𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔫𝔢

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I heard my mother scream when they killed her.

In the cramped confines of the closet where she had concealed me, I clutched my knees to my chest, tears streaming down in silence. Abruptly, the door flung open. My eyes snapped open, dilated by terror.

He loomed above me, a figure of dread, his wings unfurled, his penetrating gaze locking onto mine.

His presence infiltrated my thoughts, and I flinched, stifling the sob in my throat. I was certain of my fate, familiar with the tales of his abilities. He could obliterate my consciousness in the blink of an eye.

There was no reason for him to show mercy. The horror that had befallen his own mother and sister was not lost on me; I had been appalled by what my family did.

I tensed, readying myself for the agony. But instead, I was met with the unexpected gentleness of his voice resounding within my mind.

"Stay hidden until we're gone. Don't make a sound. And keep your mental shields up, for Cauldron's sake."

      Jolting awake, my body trembled under the comfort of my pink, silk comforter. My gaze drifted to the large pot of pink roses by my window. I had caused them to wither and die in my panic. I made a silent vow to resurrect them again once my strength returned.

     This particular nightmare was familiar, haunting me since the eve of my 19th birthday. It lingered in my mind, an incessant echo of the past.

     Tamlin had discovered me hours later, his presence altered—the power of the High Lord had passed to him, a silent testament to the demise of our father and brothers.

     I harbored no grief for my father or brothers. But the absence of my mother was a void that ached within me each day.

     The creak of the door caused my hands to ball into fists, an attempt to quell the tremors that threatened to betray my composure. Alis entered, her presence a small comfort, bearing a tray laden with a steaming cup of tea and a plate of eggs.

"You're up early," she commented, placing the tray on my bed. I nodded my head, taking a sip of the hot tea.

"Nightmares again," I said simply. "You didn't need to bring my breakfast to me. I'm sure Tam will expect me to dine with them this morning."

"He is quite busy," she sighed. "Andras was slaughtered by a mortal girl last night."

My muscles tensed. My gaze locked onto hers, eyes unwavering and fixed.

"He has less than a year left," I recalled. "Do you truly believe she could break the curse in that time?"

"It's possible," Alis said with a sigh. "We shall have to see."

✯¸.'*¨'*✿ ✿*'¨*'.¸✯

     I was sitting at my place at the table that night, using my mind and the point of my finger to make a rose blossom from the vase on the table.

     When the door opened, I stood up from my seat, bowing respectfully to Tamlin, who was in his beast form.

     I stared at the mortal girl who followed him. 

     She was terribly skinny, her bones jutting out sharply. Her blue eyes were wide with fear and fascination. Her golden brown hair was tangled, but despite that, she was beautfiul.

     Tamlin plopped into the chair, the wood groaning, and, in a flash of white light, turned into his Fae form.

     The girl gasped and pushed herself against the paneled wall beside the door, feeling for the molding of the threshold.

𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚖(𝙰𝙲𝙾𝚃𝙰𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now