Chapter 14: Infinity Castle Uppermoon Meeting

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Hello all you wonderful people hope you all are enjoying this series and hope you all are having an amazing day! Enjoy this chapter! ☺️


Akaza Pov

I heard a strum of a biwa and I was summoned to the infinity castle "The infinity castle why am I here?..." I thought then I realize and thought aloud "Did they defeat an Upper Rank?!"
(Skipping through all the stuff that happens that he does to get to the metting place pretty sure you all know what that looks like if not I'll put a YT link and sorry if I don't get the years right I'm doing most of this by memory)

I land and look around and see a vase and it was Gyokko "Hoho!~ It's nice to see you again lord Akaza" he said while emerging from his vase "What has it been? 100 years?" I then hear a stuttering voice it was Hatengu "'s actually been 303 years that's an odd number no good! no good!" I sighed and turned to the Biwa woman "Biwa woman where is upper 1 is he here...? Don't tell me it was him that was defeated" I stated she then stated "Upper 1 was the first I summoned" I then hear Upper 1's voice "I've been here the whole time..." he stated, the lights behind me started to go out I could see then I hear his disgusting voice "How could you forget me? I am your best friend afterall!" Douma said while putting his hand on my shoulder "For a second I was worried that they defeated you" he stated again "Greetings lord Douma!~" Gyokko stated "Hi Gyokko I love that new vase! I still have that one vase you gave me displaying a woman's head!" I then was disgusted when he said this "Hands off." I stated "hm?" Douma said "I said get your hands off of me." I punch his jaw spraying blood on the carpet and Hatengu quivered in fear "Wow...~ that was quite a punch I can see you've gotten stronger~" he stated in his disgusting voice


"Stop with all this child play." I heard his voice and was terrified a bit... the lights started to flicker on around Lord Muzan as he was sampling his blood "Gyutaro is no longer with us... Daki was his weakness as I expected..." he stated unamused "Ah that's my fault lord Muzan! I am ashamed that they had to be defeated like that! I'll make sure it never happens again" Douma stated I could see he started to get mad "There won't be another time for you Douma and why haven't you followed any of my orders?." He stated with a hint of anger "Akaza. Gyutaro was defeated by the demon you gave your blood to HIS A PART OF THE DEMON SLAYER CORPS A TRAITOR WHY AM I SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS THAT DON'T KNOW HOW TO TAKE ORDERS?!" He was in pure anger so much the intensity broke his vials "Lord Muzan I do h..have some valuable information!" Gyokko stated but then his head left his body and was in Muzan's hand "I don't want to hear this so called info. I want you to follow my orders. But since this information is valuable take Hatengu with you to where you said" he threw Gyokko's head back to where his body was and then "What valuable information do you have?~ I'd like to tag along~" Douma stated Gyokko was going to say something "Come on you can tell me I won't tell anyo..." he was cut off as I punched the upper half of his head off "I don't remember Lord Muzan give you orders... Get lost." I stated but then my arm was cut off "Akaza..." I was in shock at Upper 1's speed that has improved "You always go too far..." he stated "it's alright Lord Kokushibo" his head regenerated "It's just how we show our friendly bond!~" He then stated to me ignoring Douma "Akaza. From here on out you are to treat every on of them with respect. Do you understand?." I was pissed "Oh I understand alright." I stated pissed, Kokushibo then stated "If you're mad because he has your former rank why not challenge him to a blood battle?" But he was going to say more but the biwa woman strummed her biwa and Kokushibo and the others vanished "Welp looks like it's just you and m..." Douma stated but was interrupted by me leaving I heard him scream in the distance "Akaza-Donooooo!~"


Sorry if this one was too short for any of your guy's liking but I did try my best and remembering all of it hope you all have an amazing day

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