Chapter 11: Uppermoon In the Entertainment District Part 1

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Hello all you wonderful people! Hope your having a wonderful day and enjoy this chapter of the Uppermoon Demon Slayer! ☺️


We started our path to the entertainment district with Zaru in the box on my back asleep, Mitsuri glanced over at me and smiled I smile back at her, "So I'm curious how it Tegen personally? I'm just really curious!" Mitsuri stated curiously I then sigh and laugh a bit "H...His like a egotistical young " I stated she laughed a bit "B...but overall he is a very good person once get to know him" I stated she smiled and we talked more and more on our way there then my crow came to us stating "You must hurry! Tegen Uzui is getting impatient!!" I then nod and state "W...we should start picking up the pace I'll carry you Mitsuri j...just hold on tight" she nods and I carry her and run as fast I can to the entertainment district.


I look in the distance and see Tegen the sound Hashira "Yo! Your a little late but glad to see ya!" Tegen stated i panted and rushed over to him "S...So sorry sensei I...I slept in" I stated exhausted he patted my head and stated "Don't sweat it kid besides you are my student afterall! So you ready to start your training?" I nod frantically and then he smiled and stated "Good! I'll give you the most flashiest training you've ever received!"


I smile remembering the memory and we arrived and I look around instanly seeing men looking at Mitusri and I was annoyed that they were and I put my haori over her and button it up so they didn't see her chest Mitsuri giggled at my jealousy I then state to her "th-thankfully the s...sun is setting because w....we've been out in the sun for 3 hours and 30 m...minutes" she smiled and nodded agreeing and then holding onto my arm to not lose me as we looked for Tegen we looked around every possible place he could be and then I saw him on the roof and held Mitsuri and jumped onto the roof and put her down as she blushed after I did all that and she giggled a bit and then Tegen noticed us "Ah! My Flashy student and... Mitsuri-San? What are you doing here?" Mitsuri giggled nervously and stated "I just wanted to accompany Haru is all!" Tegen looked at her and stated "Hmmmm... are you two a thing or something if so I wouldn't be surprised" my face got red from embarrassment and Mitsuri stated "Y-yes we are a thing but we want to keep it secret so Iguro-San doesn't hurt Haru" Tegen nodded and stated "Ah alright seems reasonable" I then look out to the entire village and then state " uh... what do you want us to do?" Tegen looked at me and stated "Well I already have some people undercover in different houses to get info to see if my wives are alright" I gave him a "really?" look and he then stated "What? I just wanted to make sure they were alright having 3 wives can be challenging sometimes" I cough and state under my breath "Not in bed though" Mitsuri heard and tried to hold in her laughter and then Tegen noticed and said "What did I say something funny?" Mitsuri shook her head still trying to restrain her laughter and stated " not at all" Tegen had a skeptical look but shrugged and stated "We have a few hours til sunset" I then state "U..Uhm actually Tegen-Sama we have f...forty minutes" Tegen looked at me and stated "Oh I forgot you were good with time so 40 minutes til sunset? Gotcha" he smirked after he said that

Tanjiro POV

I look around sniffing to sense any demons but sense none and continue the chores I had to do and the lady that hired me stated "Well aren't you a workaholic" she laughed after she said that I laugh a bit too and state "I just want to help the best I can!" I smile after say that the lady smiled and stated "Your Such a sweet girl I'm sure you'll be married" I then get lost in thought "Hopefully we don't have to be here for long and they don't actually have me get married and find out I'm a boy that'd be very very awkward...-" I thought and shuddered a bit and continued the chores. I then hear the Orion speaking to the younger children that lived here I didn't want to eavesdrop and just continued with the chores.


