Chapter 6: Mugen Train!

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Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed the last chapters and I hope you enjoy this chapter and have an amazing day! ☺️

Me, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke were heading to the train station, "WOAH THIS THING IS HUGE!!" Inosuke screams me and Zenitsu stare at him not believing how dumb he is "I'LL ATTACK IT I'LLL GIVE YOU GUYS THE SINGAL TO ATTACK AS WELL" "Maybe its not a good idea to attack it!It might be the spirit guardian of this land!" Tanjiro stated "Its steam engine train you guys never seen a train before?" Me and Zenitsu said. Inosuke head butts the train and it catches attention of the conductors "HEY THEY HAVE SWORDS GET THE POLICE!" One of the conductors say, I grab all three of them and rush to the end of the train without of them seeing us and I was too fast for them to see us "WOAH YOUR STRONG FIGHT ME!" Inosuke said I covered where his mouth was on his mask "S..shut it! You'll catch t..their a...attention!" I said as we all enter the train "WOAH WE'RE INSIDE ITS STOMACH HAHAHAHAHAAHA" Insosuke said while putting his head out the window and Zenitsu trying to pull him out "Ugh! Why can't you just be normal?!" Zenitsu said Tanjiro sniffed for Rengoku's scent as we enter the next car.


"Umai!... Umai!... Umai!" I noticed the voice it was my sensei and I approach him "R...Rengoku-Sensei?" He looked at me while eating food and said "Umai!" I was not surprised "Yeah we heard you the first few times" Tanjiro sighed as we took our seats Tanjiro was asking Rengoku about some dance but I wasn't 100% paying attention, Rengoku then looks at me and says with his usual smile "And how are you doing my student? I assume you and Mitsuri are still friends?" I nod and say "I...I d...developed a new b..breathing technique o..out of T...Tegen-Sensei's sound breathing I...I learned" his face lit up "Thats amazing! Whats it called" he said hoping it sounded cool or powerful "Lullaby Breathing" I say and then his face changed he was still smiling and he said "Haru! Not trying to be rude but that sounds completely useless!" I nod agreeing "Y..your not wrong does sound useless" I stuttered. "Also something worth mentioning Haru-Kun and Mitsuri-Sama are together" he said with a smile as I blush "No wonder you threatened me." Zenitsu said while shuddering, I look at him with that same look "And I meant it." He screamed in fear while Rengoku laughed a bit "I'm glad for you my student!" He said I blush a bit and say "Th...thank you Rengoku-Sensei."


One of the train conductors came up to every one of us and said "Tickets.....May I see your Tickets?....please" I get a glimpse at him he looked worn out and I can sense a faint demonic presence and it seemed like Rengoku sensed it too and stood "Mr. Conductor, please overlook the fact that we are carrying swords, it is going to be dangerous now." He said as a demon appeared, Tanjiro looked shock at how Rengoku was able to sense the demon so well "I thought I sensed a demon what did you use a blood demon art?" Rengoku stated the demon didn't speak but growled and leaped at him and Rengoku reached for his katana waiting for the right moment before the demon was done with its rampage"Flame Breathing First Form: Rising Scorching Sun!" He screamed the move while decapitating the demon Tanjiro was in awe and for some reason feel asleep "Thats odd" I thought and Rengoku also fell asleep "what the?" I thought while looking around and all the damage that the demon had done wasn't there anymore. "What the hell?" I thought I see 4 people get up and I assumed they were demon minions and I pretend sleep I hear them talking to each other "Alright you guys remember the plan tie ropes on our wrists to theirs and invade their dreams and stab their spiritual cores and we'll finally be able to dream!" One said I hear shuffling and one says "Hey! Didn't he say there would be four?" Another one says "Yeah why?" One sighs in anger saying "Well seems like he miss counted there's 5" one sighed and said "They don't seem to be that strong so no need to worry continue with the plan!" I hear tying of ropes and then silence after a few minutes I open my eyes to see what happened and I see ropes connected to all of them I see the box Tanjiro's sister was in starting to move a bit and I tempted to open it but thought "If I open it will they be awakened?"I then start to feel sleepy as I sit back in my seat while everything goes to black.


Hope you all are enjoying this series, sorry its short! I promise the next 2 chapters after this one will be decently long! Have an amazing day! ☺️

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