𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶-𝔰𝔦𝔵

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this is a very long chapter im sorry

✯¸.'*¨'*✿ ✿*'¨*'.¸✯

      Rhys was bringing us to the prison. The prison that was located under a mountain. I was trying to be brave, but it was difficult.

      I could feel Feyre through the bargain bond. She was just as anxious as I was. I didn't want to go under another mountain. And I hated dark, closed spaces.

      Rhys stood by our side, a double-edged sword sheathed down his spine, knives strapped to his legs.

"Where are we?" Feyre asked, breaking the silence.

"On an island in the heart of the Western Isles," Rhysand said. "And that is the Prison."

       If I hadn't already known of the Prison, I would've missed it. But I knew all about it. My brothers used to scare me with stories of it when I was a child, delighting in my terrified tears until my mother came by to scold them and comfort me.

"I dont see anything," Feyre said with a frown.

"The rock is the Prison. And inside it are the foulest, most dangerous creatures and criminals you can imagine," Rhys explained. "This place was made before High Lords existed. Before Prythian was Prythian. Some of the inmates remember those days. Remember a time when it was Mor's family, not mine, that ruled the North."

"Why won't Amren go in here?" I wondered, my brows furrowed.

"Because she was once a prisoner," he said.

"Not in that body, I take it," Feyre mused.

"No. Not at all," he said with a cruel smile. "The hike will get your blood warming. Since we can't winnow inside or fly to the entrance--the wards demand that visitors walk in. The long way."

        I stared at the Prison, remembering the things by brothers once told me about it. Feyre and I didnt move.

"I—" Feyre began.

"It helps the panic," he said quietly, "to remind myself that I got out. That we all got out."

"Barely," Feyre reminded him.

"We got out. And it might happen again if we dont go inside," he said to us.

"My brothers . . . my brothers once told me that anyone who enters the Prison never comes out," I said quietly, taking a step back.

"They were just trying to scare you," he assured me. "Amren is proof enough that that's not true."

       I glanced at Feyre, seeing the panic in her eyes. I felt it through the bargain. I didn't hear her breathing.

"Please," Feyre whispered.

       Rhysand took our hands in his and winnowed us back right away. I had to admit, it was nice that he didn't try to pressure us.

       Feyre and I went back to our room, and we didn't leave for the rest of the day.

✯¸.'*¨'*✿ ✿*'¨*'.¸✯

       I awoke to Feyre jolting back, slamming into the headboard.

"Feyre," I fussed, groaning as I sat up.

       It was my turn to jolt back when I saw the cause of her panic. Amren was standing at the foot of our bed.

"No wonder youre so thin if you vomit up your guts every night," Amren said to Feyre. She sniffed, her lip curling. "You reek of it."

       I glanced around, wondering how she got in. We had locked the door, and Rhys had told us no one could get in without our permission.

       Amren smirked, throwing an amulet at us.

𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚖(𝙰𝙲𝙾𝚃𝙰𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now