Chapter 5: Training with Mitsuri

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Hello everyone Haru-Kun here! Hope you all are having a wonderful day now hope you guys enjoy this chapter! And just for some clarification the stars indicate flashbacks, the lines are just separators and double lines are dreams anyway enjoy!

I wake up the next morning to find Mitsuri snuggled into my chest still asleep I blush and smile and stay layed down, I hear the door open "Hey Haru-K..-" It was Tanjiro and he opened and saw Mitsuri snuggled into my chest he smiled and said softly "You two make a cute couple, hope its going well!" He exited while softly shutting the door. A couple of minutes later Mitsuri woke up "M..morning Haru-Kun" she yawned while kissing my cheek, I blush thinking I'm in a dream, "Morning M..Mitsuri-San" I said, she looks at me "How about we both get a shower" she says while giggling a bit, we both sit up and get clothes and a towel to take a shower " can g...go fi...first Mitsuri-San" I stuttered embarrassed, she give me puppy dog eyes "But Haru-Kunnnnn it'll be lonelyyyy" I blush a lot  "M..Mitsuri! I...I never showered with a...a girl b...before" she kept begging and giving me puppy dog eyes and then finally I give in "F...fine" she then hugs me and drags me to the shower house. I blush alot and try to look away at Mitsuri's naked body but she came up to me making that hard to not do she giggles and says "You're cute when you flustered Haru-Kun" she also smiles and pats my head and it gave me memories when her and I were training under Rengoku-Sensei.
Rengoku was training me and Mitsuri to do Flame Breathing and the training was painful, we were currently running to train our speed "How...much....further?" Mitsuri panted as we were doing laps, I was panting as well "Just a bit further then we will eat!" This motivated me and Mitsuri so we ran as fast as we could to the designated place to stop at "" I panted me and Mitsuri both sat down exhausted, "You both did well! You guys even ran faster than I did I'd expect nothing less from my students!" Rengoku said while smiling while giving us both a bowl of udon me and Mitsuri smelled the udon and we drooled and started eating, Rengoku laughed and said "You two act alike sometimes here" he gave Mitsuri a mochi cake and me a fish cake after we were done eating "You 2 have an appetite like mine make sure you both savor every bite!"Rengoku said and laughed as he patted both of our heads.
I blushed a bit while washing off, after a while we turn the water off and dry off and I got dressed for training, "Mind if I train with you Haru-Kun?" Mitsuri asked as she put her training uniform on "S...sure Mitsuri-San" I said and then looked at her and shut the door real quick "M....Mitsuri I n...never to t...tell you w...what else was o...on my mind y...yesterday" I stuttered she looked at me a bit worried and said "What is it Haru-Kun?" I hesitated at first and my skin turned pale, Mitsuri looked in shock "You're... A demon???" I nodded anxious, "I...I was f....forced by u...uppermoon 3...." I stuttered and shaking a lot thinking Mitsuri would leave me or behead me, Mitsuri approached me and rubbed my cheek "Demon or not Haru-Kun... I will never stop loving you" she said then kissing me on the lips. I started to tear up a bit and I hug her "T..Thank Mitsuri-San" I said while crying, she hugged back while stroking my back.
"Now lets go train! Oh wait... The sun! Your a demon now wouldn't you have died by now???" I laughed a little and said "I...I can stay in the sun for 5 hours Mitsuri-San" she sighed or relief and said "How about we train out breathing techniques?" I smiled and said "S..sure" we walk outside to the area to train breathing techniques "We'll both attack each other and of course parry each others attack" she said while getting her ribbon katana out I get both of mine and she realizes they changed colors "Hold on weren't both of them red before??" I then say "Y..yeah they changed c..colors when I turned into a d...demon" she was a bit confused but shocked "Ok anyway lets train! What breathing technique will you use Haru-Kun I know you trained with Uzui-Sama before Rengoku-Sensei" I then think and say "Lullaby Breathing" she was confused but shruged it off she then goes for the first move using her love breathing "Love breathing fifth form: Swaying Love, Wildclaw" she shouted her attack "Lullaby Breathing first form: Resting Sensation!" the attack from Misuri was then nullified and hit the ground she stood there in awe "You're so awesome Haru-Kun!" She shouted, I blushed and said "T..thanks Mitsuri-San!" She giggles and says "No problem!" She went back into her stance to parry an attack "Moon Breathing 4th form: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy!" She was shocked of what I said but she parried the attack and then shouted in pure awe "YOU CAN USE 3 BREATHING TECHNIQUES?! IM SO JEALOUS!" She runs toward me and hugs me "You probably are so excited!" I smiled and said " might h..have repercussions d...due to me o..only being able to know 2 b..breathing t..techniques," she give me a worried look and says "I hope they aren't bad when they happen!" The sun started to set "T..time to g..go back inside" I said "No no no, I want to see your blood demon art!" I shushed her being cautious if people inside heard her "I...I don't want people that don't trust to k..know I..I'm a d..demon Mitsuri-San" I stuttered anxiously She covers her