Chapter 8: Mugen Train Part3: Set Your Heart Ablaze!

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Hello everyone! Hope you guys are having an amazing day! Enjoy this portion of the mugen train! ☺️


My body started to shake as soon as I saw Akaza he looked at Tanjiro and lunged for him as Rengoku unsheathed his sword "Flame Breathing Second form:Rising Scorching Sun!" He yelled as Akaza's arm was split in two "Thats a fine sword" he said as his arm regenerated and then he looked at me "Ah Haru hows it like since I made you into a demon" he said I started to feel a burning rage inside of me and Rengoku looked at me in shock "He turned you into a demon?!" He said I nod shakily and he could tell I was angry at Akaza "I...Will....MAKE YOU PAY UPPER 3 AKAZA" I say while pulling out both of my swords and my skin going pale Rengoku unsheathed his sword "Allow me to help you my student we'll get revenge on the bastard that turned you into a demon" he said and then after I took a stance everything started to look slow I saw Akaza phase infront of me as I cut both of his legs and arms "FLAME BREATHING 3RD FORM: BLAZING UNIVERSE!" I yelled the attack this time it was that same flame breathing that seemed to last longer, Akaza looked like he was struggling to regenerate "Whats wrong Upper 3 having trouble REGENERATING?!" I say with a crazed look as Akaza actually looked frightened but he eventually regenerated and then said "Thats not the what you said Flame breathing what technique was that? It nullified my regeneration!" He had a crazed look Rengoku stayed his ground waiting for Akaza to attack "I EXPECT AN ANSWER!!" He said while aiming for my head Rengoku came in at the last second "Flame Breathing First Form: Rising Scorching Sun!" He yelled his move, Akaza's arms were cut off and they were regenerated quickly though, "LETS END THIS QUICKLY!" I yelled while cutting my self "BLOOD DEMON ART COMBINED ARTS: SNORING ECLIPSE FORTRESS!!" I yelled as Akaza was surrounded by moon crescents, flames and some type of smoke he yelled in pain, I started to pant because I couldn't handle using my breathing techniques and my blood demon art at the same time "THIS ISN'T OVER YET HORU AND BUG EYES LOOK!" Inosuke screamed I turned panicked and Akaza was still alive but he was scorched "AMAZING! USING YOUR BREATHING TECHNIQUES AND YOUR BLOOD DEMON ART AMAZING TRULY!!" He said with a psychopathic look, my stomach sank as my vision started to blur, from what I could somewhat see that Akaza was going to attack me and then Rengoku stepped in and started to fight him.


They were fighting so intensely that a cloud of smoke surrounded them us only being able to see the sparks and flame of Rengoku's katana and The glow of Akaza's power or whatever it was, I started to worry a bit because Akaza was pretty strong and that slayers haven't beheaded an Upper rank demon in years, "You should become a Demon Kyojuro! Please everyone else has denied my offer" he said with that crazed look that gave Haru flashbacks when he made him turn into a demon and he shuddered "I will never turn into a demon you hear?!" Rengoku said as he got into a stance and yelled "I.... WILL SEE MY DUTY FULFILLED! Flame Breathing 9th form Esoteric Arts: Rengoku!!!!" I was shocked at how beaten up Rengoku was and the form he used "RENGOKU-SENSEI DEFEAT HIM!!!!" I screamed but as soon as the flames went away there was smoke everywhere "where is he?!" I thought the smoke cleared up a bit and I saw Rengoku "Did he win?" I thought and my question was soon answered.

I saw in horror that my sensei had taken a blow straight through his chest "Kyojuro this wound would surely kill you! Please say you'll become a demon!!" Akaza said with a worried look and Rengoku tried to behead him with all of his strength "RENGOKU-SENSEI!!!!" I yelled as my vision was clear now and my body was overflowing with anger and vengeance I noticed the sun was about to rise and Akaza was more worried than ever "Let go of me!!" He screamed "I will never let go until your head has left your shoulders!!!" Rengoku exclaimed has he kept pushing his sword more and more into his neck as Akaza struggled to break free "WE HAVE TO HELP HIM TANJIRO, INOSUKE!!" Tanjiro and Inosuke nodded and grabbed their swords and rushed toward Akaza, but then he broke free by tearing his arms off and ran away, I chased him "FIGHT ME YOU BASTARD!!!! I WILL SLAUGHTER YOU YOU DAMN DEMON TURN AND FACE ME NOW YOU COWARD!!!!!! I WONT STOP UNTIL EVERY DEMON LIKE YOU AND THE DEMON KING ARE WIPED FROM EXISTENCE!!!!!!" I yelled still chasing him and then he disappeared, I slammed my fist to the ground and yelled "DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I rushed back to Tanjiro and Inosuke "My student... please.... Do not blame yourself..... you did nothing wrong... I attacked him head on an...and besides the young buds should be able to bloom!.... Don't be sad that I'm about to die.... As a Hashira it was my duty to protect all of you any other Hashira would've done the same..... a..and Haru..... please... move on and live your life a demon and a slayer..... and Set Your Heart Ablaze..." he said softly as tears kept coming and he smiled and closed his eyes "Rengoku-Sensei?! RENGOKU!!!!!!!!" I wailed Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu cried too "ITS NOT OUR FALUT DAMMIT STOP CRYING!!" Zenitsu sniffled and said "B...but you're crying t...-" Inosuke head butted him with tears coming out of his mask "I AM NOT CRYING!!!" Zenitsu fainted and Inosuke ran up to Tanjiro still crying "Come on!! Lets train our asses off!!!" He said I was still crying not believing Rengoku was dead my skin turned normal and I was continually banging my fist to the ground knowing I failed as a student... and as a demon slayer, then the Kakushi came for us and Rengoku.


I hope you enjoyed this... beside the last part I don't know anyone that enjoys seeing Rengoku die but anyway see you on the next chapter sayonara! ☺️

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