Chapter 13: Aftermath

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Hello everyone! Hope you all having an amazing day enjoy this chapter!!


I pant a lot relieved that it was finally over and Zaru rushed over to me and hugged me and Mitsuri smiled and hugged me aswell "I...I'm glad you 2 are safe" I stated Mitsuri nodded as I saw the others too and I smile relived that they were safe "wait where's sensei?!" I asked looking around frantically looking for Tegen and see him crowded by his wives and I rush to him "SENSEI?! ARE YOU OK?!?!" I asked and Tegen was severely poisoned and I thought for a second his arm was cut off but it was just my exhaustion seeing things and he was alright besides the poison, Nezuko then came up to him as he was about to say something and he was engulfed in pink flames and it was hot to me "HOT!-" I exclaimed jumping backwards and then the flames disappeared and the poison seemed to be gone Tegen was shocked and exclaimed "She removed the poison!" I was in shock too "S...She DID?!" I exclaimed shocked but happy Mitsuri was relived and smiled then I heard a voice behind me "Well well well... what do we have here stutter boy?" I froze realizing who that voice was I turned slowly "H...Hi Iguro-Sama w...what bring here?" I stuttered and he glared at me and approached me and put his sword to my throat "You know why you demon...." He stated angrily I was in shock but pushed him off of me "Iguro back off.." Tegen stated he then glared at Tegen "Why?! His a demon! Our job is to slay all demons" he then took a second and realized the sun was up.


Iguro was shocked and stated "How.... How aren't you burning????" I stayed silent not responding and Mitsuri went in between me and Iguro "Kanorji... Please get out of my way I need to slay this demon.. for good" Iguro stated she shook her head and stated "No! I won't let you hurt him! I won't let you hurt a person that means a lot to me!!" Iguro's eyes widened when he heard her say this "Excuse me...?" He stated she seemed that she was holding back to say something but then she stated "I...I Don't feel the same way you do about me Iguro! Ever since I was hanging out with Haru you've been harassing him! H...he's he's.... Not only my best friend but my boyfriend!!" Iguro's face went grim I could tell regardless of his mask "His.... You're what?." He said sternly in shock as Mitsuri still was in front of him and she was a bit in tears "Y...You heard me! His my Boyfriend! But also my bestest friend!!!" She exclaimed


Iguro swiftly grabbed me "Whatd you do to her you demon. Did you hypnotize her with your blood demon art?!" He asked pissed while he put his blade to my throat, I struggled to break free "HE DID NOTHING WRONG IGURO!!!" Mitsuri yelled at him and grabbed me from his grasp and slapped him, Iguro was shocked and rubbed where she slapped him he was silent for a moment and then looked at me "Demon.... Since you won't say anything... Take care of Mitsuri or I'll make sure your death is quick and painful." He said before vanishing but he didn't really vanish he was just... fast... really fast but I was still shaken up at the fact that he almost could've killed me.
Tegen got up and patted my shoulder "You're lucky he didn't slit your throat" he said jokingly I looked at him with a pouting look and stated "T...That's not funny!! He literally c..could've killed me!!" Tegen laughed a bit but nodded agreeing "True he would've but it's surprising he didn't" he stated I nodded agreeing "I..It is it truly is s...surprising.." I stated


Sorry this chapter was pretty short hope all of you are having an amazing day and are enjoying this novel! I'll see you all in future chapters!

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