mouth and says quietly "Sorry Haru-Kun! I was just excited is all!" I laughed softly and said "Y..your fine we m...might want go somewhere else b...beside I know a...a place" she nodded understanding, we then went on our way to my secret training place in the middle of the woods and then I started to think "What if I tried doing both my blood demon art and my breathing techniques??? No I'll try later too risky with Mitsuri-San here" she sat on a log waiting for me to do my blood demon art kicking her feet in excitement very curious what it is,I take a deep breath and my skin turn pale as I put on my mask and scratch myself to bleed "Blood Demon art" I said not knowing what would happen and then my blood exploded on the ground and I went flying and I grew the extra pair of arms landing onto the ground, Mitsuri clapped in awe "That was so cool Haru-Kun!" She said in excitement I take my mask off and smiling while blushing a bit "A..anyway we should g...go back" I said while my extra arms disappear and my wound where I scratched instantly healed, "Yeah lets get ba.." She was interrupted by me carrying her bridal style and she blushed a lot and I said "Hold on tight!" She held on tight and I jumped with immense force that sent us flying in the air I saw the mansion I landed where the training area was safely so there wasn't any damage Mitsuri was still blushing and in awe at my demonic strength "That was amazing Haru-Kun!" She said as she hugged me in my arms I hug back but also still carrying her. We go inside before anyone wakes up and notices us. When we get to my room I pant a lot "" I said and my chest started hurting a bit and my legs were getting numb "You need to rest Haru-Kun!" Mitsuri said while laying me down on the bed with a worried look, she lied down beside me and said "You're going to be ok alright Haru-Kun? I'll be here with you always" I blushed and lie my head down in her chest and she pat my head as I dozed off.
I open my eyes to see a mysterious man in a suit and a hat "Who are you?!" I screamed the man turned around and had Mitsuri tied up behind him and she was worried and scared she was muffling a lot and the man said "What are you doing falling in love with a human" I was confused as I drew both of my swords "WHO ARE YOU AND LET MITSURI-SAN GO YOU HEAR ME YOU BASTARD?!" He laughs and takes out the gag that Mitsuri had to keep her quiet and she screamed in tears "HARU-KUN SAVE ME!!" My body felt numb and my grip on my swords tightened and I scream "I'LL KILL YOU AND I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU, YOU HEAR ME DAMMIT?! I WILL NEVER STOP UNTIL I SEE YOU'RE CORPSE BURN YOU DEMON!!" I said in blind rage and I rushed toward the man and I slash at him in rage using all my breathing techniques and my blood demon art "BLOOD DEMON ART: COMBINED ARTS SNORING RAGING ECLIPSE!!" I scream the move as I cut the demons head off and he multiplied and I rage more seeing Mitsuri in trouble angered me, one of the men's clones was about to kill her and I rush and I was so fast I cut that clones head off "I WILL NOT REST TIL YOU ARE DEAD YOU HEAR ME YOU DAMNED DEMON!!" I screamed as another clone slashed me in my chest I got injured but it didn't hurt as much since I was a demon "HAH WEAK" I scream as I kick him and he explodes, another one rushes toward me and I see at the corner of my eye one of them was about to kill Mitsuri "DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HE..." I said and I was too late and he slashed her neck, I then was furious and screamed at the top of my lungs as flames enveloped the demons.
"Haru-Kun! Wake up!!" Mitsuri said as I woke up in tears I hugged her firmly crying, hugged back stroking my back "Shhhh... I'm here I'm here" she said softly. I hear a load slam "Haru-Kun are you ok?!" Someone said I looked up to see who it was it was Tanjiro, I said while wiping my tears "J...just a n...nightmare..." Tanjiro sighed of relief and asked "What kind of nightmare?" I shuddered and hesitated to say and I spoke "I...I s...saw a in a s...suit and a h...hat and h...he sa...said 'What are you doing falling in love for a human?'" I stopped noticing Tanjiro's face was pale " ok?" I said Tanjiro gripped his fists and said "That man in your dream was Muzan Kibutsuji!" I shuddered hearing that name for some reason gave me a strong fear that made it feel like weight were on my shoulders, "Oh right! You can't say his name or you'll die! Its his curse!" He said I then hug Mitsuri again and said "I...I thought I...I l...lost you." She hugged back and kissed my forehead saying "I'm not dying today alright nor am I ever leaving you!" I cling closer but it didn't last long cause the crow came in "CAW CAW TANJIRO, ZENITSU, INOSUKE AND HARU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO GO ON A MISSION ON THE MUGEN TRAIN WITH THE FLAME PILLAR KYOJURO RENGOKU CAW CAW!" The crow cawed "D..damn and I wanted to st...stay l....longer at least I'm g...going to be with S...Sensei" I stuttered as I stood up Mitsuri embraced me one last time before heading out "Be careful alright?" She said as kissing me on the cheek, I blush and say "I..I will Mitsuri-San!" I get my uniform on and my swords and I head out with the trio.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter sorry that it took a while to make but it was nonetheless enjoyable to make! Hope you have an amazing day I'll see you on the next chapter!

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