Chapter 19: The Infinity Castle

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Hello everyone I'll keep this short and simple hope you all are having an amazing day/week/month/year and enjoy this chapter!


I look around startled as I put on my mask and hide my katanas under my haori and the box Zaru was in as well and wonder around this weird place as I see a demon I stare at him and then he turns "Oh?~ who are you?~" he asked and I read his eyes and they said Upper 2 I gulped and stated "I...I'm the new Upper 5 I..I challenged Gyokko for his rank and I won-"he nodded and said "But what's with the mask new friend?~" I then was a bit uncomfortable at his question but then state "I...I just wear it because it makes me feel comfortable" he then stood up and stated "Ah alright! I don't 100% understand the feeling because I don't understand alot of emotions nor feel any" he laughed afterward I nodded a bit and look around and he asks "Ah never been in the Infinity Castle before?" I nod and he smiles "Well since you are new and we were summoned I'll let you follow me!" He stated as he grabbed me and we land on a platform and it goes up really fast and it almost made me pass out.

We arrive at the designated place and I pant as I catch my breath he laughed a bit and stated "I'm Douma by the way! You?" I look at him and state "I...I'm Haruto o...or Haru for short" he smiled and said "What a wonderful name!" and I look at the corner of my eye and see Akaza I try not to react since I'm assuming this is the domain of the demon king, Akaza then approached Douma and said "Stop harassing other demons." He then punches Douma's jaw off and looked at me with a serious look and grabbed my arm and took me away from Douma and whispered to me "How the hell did you get here I know it's you Haruto. Explain now." I clenched my teeth from how he was talking to me as if I was a long lost friend I whisper back angered "I defeated Gyokko and got his rank and don't think I'll be buddy buddy with you. You killed my sensei you bastard." He rolled his eyes "Let the past be the past that was 10 months ago" he whispered I shoved him away from me and stood by myself as I see a woman with a Biwa and Akaza states "Biwa woman do you know who was slain?." She shook her head "No but it does seem Gyokko lost his rank and died but something I'll tell you for sure Upper 1 isn't dead " Akaza nods and I see a man in a purple kimono stand at the platform we were on and turned to me and I see his 6 eyes and his rank which was upper 1 and he said calmly "Welcome new upper 5 state your name" I nod and bow "Haruto" he nods and turns again and asks "Nakime where is Lord Muzan?" She turned to upper 1 and says "He'll be here soon Lord Kokushibo" he nods and sits down and he states "Since we have a new rank let's sit down and have a chat that includes both of you 2 Akaza and Douma" Akaza rolls his eyes but sits down and Douma claps and sits down I decide to sit down as well, "Now Haruto do you remember anything of your past whatsoever?" Kokushibo asked I nod and state "M...My father used to make clocks and rarely watches and I...I'm very good w..with time" Kokushibo nods and asked "Why do you stutter?" I then answer "I...I have a mental disorder that m...makes me s...stutter" Kokushibo nods "understood.." Akaza was glaring at Douma for some odd reason "It's a shame Gyokko's gone~ I loved his vases even the one he gave me that I'm displaying a woman's he-" he was cut off by me and Akaza, Akaza punched his head off I cut off my finger and flicked it immensely as a projectile at his nuts Douma gagged and Akaza looked at me and laughed a bit "Seems me and you have something in common" he stated I rolled my eyes underneath my mask but fake laughed


"Lord Muzan has arrived" Nakime stated as the rest of us stood up as lights flicker on a platform infront of us Muzan looked.... Angry very angry the upper ranks bowed and I bowed too so I wouldn't cause suspicion he states "Both Hatengu and Gyokko have been slain... Anyone have any info of why?!" Kokushibo states calmly "Lord Muzan this demon over here challenged Gyokko for his rank and won so we are only down one upper rank" Muzan looks at me and nods at Kokushibo's explanation "New upper 5 state your name it seems that I'm somehow not connected to you." He stated coldly and I state "My is Haruto" he nods and turns to Nakime "Nakime you're upper 4 now since of Hatengu's embarrassment to the upper ranks" he states and Nakime nods and then he turns to us again and sigh "I'm going to pursuit Ubuyashiki and will leave the Demon Slayer corps in shambles without a leader but anyway... you all are dismissed." He stated coldly Douma waves goodbye to me "Sayonara new friend!~" he stated Akaza came up to me and stated "Good luck." Then he leaves as they leave the biwa strums again and I'm back to where I was and everyone was still there too.

Mitsuri ran up to me and hugged me "Where did you go?! you worried us!" She exclaimed with tears in her eyes, I hugged back and state "I..I was in a dimension where t..the demon king and the u...upper ranks had m...meetings" everyone was shocked and Tanjiro stated "So you saw Kibustuji?!" I nod "We need to prepare for a long war ahead of us..." I stated calmly and everyone nodded. My crow landed on my shoulder "HARUTO HACHI CHECK YOUR RANK CAW CAW CAW" he stated I was confused and looked at the back of my hand and look at my rank... and I was a Hashira I was in shock "I...I'm a Hashira?!" This also shocked everyone and Mitsuri kissed my cheek "That's amazing!" I smile and blush as then we start to head out of the village.


Hope you all are enjoying yes I have posted 3 chapters in one day heheh- anyway hope you all enjoy and see you in the next chapters! (Holy crap 1137 words-)

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