Chapter 17:The Swordsmith Village!

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Welcome to this new chapter sorry if it takes me awhile per the usual most likely it's posted late due to life stuff (work, school, etc.) but anyway glad you've made it to this chapter and enjoy! ☺️


The ride to the swordsmith village was pretty long we had to stop every now and then to either go urinate or to switch Kakushis and after what it seemed forever we came to a stop and the Kakushi took off our blindfolds and stated "Welcome to the Swordsmith village" me and Mitsuri got out of the cart and bowed and both of us stated "Have a safe trip back!" We waved and walked off to our designated location and decided to relax in our room we were assigned I later on the bed and Mitsuri was changing in to her pjs at this point I was very used to seeing Mitsuri naked she looked at me and giggled and said "What?~ can't get enough of me?~" I giggled a bit and nodded. The box Zaru was in bursted open "If y'all have sex again I'm going to puke" she said me and Mitsuri both laughed and I stated "Z...Zaru it's completely fine we did it once we won't do it again I don't want to risk impregnating Mitsuri not until we are finished with our duty as demon slayers" I said that and winked at Mitsuri and her face went red Zaru laughed "Yay I'll be an aunt" she said Mitsuri hugged Zaru and stated "And you'll be an amazing aunt!" Zaru smiled and stated "Thanks future sister-in-law" Mitsuri giggled a bit and smiled "A..anyway we should probably head to bed" I stated and Mitsuri and Zaru agreed, I brought a futon for her and laid it out and she instantly went into it and fell asleep I laughed a bit and Mitsuri snuggled up to me in bed and I smile at her and stated quietly "Just a few years ago we were eating with each other a...and training with each other what a l...long way w..we've came" I smiled after I said that and she did too and kissed me.

The morning came and I woke up and yawned and saw that Mitsuri had a robe on and I tilted my head and she stated "I'm gonna go to the hot springs you can come with if you want!" I smile and nod and I get naked and put a robe on and I follow her to the hot springs we both took our robes on and got into the hot springs she snuggled up to me and kissed my cheek I chuckle a bit and say jokingly " like ki..kissing me or something?" She giggled and nodded I chuckled a bit as then I heard grunting seems that Mitsuri heard too we both looked around to see who it was and seems it was a demon slayer trying to pry something out of his mouth with his.... Hands??? This confused me and I abruptly stated "W....who are you??" He instantly turned his head and his eyes they looked similar to the wind hashira's Sanemi Shinazugawa and a similar scar I thought "could both of them perhaps be twins and born with a birth mark??" He then stated rudely "None of your business now leave me alone." I was a bit irritated that he was rude when I was just simply asking for his name I sighed irritated and sat back down but Mitsuri was curious about him and tried approaching him and made him run red faced I kind of got a bit of jealousy at him but let it slide since he ran I sighed and grabbed my robe and so did Mitsuri my ears perked and I tilted where they perked to "Seems T...Tanjiro arrived here" I stated Mitsuri was impressed "You could hear him wherever he is?? Wow!" She stated I blushed a bit and chuckled slightly and we headed our way toward where I heard Tanjiro. Me and Mitsuri then saw Tanjiro and Tanjiro saw us aswell and waved and yelled "Hi Haruto and Ms. Kanroji!!" I waved back and so did Mitsuri he ran up to us and said "I was called here to get my new Nichrin" I look at him with a "You're dead" look, he knew the look and nodded "I know I know- but I only chipped it!" He said I nod and state "T...That's a"


He smiled and stated "Anyway I'm going to go to the hot springs take care you two!" I smile and wave " too!" I stated and Mitsuri waved as well and wrapped her arms around mine "We should get some rest" she stated and I nodded as we headed back to our room and Zaru was fast asleep she was drawing before she feel asleep too I chuckled a bit and smiled then we get changed into our night clothes as we talked for a bit about some stuff. "So Haru if we ever do have kids have any ideas on names?~" she said in a curious tone I blushed a bit and state "W...well for a g...girl I was thinking Rei o...or Hana and f...for a boy I also thought Kai and still thinking o...of another option" she smiled and kisses my cheek stating "They're all wonderful names Haru-Kun" I smile and I yawn as then we hear a gust of wind fly over where we were staying and this woke Zaru instantly, me and Mitsuri looked at each other and Zaru looks at both of us. I instantly put on my slayer uniform and my mask and grab my scabbards for my katanas and Mitsuri does the same she then states "I got a new sword!~ You'll have to see it when we're facing demons" I nod and smile as I put Zaru in the box and put the box on my back and then we instantly bolt out of the house and ran through the woods


Hope you all are enjoying I am also working on another novel but that one will get more progressive updates when this one is 100% finished but anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter there are some chapters I fixed and I may keep doing it and it may be the first chapter cause of how straight forward it is but besides that hope you all are enjoying the novel! See you in the next chapter! (Holy crap 1105 words-)

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