Chapter 9: Bonding Time with the Kamados!

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Hello everyone! Hope you're day is going fantastic! I hope you enjoy this new chapter of Haru The Uppermoon Demon Slayer enjoy! ☺️


Since the day Rengoku-Sensei died Mitsuri had decided to go where ever I went worrying that I would go away like our sensei or that I'd do something to harm ourselves and I was completely fine with that I mean we are dating , but I also think Iguro is onto us dating but I'd care less due to me having Hashira-like strength "You should ask the master if you can fill in Rengoku's spot as a Triple Hashira due to you knowing 3 breathing techniques!" Mitsuri said smiling wearing my spare haori I allowed her to wear and I smiled and said "Mitsuri-San I'd love to b..but I'm not sure I'm c..capable of t...taking our s...sensei's place" I twiddled my thumbs. "Oh hey Ms. Kanroji and Haru-Kun!" Someone said I look to see who it was it was Tanjiro, "O..oh hey Tanjiro" I stuttered, Mitsuri smiled and said "Nice to actually meet you in person Tanjiro!" Tanjiro smiles and says "You too!" I then look at Tanjiro "So w..what's u..up?" I said "Oh nothing! Just wondering if you wanted to train with me I really want to see your breathing techniques Haru-Kun!" Tanjiro said I fake smiled and nod a bit.


"Why o..of c...course!" I stuttered and smiled, I headed to me and Mitsuri's room too change into my training uniform and grabbed both of my swords and headed to the training area. "You sure you'll be fine?" Tanjiro asked I smiled faintly and said "I appreciate y..your concern Tanjiro but I'll fine I c...can stand in the s...sun for 5 hours" Tanjiro sighed of relief and said "Oh alright! And don't hold back!" I nodded and grabbed both of my swords and took a stand waiting for him to strike. After a few minutes he rushed toward me using water breathing, and I blocked it and used Moon breathing "Moon Breathing Third Form: Loathsome Moon Chains!" I shouted my move and Tanjiro was in shocked and screamed his move "Hinokami Kagura: Fake Rainbow!" He was hit and I got worried and then I saw him above relieved I didn't kill him but surprised that he uses the same odd flame breathing that I have been using recently! "Woah so thats whats that is called!" I said and he looked at me confused and said "What do you mean Haru-Kun?" I was about to speak but then stopped myself thinking of what I should say "Here I...I'll j...just show you" I said I focused on using the Hinokami Kagura but the flame breathing form "Flame Breathing First Form: Rising Scorching Sun!" I shouted the move and Tanjiro was in awe "Woah! You can use Hinokami Kagura too?!" He said with an energetic smile I smiled and said "My flame breathing c...changed to that when I..I became a d...demon" I stuttered, Nezuko waved at me in the shade with Mitsuri braiding her hair I waved back being polite. Tanjiro smiled and said "Seems like Nezuko and Mitsuri-Sama are getting along" I nod and smile and then get a flash of a memory.


I was running around with a girl with black braided hair she looked familiar and she said "Catch me if you can Haru!" I also see another familiar little girl and she said "I'm too fast for you Onii-Chan! Hehe!" My younger self then kept running and said "Nuh uh! I'll catch both of you and tag one of you!" I looked at the two younger girls and seen that they looked familiar especially the one in black braided hair. "I'll catch one of you! Zaru and Mitsuri!!" My younger self said. "Zaru...? That name sounds familiar but where I have I heard it...?" I thought and then I get another flashback: I see my father and mother and hear a little girl crying. "W..who did this to you?!" My younger self said, I saw the little girl from my last flashback bleeding "Brother... I..I'm fine I...I just tripped" she said "No way you j...just fell! You have you have a black eye and you're bleeding!" My younger self said while treating her wounds while with a look of rage and concern in his eyes.


"Haru-Kun you ok?" Mitsuri said in front of me I blinked and said "D...Did I zone out?" She nodded and giggled a bit Tanjiro butted in and said "So have you guys ever intend revealing your guy's relationship to the corps?" Tanjiro asked, I had a blank worried look "P...probably n..never due to violent I...Iguro-Sama can get over M...Mitsuri" I stuttered, Mitsuri hugged me and looked me in the eyes"I will never allow that to happen! Ok?"She said I blushed alot and held back tears, "O...Ok Thank Mitsuri-San" I said while smiling. I sensed someone spying on us but didn't think much about it at all, Tanjiro then said "I'll be heading on a mission I'll see you soon!" He bowed and exited "Sayonara!" I said before he left, Mitsuri snuggled into my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek and I blush a bit and smile as we go inside Aoi was standing and looking at me "Haru! This little girl saying she knows you is this true?" She said while revealing the little child and I recognize her "Z...Zaru?!" I exclaimed she rushed toward me and embraced me "I missed you so much brother!" Zaru said with tears in her eyes, I hugged back and started to tear up.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter I know it took awhile to make this I had other things to tend to irl but anyway hope you all have an amazing day! ☺️

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