Chapter 10: Zaru Hachi!

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Hello everyone hope you all are having an amazing day! And I hope you enjoy this chapter! Enjoy! ☺️☺️


I was completely shocked that I had just found my one of my sisters alive "'d you find me and w..where have you been t..this entire time?!" I said, she shook her head and looked down hesitant to say something, I sigh and say "Lets go s...somewhere else to talk i...if its that s..serious" she nodded and smiled I held hands with both Mitsuri and Zaru to where me and Mitsuri always have serious conversations. Zaru sat down in shade and my suspicions were true "Zaru you're a...a de...demon aren't you?" I said as she looked at me in shock "'d you f..figure out?!" She said I knelt down and my skin changed to pale "B..because I'm a demon too.." I said she was shocked and hugged me crying a bit " aren't you burning??" She said "I'm immune to sunlight f...for f...five hours" I said she nodded "Also who's this Haru is she you're girlfriend?" Zaru asked with a smile I nodded shyly and Mitsuri giggled and said "Yes I am my name is Mitsuri Kanorji! Nice to meet you!" Zaru smiled and said "Take care of my big brother I know he can be a handful sometimes." she giggled and Mitsuri giggled a bit "Oh his not been a problem his such a sweetheart well he is my sweetheart" she said while rubbing my cheek my face felt hot and I was really red.


Mitsuri's face went to concerned and grabbed my shirt firmly "HARU ARE YOU OK A-ARE YOU BURNING PLEASE DONT BURN ON MEEEEE" she squealed with some tears in her eyes I laughed a little and pat her head and say "Mitsuri your silly but that's fine! Because your my silly!" She fidgeted with her thumbs when I said that Zaru then giggles "You're definitely a keeper for my brother" she said Mitsuri then looked at Zaru and smiled a bit and said "Well I have known him since we trained with Rengoku-Sama!" I smiled and said "And those were one of the best 2 years of my life" she blushed and smiled "They were mine too!" She exclaimed, Zaru smiled and said "I'm glad you found someone to love Onii-Chan really Mom and Dad would've really happy for you!" I smile and said "Yeah they would have" I then bury my head into Mitsuri's Shoulder and I mutter "I'm tired..." Zaru gave both Mitsuri and Haru a look of "Awwww" and she stated "You guys are really a cute couple I bet your kids will be as adorable as the both of you~" Zaru said teasingly to both of us and mine and Mitsuri's face went instantly red and I bury my face into Mitsuri's shoulder embarrassed. Mitsuri giggled at me being flustered and caressed my hair and she stated "We haven't planned that to h-have kids yet Zaru" my face went even more red and I instantly thought "Y-Yet?!" Mitsuri giggled at my face being red. Zaru smiled and stated "That statement tells me how much you 2 are thinking of the future!" Mitsuri smiled and nodded "mhm! Well I'm not sure about Haru but I've definitely been in thought about our future!" She stated I followed along saying "I...I have actually j...just most of it is a surprise" Mitsuri's face lit up and she squealed and stated excitedly"Really?! You have?!" I nod and smiled sheepishly as she hugged me and smiled. Then suddenly mine and her Kasugai crow came up to us and said "CAW CAW THE SOUND HASHIRA TEGEN UZUI I REQUESTING BACK UP AT THE ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT CAW CAW I REPEAT TEGEN UZUI NEEDS BACK UP AT THE ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT CAW CAW!" I told my head then look at Mitsuri then Zaru  and Mitsuri stated "All 3 of us should go Haru" she stated with a sweet smile I blush a bit but smile back and respond "R...right! Let's head out!" We then get to our rooms to get dressed and have Zaru in a box incase her time in the sun is about to come close to her burning.


Hey guys Haru here I'm so sorry it took this chapter a while to make and post I've been so caught up in work and with school but I will keep trying to do my best for this series and hoping you all are enjoying this!  ☺️☺️☺️

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