Chapter 18: Uppermoons in the Swordsmith Village

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Hello everyone! I'll keep this intro short and sweet hope you all are having an amazing day/week/month/year and enjoy this new chapter!


As we approach the village we saw multiple fish demons "You take the middle and left I'll take the right!" I yelled Mitsuri nodded "Right!" She replied I jump on the right roofs and slicing the demons heads off Mitsuri was having no problem since with her new sword I was in awe seeing her new sword in action Mitsuri then looked at me and yelled "Haru! Behind you!" I turn and the demons I beheaded were still alive and one pinned me to the roof with its powerful arm I gag out blood and smirk as Zaru was pissed at the demons since they made her squished and was already out of the box and she yelled "YOU INTERRUPTED MY NAP YOU DAMN FISHES" she threw multiple of her kunais tipped with her blood and the demons didn't die but they were hurt one tried to attack her but I cut the vase instead of its head and it evaporated I yell "ITS THE VASES THE VASES ARE THE SUPPOSED HEADS" Mitsuri Zaru nod as we slayed all the fish demons "Onii-Chan we should split up I'll go with Mitsuri into the woods north and you go into the woods south to see if any demons are still alive" Zaru stated I nod "Al..Alright!" I stated as I head south into the woods, as I'm running through the woods I see the Mist Pillar Muichiro in a water bubble and see a demon in a vase I approached the water bubble without the demon seeing me and I blew air bubbles to him so he can use a breathing style to get out and he did just that and he was coughing the demon was still not paying attention. "W..what happened?" I whispered Muichiro was catching his breath before whispering "I was about to go to the shed to get my new sword but then that upper rank appeared" I nod as I look at the demon in a shed and yell "You demon!" The demon turned to me and it was upper 5... but EW HIS FACE IT WAS DEFORMED! He smirked and stated "Another Slayer hoho!~ this is going to be fun" I grab my blades and state "I will defeat you." He laughed "Oh really you defeat me?? Hoho!~ that's a laugh" he said with confidence but I cut him off almost beheading him before he escaped into his vase "Oh come on!~ I thought you were gonna fight but you're gonna run like a child?~ pathetic" I stated and this angered the demon and he launched a water attack at me but I absorb it and he was shocked "Oh are you shocked? I'm a demon too you deformed dumbass Muichiro take the the sword smiths and the little kid and your new sword and run I'll handle him" Muichiro was shocked to hear I was a demon but seem to understand I was on his side and he nodded and grabbed the sword smiths and the little kid and his new sword and ran. "Oh damn I really wanted to kill him to make him apart of my masterpiece! But let's get to the point why you a demon are you on the side of the demon slayers hm?" He asked I ignored the question and state "You're really ugly for Upper 5 I'll admit Upper 6 Gyutaro looked better than you" this angered him "HOW DARE YOU COMPARE MY BEAUTIFUL PHYSIQUE TO THAT UGLY RASIN RAT?!" I smirk "Boo-hoo" I say this it angered him more "THAT DOES IT BLOOD DEMON ART OCTOPUS VASE HELL!!!" He materialized 2 red vases and pointed them at me as octopus tentacles launch at me but before they could even reach my face I cut them into tiny pieces and sigh "That's the best you got? That's a pity now my turn" I cut my arms with both of my katanas "Blood Demon art Combined Arts! Waning Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon Snoozing Evening Palace!!" I slash as he was engulfed in smoke slashed by multiple blood moon crescents cut him deeply.


Upper 5 screamed "What's wrong 5? I can't hear you from all the screaming say again?" I asked, after the smoke cleared there was skin in the vase I was really disgusted "Ew so he can shed-"  I look around for the demon then I see in the tree "I never usually have to shed my skin unless it's a close fight but you've left me no choice feast your eyes on my godlike appearance now bow before me!!" I stare at him dumbfounded as his form only changed that he looked like he was half snake and he had glistened scales I then state "You're stupid to think I'd bow to your dumbass" I take off my mask as my skin goes pale "Let's dance you fishy piece of shit." This statement made him more angered than before "HOW DARE YOU I DESERVE RESPECT HERE YOU TRAITOR" he yelled and I yawned "Yeah yeah yeah whatever you say" I stated bored and cut my arm and splatter my blood on his face "Buh bye~" I said as he explodes it seems this form increased his speed cause he was circling me "YOU THINK A WEAK ATTACK LIKE THAT COULD HURT ME NOW DIE" he exclaimed and reached out his hands toward my face I dodge it and cut both of his hands swiftly "Your skin is thick but not thick enough I think you'll need some more fish~ or is it just the fact your made of itty bitty gold fishes?~" I said teasingly and this pissed him off as he circled me with immense speed I closed my eyes waiting for an opening to strike, that moment comes as he pounces on me "Blood demon art Flying Blood sickles!!" I launched the blood slashes and this shocked him as they made impact with him "H-How'd YOU USE GYUTARO'S BLOOD DEMON ART?!" I smirk as I pin his arms and his fin with my blades and my foot "It's simple actually I absorbed his blood my blood demon art allows me to use others blood art if I absorb their blood~" I stated and smirked like a maniac "Now farewell~" I slice his head clean off and then slice it to pieces before he could even regenerate I sigh as I see the sun rising and head back to where me, Mitsuri and Zaru split off.


As I wonder I see a cliff then I look over and see Tanjiro, Mitsuri, Zaru, that one kid that looked like Sanemi, Muichiro, the kid that Muichiro took away to safety and Nezuko??? I rush down quickly and Tanjiro waved on Nezuko's back I pang then state "H...How are you walking the sun Nezuko?" She smiled and Tanjiro stated "She immune to sunlight now she's back to normal but just one problem she is having trouble speaking-" I nod understanding as I feel a weird sensation in my eye "U...ugh- ow- why is my eye hu...hurting?-" I look at all of them and they stare at me in shock and I was puzzled "Wh...what?- is there something wrong?-" they nod and Mitsuri states "H..Haru your eyes they read U...Upper 5" I was shocked and exclaimed "W...what?! B...but how?! I...I never ate any h...humans!" They were as confused as I was and Zaru came up to me and hugged me and I hug back and put her in the box after but then I hear a Biwa strum and I'm in a weird place and I was really confused and startled


Hope you all are enjoying this! You think Haru will be able to pull off as a demon slayer and an upper rank? Find out when more chapters come out and til then see you soon and have an amazing day/week/month/year

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