in a hospital bed at the Butterfly Mansion not recalling being here but being at the entertainment district and I saw Mitsuri at my side and she smiled and she was seemed to be crying "You're finally awake!" She said I was a bit confused but my body was aching  "W...What happened....'d I end up here...?" I asked she held my hand and she stated "You got passed out after the fight but atleast you're not as bad as Tanjiro is though..." I was in a bit of worry for Tanjiro and I state "Wh...What happened him?!" She looked down and state "He was badly poisoned from Upper 6.... But they say Inosuke may be dead" I wasn't surprised about Inosuke since he was always reckless "DEAD?! IM NOT DEAD!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA NO ONE CAN KILL LORD INOSUKE THAT EASILY!!" I hear Inosukes voice and then I state "His dead you say?" I said jokingly sarcastic Mitsuri was a bit embarrassed but shocked that Inosuke was up and himself "IM JUST WAITING FOR MONJIRO TO GET UP NO NEED TO WORRY ABOUT ME HRORU" he yelled and then I stated "It's Haru but okay" I sighed but smiled at Mitsuri and she smiled back and hugged me.


I heard footsteps entering my room and a slight giggle and then "Why I see you're up Haruto" I knew the voice it was Shinobu "Your sister is really... something to say the least" Shinobu stated and then Zaru yelled "QUIET YOU MOSQUITO YOU ALMOST INJECTED WISTERIA INTO ME!!!" Shinobu then stated back in a snarky tone "It was only a test Zaru-San~" Zaru was mad really mad "HARUTO HOLD ME BACK BEFORE I BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THIS MOSQUITO!!" She screamed, I grow an extra arm and pull her into my room and gave Zaru the "Really?" Look and she was a bit disappointed to not to be able to beat the heck out of her, Mitsuri giggled at Zaru's aggression toward Shinobu. I sigh and state "Zaru you need to calm down a...alright?" She nods understanding "Good now apologize" I state then Zaru gave me a pissed look and said "ME?! SHE SHOULD BE APOLOGIZING!!!" She yelled pointing at Shinobu, I death glare her and state "Apologize Zaru now" she then nods slightly and states "Sorry Shinobu." Shinobu smiled and stated "Apology accepted I'm sorry as well" Zaru sighed and sat in a corner away from the sunlight

Shinobu then took all the stuff that was injected into me since I was doing good and not in a coma or passing out every now and then so I went to me and Mitsuri's room and I saw through the window it was becoming nightfall and Mitsuri was cuddled up against me "Haruto...." She muttered "Y..Yes Mitsuri?" I answered she looked at me and kissed my lips I kissed back and she stated "I can't wait til we defeat Muzan so then we could have a normal life " she smiled after she said this I smiled too "S...Same and hopefully that w...will be soon" I stated and she lied down on my chest and she tugged on my shirt and she took it off and I blush a lot and she does too "Wow~ didn't know you had such a nice body Haru~" She stated in a flirting tone I was a bit embarrassed but I sat up and firmly grabbed her hips and she softly moaned a bit but then she smirked at me afterward and took off her shirt...
(Yeah I'm not writing the lewd stuff so I'm just gonna skip to after they did all that stuff just imagine it or whatever IDK)


The next morning Mitsuri was cuddled up to me and I realized we were both naked I blushed a bit then remembering last night "Did we really do that...?" I thought to myself and Mitsuri woke up and yawned "Morning Haruto~ you were amazing last night~~" she said and I got red faced and state "Y...You w...were too M...Mitsuri" she giggled and kissed my cheek I then hear knocking on my door "Haru are you awake???" I knew the voice it was Tegen! I quickly got dressed and gave Mitsuri my haori for the time being and I open the door "W...what's up Sensei?" I asked Tegen smiled as he had an eyepatch "Me and my wives had a deal if me and them went into a battle with a Uppermoon and won I'd retire" he stated and my eyes widened and I exclaim "B...but who'll fill you're place?!" He snickered and stated "Oi! Honoto!" That was my crows name and it came and Tegen stated "Tell Haruto his rank" I was a bit puzzled I already knew what it was it was Hinoto then my crow stated "Haruto is now the rank Hashira! CAW CAW!!" I was shocked and looked at Mitsuri then Tegen then my crow "I...I'm a Hashira?!" I exclaimed Tegen nodded then stated "You'll be taking my place you'd have to find out what type of Hashira you will be called" I was still in shock and I nod and smile "You'll be able to go on missions but you'll have to go through training to earn your Hashira rank" Tegen stated I nod "A...alright I hope you do well with your retirement sensei" I state he smiles and states "I most likely will take care Haruto you too Mitsuri!" He walked off after he said that. Mitsuri hugged me and I hugged her back and closed the door "You m...might wanna get you're clothes back on" I stated she nodded but then also stated "Yeah even though I would rather stay like this the whole day your haori over my naked body~" I blushed and gave her her clothes and she smiled and changed into her clothes and after she was done she came up to me and kissed me on the lips another time I kissed back and smiled. "I'm glad I met you... if I...I never had I wouldn't know w...what I'd with my life" I stated she smiled and said "I glad I met you too Haruto... the same with me I definitely wouldn't know what to do if I never met you!" Zaru came out from under the bed and stated "Sounded like both of you had a fun time last night." She said groggily Mitsuri's face instantly turned red and mine did too "Y..YOU WERE HERE THE W...WHOLE TIME?!" I exclaimed and she nods traumatized "All those noises and statements you both said are embedded in my brain." She stated I sighed and stated "I...I didn't know you w...we're still here I..I'm sorry" she shook her head "It's fine it's my fault I decided to stay thinking I could scare one of you but instead I get scarred... BUT HEY now I know how sex is like" she stated and my face got red a bit and I state "J..Just please don't stay in me and Mitsuri's room whenever I say me and her are g...going to do that s...stuff" she nodded "Gotcha bro then I won't be traumatized" she said jokingly I sigh. There was knocking on my door again I open it and it was Aoi "Hey you gotta whole day of training for today but no worries Mitsuri will be training with you" she stated then I nod "A...alright" I stuttered then Aoi came closer and stated "And next time use the noise cancellation room... we all heard you both last night." My face went red so did Mitsuri's "O...okay" I stated Aoi then walked off "L...looks like we'll be training today" I stated


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter do you all think Mitsuri's and Haru's relationship will become deeper? Expect more in the future I'll see you then Sayanora and have an amazing day/week/month/year!☺️☺️

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