𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯

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I had begged Lucien not to tell Tamlin about the Bogge. If Tamlin knew, I'd never be allowed to go out in the woods again.

But Lucien insisted. So now we were eating dinner, and I was awaiting the dreaded moment that he spilled the news.

"We went on a hunt," Lucien said.

"I heard," Tamlin said roughly. "And did you have fun?" Lucien and I didn't say anything.

"Sort of," Feyre said nervously.

"Did you catch anything?" his words clipped out.

"No," Feyre said. Lucien gave her a pointed cough, as if urging her to say more. I glared at the redheaded male.

"Tam," Lucien said quietly when Feyre didn't go on.

Tamlin looked up, more animal than fae in those green eyes. A demand for whatever it was Lucien had to say.

"The Bogge was in the forest today," he said. I flinched as the fork in Tamlins hand folded in on itself.

"You ran into it?"

"It moved past but came close. It must have snuck through the border," Lucien nodded.

Metal groaned as Tamlins claws punched out, obliterating the fork. He rose to his feet with a powerful, brutal movement. I tried not to tremble at the contained fury, at how his canines seemed to lengthen.

"Where in the forest?" he demanded.

Lucien told him. Tamlin's eyes met mine, anger shining in them.

"I knew letting you go into those woods was a bad idea," Tamlin snapped at me. "From now on, if I say no to you, that is my final answer. Do not press me about it."

Tamlin threw a glance in Feyre's direction before stalking out of the room and shutting the door behind him with unnerving gentleness.

Lucien loosed a breath, pushing away his half-eaten food and rubbing at his temples. I glared at him again.

"Where is he going?" Feyre asked, staring toward the door.

"To hunt the Bogge."

"You said it couldnt be killed—that you cant face it."

"Tam can," I said quietly.

"So he went to hunt the Bogge where we were earlier today?" she asked.

"If hes going to pick up a trail, it would be there," Lucien shrugged.

✯¸.'*¨'*✿ ✿*'¨*'.¸✯

I'd tried to sneak off to the stables without anyone knowing, but I cursed myself when I saw that Tamlin and Lucien were already there.

"Go back to the manor, Mariangela," Tamlin ordered without even looking at me.

"Keeping me locked away isn't going to do anything," I argued.

"It will keep you safe, mousy," he snapped back. I rolled my eyes at his usually endearing nickname for me.

"You think the manor will be safe when the year is over?" I demanded, crossing my arms. "I want to help."

"No," he glared.

"She's right," Lucien stepped in. "Eventually, it won't be safe. Tam—there isnt much time, and youre just sulking and glowering. Youre not even trying to fake it anymore."

"It was a mistake from the start. I cant stomach it, not after what my father did to their kind, to their lands. I wont follow in his footsteps—wont be that sort of person. So back of."

"Back off? Back off while you seal our fates and ruin everything? I stayed with you out of hope, not to watch you stumble. For someone with a heart of stone, yours is certainly soft these days. The Bogge was on our lands—the Bogge, Tamlin! The barriers between courts have vanished, and even our woods are teeming with filth like the puca. Are you just going to start living out there, slaughtering every bit of vermin that slinks in?"

"Watch your mouth," Tamlin said. "Dont push me, Lucien. You think I dont know whats happening on my own lands? What Ive got to lose? Whats lost already?"

There was a soft thud against the door. We all whirled around to see Feyre in the doorway, watchign us carefully.

"Are you going out for a ride?" she asked.

"Im unavailable today," he said. He jerked his chin to Tamlin. "He'll go with you."

Tamlin shot his friend a look of disdain that he took few pains to hide. His usual baldric was armed with many knives, and their ornate metal handles glinted as he turned to Feyre, his shoulders tight.

"Whenever you want to go, just say so," he said. The claws of his free hand slipped back under his skin and I loosed a breath of relief.

"Perhaps tomorrow, human," Lucien said, patting her shoulder. "Mariangela, come. I will escort you back to the manor."

I grumbled, but had no choice other than to follow him. He took my wrist in his hand and dragged me along.

"This isn't fair," I mumbled.

"You'll survive," he said, rolling his eyes. "I know you hate being cooped up, but at least you're safe."

"I hate him sometimes," I admitted.

"Don't say that," Lucien replied sharply. "He's protective because you're the only family he has left. He blames himself for your mother's death. He will not let something like that happen to you, too."

"I want to experience something," I complained, crossing my arms.

"No, you do not," he snapped. "Trust me in that, Mariangela."

𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚖(𝙰𝙲𝙾𝚃𝙰𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now