Chapter 3 Lullaby Breathing

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Hello every Haru-Kun here with another chapter seems like these chapters are just done in days they take a lot of hard work to do but they are enjoyable nonetheless! Hope you guys enjoyed the last 2 chapters and this one as well!


I walk into the butterfly just to hear screams and I cover my ears and go toward the screaming "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS SCREAMING ABOUT?!" I scream into the room where the screams are coming from and I see the boy I saw at the Hashira meeting and a yellow haired kid that arms have shrunk and a kid in a boar mask and then I pause before saying another thing "Oh I know you your Haru-Kun I saw you at the meeting! I'm Tanjiro Kamado, the boy in the yellow hair thats Zenitsu and the boar head person is Inosuke" he said "O...oh alright n...nice to meet you b...but please k...keep it down" I stuttered "Are you ok you sure are stuttering a lot" Tanjiro stated "I h..have a...a m...mental i...illness t..that makes me st..stutter" I said "My apologies for jumping to conclusions!" He exclaimed while bowing being apologetic, I smiled "'re fine didn't know" I said I then sense someone behind me I turn "Why Konichiwa Haru-Kun" Shinobu stated "Ko...konichiwa Shinobu-Sama" I stuttered "Let me show you where you'll be staying" she said with a fake smile.

I follow her to where my room will be "This is your room if you need anything I'll be in my study" she said "A..alright Shinobu-Sama s...sayonara" I said while going into my room and shutting the door I look at my skin and realize its normal "It went back to normal?!" I thought "Do I have shapeshifting abilities???" I checked to see if I did and my arm turned into one of my katanas "Oh my God" I thought my arm then went back to normal "I need to get that under control" I wonder off and see the three boys training "Maybe I should train my breathing techniques" I thought, I walk off to the training area to train breathing styles I concentrate on trying to use flame breathing "Flame breathing first form: Rising scorching sun!" The flames of the technique seemed off they looked like they lasted longer I then got curious what happened "What if I try sound breathing" I concentrate on using sound breathing "Sound Breathing first form: Roar!" But the sound was more quiet and soothing coming from the roar I did sounded like a lullaby I started getting drowsy "Did I just make a new breathing technique...?" Everything goes black and I went to sleep.


"WOAH IS HE DEAD?! HEY WAKE UP!" They said I open my eyes to see who it was and it was the boar kid Inosuke "I'm a..alive I'm alive..." I said in a groggy tone "Seems like you had a good nap after using those breathing techniques" Tanjiro said "I may have just made a new b..breathing technique b...but d...dont k...know what to it" I stuttered "Wow thats amazing!" Tanjiro exclaimed "I..I tried using a form of s...sound breathing thats u..usually loud but it was more... soothing... calm..." I said "Maybe call it Lullaby Breathing since quiet and soothing!" Zenitsu stated "THAT SOUNDS COMPLETELY USLESS!" Inosuke yelled, I winced when he yelled cause I never liked being yelled at or hearing anyone yell. "I...I'm going b...back inside..." I softly said while walking away "See you Haru-Kun!" Tanjiro said smiling and waving bye.

I walked inside and Shinobu was in front of the door way "K..Konichiwa Sh..Shinobu-Sama s..sorry for being in yo-" She cut me off "I witnessed your breathing techniques very fascinating how a slayer that isn't even a Hashira and can handle 2 breathing techniques" she said "O..oh you saw humiliate myself f...falling asleep" I stuttered "No no no! You didn't humiliate yourself in my opinion! If I'm honest I'm fascinated!" She said "'re lying... I...I can t...tell're not f...fascinated're concerned b...because a w...weakling like me sh...shouldn't be able to handle 2 b...breathing techniques" I said remembering my childhood when some kids bullied me they pretend to be fascinated in something I drew but in reality they wanted to take it and they ended up doing so....

"You're not fully wrong it is true I am concerned how someone like you can use 2 breathing techniques, but truly I am fascinated but oh well you don't believe me anyway with your trust issues." Shinobu said teasingly, I try not to get mad and I stay calm "W..well i..if you're that f...fascinated b...bout come train with" I stuttered "I'd be delighted to!" She said with another fake smile, "A...also w...why you always f...fake" I asked and Shinobu seemed like she had a smile but I could tell she was angry from what I said and she said "Ara...Ara why do you have that mask hmm Haru-kun?" She said again teasingly, "Haru-Kunnn I asked a question" she kept teasing. I sigh again in frustration and stated "See you t...tomorrow Shinobu-Sama" I walked away to my room while Shinobu said "Well sayonara Masked Haru!" She said again teasingly as I enter my room.

I buried my head into my pillow "Ughhh.." then I heard knocking "G..go away Sh...Shinobu-Sama" I said grouchy "Oh no its not Shinobu its me Tanjiro may I come in?" He stated  I stood up and stretched " may" I stuttered, Tanjiro opens the door with the same box on his back that his demon sister was in " how d...does your sister stay alive if she h...hasn't ate a...any humans?" I asked Tanjiro then sits down and lays the box down and says "Well she sleeps for a period of time instead of eating humans" I didn't want to believe him but when I saw his sister jerk her head in disgust when Sanemi tried to make her eat him I just had to, "I...I see" I said while looking down "Everything alright?" He said then I look at him and said "C...can you keep a secret...?" He smiled and stood up "Of course! What is it?" He stated, I proceed to stand up and my skin turns pale and he looks in shock and says quietly "You're a demon??" I nod ashamed "U..Uppermoon 3 Akaza made me into a demon..." I said quietly the box opened and his sister came out and looked at me with a confused look while she grew to her normal size, " your sister can grow and shrink t...thats" I said Nezuko then approached me and looked at me for a second and hugged me, I was confused at first but I hug back "Wh..why is she h..hugging me?" I asked Tanjiro smiled and he said "She must see you as family which means your heart intends to do good things and not evil things!" I sigh of relief and stop hugging Nezuko and she does the same.

Me and Tanjiro continue to have a conversation and what happened to him and his family and why he became a demon slayer and I feel very bad for him. I yawn and say "Well its bedtime might as well get sleep..." My skin turns back to its normal color while I say that "Alright it was nice talking to you Haru-Kun! Sayonara!" He said while exiting with his sister.


Hope you all are enjoying this novel! ☺️

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