Chapter 4:Love

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Hello everyone Haru-Kun here! I hope you all have enjoyed this series and how its been so far! Hope you've enjoyed the last chapters and I hope all of you have a wonderful day and enjoy!

I wake up to someone shaking me to wake up and I open my eyes it was one of the mansion assistants "Finally you wake up Haru-Kun you have training to do!" She stated, I sat up and said tiredly "Wh...what do you m...mean I h...have training?" She rolled her eyes and stated "Even though you trained with Rengoku-Sama and Tegen-Sama doesn't mean you get a break off training!" I get up and get into my training uniform "How long is u....usually?" I stuttered, she then looked at me weird and said "About 3 hours or so why?" I signal her to look away while I change and say " reason w..was just curious I'm pretty g...good with time." She sighs and states "Well alright and also you got some mail you might want to read it after you've completed training" I then turn to her and say "A..alright am I training by myself o..or?" As I said or we were going to the training area and I see Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke training "Ok I guess this'll do" I thought

Hours later I was finished with my training I was really really worn out I read the letter I got from one of my friends Mitsuri who I trained with while I was training with Rengoku, she said she would be visiting the mansion to stop and say hello, I then hear knocking on my door and it opens too "Hey Haru-Kun" Mitsuri said while entering, "He...Hey Mitsuri-San" I stuttered, she then comes close to me and says "You seem like you have something on your mind what is it Haru?" She said while having her usual energetic smile, "A...a l...lot of things are on my mind Mitsuri-San.." she then grabs a chair and sits i front of me "So what do you have on your mind Haru?" I couldn't help but laugh a bit "I never seen you t...this c...curious about me Mitsuri-San you are usually this for Iguro so whats with this?" She laughed a bit as well and said "Well you're my best friend! I would do anything for you!" I blush a bit for her being so careful to me "Thanks M..Mitsuri-San" I say while smiling.

My face then gets serious and I look her in the eyes "Mitsuri... what I want to tell you th..that I.." I was cut off by my door slamming open, I jumped and saw that it was Inosuke "HEY YOU HORU FIGHT ME" he shouted, I wince from him shouting and I say " is against t...the rules to fight o...other slayers!! And plus name is Haru!!" I exclaimed, Tanjiro then comes in and pulls him back "Inosuke stop being so rude!" He shouted while trying to fight him from coming toward me and Mitsuri, Zenitsu sneaked into my room and started making a weird face and saying a lot of weird things to Mitsuri I couldn't make out what exactly he said. I then see Mitsuri blushing a bit uncomfortably, I then turn Zenitsu to me and I death stare him "Make my friend feel uncomfortable I will make sure you suffer." I said while his face turned into horror as he ran out "Haru Is so protective over me I think I'm in love!" Mitsuri thought, I turn to Mitsuri "A..are you alright Mitsuri d..did he h..hurt you??" I stuttered while Mitsuri said while blushing "I'm completely fine Haru-Kun now I think I know one of the things that is on your mind!" I blushed a bit and said " do?" Mitsuri giggled and whispered into my ear "Why me of course!" I felt my face get hot and my heart beating fast, "I....I don't k...know w..wh..what're t..t...talking about M...Mi..Mitsuri-San" I stuttered nervously. The door then opens its Shinobu "You ready for your training round with me Haru-Kun ? and Mitsuri-San your fine to stay as long as you want to" she said while smiling, I thought embarrassed"She heard didn't she.." Mitsuri squealed in excitement and said "Thank you Shinobu-San!" Shinobu smiles and says "Of course anyway lets go Haru-Kun" she walks out and I follow her, "So you have a crush on Mitsuri is that right?" She said, I sighed shakily while blushing "Y...yes" Shinobu then says "You know Iguro-Kun won't be so happy about this news you know that right?" I nod and still traumatized from what he did to Tanjiro at the Hashira meeting.

We then arrive at the sparring area "Now since we're here I want you to practice your breathing techniques on me and I'll try my best to parry them" she said with a fake smile, I say "A..alright Shinobu-Sama" I concentrate on using my new breathing  technique that is similar to flame breathing "Flame breathing second form: Rising Scorching Sun!" I scream the move and she also notices that its not the same as regular flame breathing as she dodges it "That's not flame breathing what is that??" She asked I then shrug and say "I am not so sure either" I grab my other katana I focus on using flame breathing again and its nighttime "Flame Breathing: 3rd form: Blazing Universe!" only the thing is it didn't come out as flame breathing moon crescents form and slashing the ground and trying to slash Shinobu I watch in shock. The crescents then end their rampage "CAN I CONTROL 3 BREATING TECHNIQUES?!" I yelled in shock, she then had a look of worry "Haru-Kun... knowing more than one breathing technique means you have very powerful lungs! And that you are the only one in the corps that knows 3!" We then started rambling about my new breathing technique "Anyway see you tomorrow Haru-Kun!" She said while going to her room "See you!" I said while coming into my room and seeing Mitsuri trying on one of my spare Haoris, "M..Mitsuri w..what are you d...doing?" She then looks at me and says "I'm trying on your Haoris and they are very comfortable! I love them!" I blushed a bit while she said that "W..well I'll be he..heading to bed m..might want to a..ask Shi..Shinobu-Sama where you'd be sleeping" I stuttered.

"Silly! I'm sleeping in here with you!" She stated while getting Pj's out of her bag, I was spaced out for a moment and then said while face entirely red "Wh..what??? T..theres n...not a s...spare be..bed wher.." I then realize where she would be sleeping and I had a nose bleed "Haru-Kun?? Are you ok???" She says while rushing over to me with her handkerchief wiping the blood off my nose while her chest is onto mine "I..I'm f...fine M..Mitsuri r...really!" I said while my face is redder than ever, Mitsuri then kisses me on the cheek and whispers "I know you love me" she smiles as I blush and at a lost for words. She giggles and says "I love you too Haru-Kun now lets get to bed and don't do lewd things! We haven't gotten to that stage yet!~" she said in a flirty way I blush a lot and say "O.....ok we are j...just going to sl...sleep together?" She smiles and kisses my cheek again "Of course silly!" She says and lays down on the bed in front of me, I then lay down as well wrapping my arms around her she says "Awww" and then turns her head and kisses me on the lips, I blush alot but kiss back "I love you Haru-Kun" she said while slowly going to sleep "I..I love you t...too M...Mitsuri-San" I then doze off to sleep.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! And the end to this chapter do you guys hope to see Mitsuri's and Haru's relationship grow? Do you guys think Haru will succumb to being a demon? Hope you all have a amazing day! Sayonara!☺️

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