Haru POV

40 minutes have passed and it was already sunset and Mitsuri looked me and whispered "How are you going to tell Tegen about that your a demon?" I shrugged and state quietly "N...not sure but when I do I'm pretty sure h..he won't react harshly like Rengoku he understood I'm pretty sure h...he'd understand too" she nodded agreeing and stated "I'm sure he would understand 100%!" She smiled and I  smile back and caress her hair and it made her face a bit red but she smiled and Tegen looked over at us and stated "You know I have very good hearing they don't call me the sound Hashira for nothing afterall" he yelled from the distant roof my face then went blank "o...oh right I forgot you had good hearing" I stated scratching the back of my head in embarrassment and then he leaped from the roof he was on onto ours "So if your a demon how have you managed to stay in the sunlight??" He asked I then answer his question stating "I...I'm able to stay in the sun up to 5 hours" Tegen was shocked at the answer "Wow! And you don't have to consume humans?!" He asked "W..well I've never gotten blood thirsty for human blood so I'd a..assume so" I stated Tegen smiled energetically and stated "Your Blood Demon art must be very flashy since you are my student afterall!" He was going to continue speaking but he looked in the distance and stated "I think there's a demon in this district" I nod and close my eyes and listen and I hear noises of bands??? " hear that too?" I stated and he nodded I nod and signaled Mitsuri that we all move toward the noise and she nods and we all head toward the noise swiftly.


When we were at the location where the noise was coming from I looked in horror seeing a demon consuming... no absorbing a woman with a belt I felt like I was going to puke the demon then glares at us "Ah 2 Hashiras and a little cutie" she stated at the corner of my eye I could already see Mitsuri's eye twitching and I was surprised I've never seen her get mad before "Atleast let me finish my meal first" the demon stated after then being interrupted by Tegen slashing the part where the woman's body wasn't showing on the belt the demon had a smirk on her face "My my seems you knew if you would've cut her body that was in my belt she would've been killed you're pretty smart for a Hashira" she said cocky Tegen rolled his eyes "I'm killing you Hashiras I'm leaving the cutie alone" she stated again too confident and then I was already up to her "Big mistake... Moon breathing 2nd form Pearl Flower moon gazing" she then was slashed by my blade and multiple moon crescents slash her neck and body and then I look at the corner of my eye seeing Tanjiro panting I then approach Tanjiro "You o..ok?" I stated Tanjiro nodded and stated "Thanks to you I would've probably been in a pretty bad figh—" he was then cut off by the demon wailing "THEY CUT MY HEAD OFF THEY CUT MY HEAD OFF!!!" I then state "uh is she still alive don't demons die if their heads are cut off" she kept wailing the same thing over and over and then yelled "ONI-CHANNNN!!!" Tegen then got into battle stance and I did too and I saw some other demon coming out of the decapitated demon I looked in disgust and thought to myself "I think I'm gonna vomit..." Tegen then disappeared and then appeared about to decapitate the demon that came out of the other one and then caused an explosion and I protected Mitsuri when the explosion happened and then Zaru came out of her box and was ready to fight.


Tanjiro POV

I couldn't see a thing there was smoke everywhere and then some smoke clear up and I see Haru protecting Mitsuri and he stood and his skin was his pale demon skin and a strange mark appeared on his forehead and cheek and it was black and red and he asked "Mitsuri, Zaru are you both alright?" Both Mitsuri and Zaru nod he then stated "Good... I'll take care of this" he sounded intimidating my body felt numb and my shoulder hurt from where that demon slashed my shoulder and I felt an uncontrollable rage when I looked at all of the injured and killed people from the demon. I then see the demon that came out of that other demon and he was caressing the other ones head putting her head back on her neck and he stated "You always were so wreckless dear sister" his voice sounded very raspy and it cracked a lot and then he turned to Tegen then looked at me then Haru and then he laughed "What's a demon fighting along side the demon slayers?! Oh Lord Muzan will be furious to find this out!" He stated as Haru had a calm expression walking to Tegen's side then staring down at the demons.


Hope you all have enjoyed this chapter expect for a flashy and amazing battle take place next chapter I will see you until then Sayonara! ☺️

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