Chapter 7: Mugen Train Part 2: Dream World

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Konichiwa all of you! Hope you all are enjoying this series as much as I am! Hope you enjoy this new chapter and I hope you all had an amazing day enjoy!


I open my eyes to see that I'm in a woods it looked familiar but couldn't quite remember, "Onii-Chan! What are you doing? Get inside its time to eat!" My heart sank as I heard that voice I turn to see my Imouto (Little sister) I start to tear up and run toward her and hug her, she hugged back startled and confused "Onii-Chan are you ok?!" My sister said, I wipe my tears "I...I'm fine j..just g...glad to see you!" She smiled a bit and said "Mom and Dad are worried sick about you lets head home!" We head to our house and as soon as we enter my Mom embraced me "Haru! Don't ever run off like that! You scared me half to death my child!" She said my father looked at me and said "You should have known that it was time for lunch!" I nod and say "Y...yes I apologize F...Father" he rustles my hair and says "You're fine! Just don't ever do that again ok?" He said with a smile and I nod "O..ok Father!" I said. We began eating lunch and my father said "What happened if you don't mind me asking Haru?" I shake my head and say "N...not sure," he looked at me concerned but sighed and said "Alright then Haru," we continue with our meal and my Mom says "I made a new Haori for you to try!" I smile and say "O...okay mom!" My father looks at me closely and says "Hey why don't you get yourself some water you look dehydrated!" I nod and say "Ok Father!" I grab a bucket and rush to the lake to get water and I look into the river to see 2 reflections and they both say "You have to wake up!" I kneel closer because I didn't hear and I fall in. "YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP THE OTHERS ARE IN DANGER YOU NEED TO WAKE UP TO BE ABLE TO SEE MITSURI-SAN!!" Then I was tugged violently out of the water and I landed where the dock was "O...Ouch i...if this really is a dream I need to find a way to wake myself u..." I was interrupted by my body being enveloped in pink flames and I wake up.


"AHH! HOTT!!" I screamed I see Nezuko holding my arm, I sigh of relief and noticed that Rengoku is choking one of the minions "Ah I see you're awake my student!" He said as I see the others fast asleep and realize Tanjiro isn't there "Where'd Tanjiro g...go?" I asked Rengoku turned his head toward me and said "He his fighting the demon on top of the train!" After a few Nezuko managed to wake up Inosuke but the car had flesh tentacles trying to get the passengers me, Nezuko and Zenitsu who was asleep fought of the tentacles so they wouldn't hurt the passengers "How is he even fighting his not even conscious!" I thought while managing to hold of the tentacles with Nezuko and him, "You three are doing splendid!" Rengoku stated with a huge smile I blush a bit for the praise and say "T...Thank you Rengoku-Sensei!" A tentacle reached for me but Nezuko clawed it but another one grabbed her arm and then more grabbed both her arms and her legs "Nezuko!" I said while about to cut the tentacles and I hear the sound of thunder and I quickly withdraw so I don't get hit by Zenitsu's Thunder breathing and in an instant all the tentacles were cut and Zenitsu says in his sleep "Nezuko are you alright?" Nezuko looked at him for a period of time with a blank look.

I then feel the train start to move a lot I grab Zenitsu and Nezuko realizing that the tentacles have disappeared and turned into ash I quickly grab Nezuko's box and exit the train while in the air I grew multiple arms to act as wing so we could land safely and I hid them quickly when we landed so no one would notice, Zenitsu wakes up in a panic "W....WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!!?!?!" I cover his mouth "L...long s...story b...but look after N...Nezuko" he nodded as I walked around I then see Rengoku towering over Tanjiro I rush over there "Hey e...everything alright??" I said and Rengoku nodded and said "Yes! It was a fight with Lower 1 but young Kamado defeated it!" I then see a pair of 2 glowing yellow eyes in the smoke and Rengoku sensed it and turned around it was Akaza.
I hope you guys have enjoyed this 2nd part of the Mugen train chapter! I hope you guys have an amazing day Sayonara! ☺️

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