Chapter 2 Haru the Demon

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Hello everyone Haru-Kun here with the second part, hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! I hope you all enjoy and have an amazing day❣️


I quickly rush to nearby shelter and I realize it was my old home where I had to kill my parents because they became demons I looked around in the house and I find my old Oni mask I used to wear as a kid. I put it on and surprisingly it fitted I kept it on my face so none of my fellow slayers could noticed I turned into a demon it made me anxious what both of my Sensei(s) would think of me since I turned into a demon I sighed shakily and I sensed someone behind me "M...may I you?" I say while turning around it was Iguro Obanai the Serpent Pillar "What are you doing don't you have a mission to attend to?" He said while scoffing "I..I'm working o...on it Iguro-Sama" I stuttered "Whats with the mask anyway you hiding something?" He said curiously "I...its none o...of your business" I stated "Give me a straight answer stutter boy I know you're lying" he stated with a disappointed look. I hesitated but then I shut my mouth and shake my head "I'm not hiding anything Obanai-Sama just came to visit my old house and get my old mask I used to cherish and plus you're a pillar not my parent" Iguro sighed with frustration hoping it was a deep dark secret and at my sarcasm actually believing me "Whatever see you around stutter boy" he said while vanishing, I sigh of relief taking off the mask and realizing its daylight and I haven't started burning I started thinking Am I immune to sunlight??? My katanas both fall on the ground my red one became black and the other that was also red became purple I stood there confused.

"Did my katanas just change colors???" I said to myself while putting them back in their sheaths, I then quickly rush to the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters not realizing my skin had changed to a normal human skin color. When I got there a meeting was going on I saw a boy in a slayer uniform and all the Hashira. Rengoku turned and said "Ah! Haru-San nice to see you again!" Tegen followed Rengoku's sentence "Hey! how's my flashy student doing?" All the Hashira turn to see what the flame and sound pillar were talking to "Ah I remember you! How'd your mission go?" Shinobu stated "Haru looks so tired!" Thought Mitsuri with a worried look, Giyuu and Muichiro said nothing "Who's this another weakling?" Sanemi growled, I look at the boy thats on the ground "what'd he do?" I said "Well you see.." Rengoku was beginning to say until being interrupted by a sick looking man all the Hashira turn and bow quickly I do the same thinking that his the leader "My children, it is nice to meet all of you on this lovely day" He said and then after he said that two twins
simultaneous said "The master of the Mansion has returned" with a expressionless look. I look up a bit and see the boy still struggling and I wonder  what he did so wrong that got the Hashira involved.


They then have a long conversation which I zoned out a bit in though but then I hear Sanemi say "Our job in the demon slayer corps is to annihilate demons and you expect us to house one?!" I now start to worry and overthink "are they talking about me?" "Did they find out Akaza turned me into a demon?!" Me worrying in thought caught Shinobu's attention "Haru-Kun? Are you alright you look like your about to get sick" I then lift my head quickly "I...I'm fine Shinobu-Sama!" The master saw me and asked "Ah I apologize for not seeing you and who might you be?" I stuttered " name is H...Hachi H...Haru!" He smiled "Haru... thats a lovely name" he said softly, Mitsuri blushed slightly in jealousy "His name is indeed lovely!" She thought,"Master forgive me for the discourtesy I am about to commit." he said while swiftly going into the shade of the mansion behind the master and then stabbing the box "Come out demon! It's the Human Blood you love so much!!" I then sigh quietly of relief but also curious if thats why the boy is in trouble. The kid on the ground then screams in anger "HOW DARE YO-" he was then interrupted by Iguro slamming his elbow into his back, "Welp now I know not to get on his bad side" I thought and shuddered at the thought.


A demon then comes out of the box she has a bamboo muzzle and has a pink kimono underneath her dark haori "Is she his sister?!" I thought, she looked at Sanemi's bleeding arm for a period of time and then jerked her head away in disgust, Sanemi was shocked by the sight and so were the other hashira, "Well that settles it, she doesn't seem to want to eat you Sanemi and therefore Tanjiro and Nezuko are given permission to travel together as demon slayers." The master stated after the meeting I went up to the master "M..master" I bowed "I have something I'd like to discuss with you... alone." He then smiled "Alright my child step in then" I walk in and sit down "So whats on your mind Haru?" He said, I sighed shakily hesitant to say it, "Its alright you can tell me anything my child" he stated and smiled, I then start explaining how uppermoon 3 turned me into a demon by force "Oh my and you didn't burn out in the sun though can it be you are the demon that conquered the sun?" He stated calmly "I...I don't know but thing for sure is when I..I was in the meeting about 4 hours I started to feel a burning sensation o..on my face but it wasn't strong it was faint" I said "Interesting you seem to be good with time my child" he said "I...I am father m...made clocks" I stuttered "Ah I see, well in that case for now on you can stay with Shinobu in the mansion and no need to worry about being called an intruder I told her before she left from the meeting to house you" he smiled  "T...thank you master a...and pl...please keep this a secret only tell people you know you'd trust" I said "I will Haru take care now" he smiled and waved as I left to the butterfly Mansion.


I hope you guys enjoyed part 2 expect more chapters to come in the future Sayonara! (And holy crap 1163 words-)

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