𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔢

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Hey, everyone. So I am currenly in the process of reading Crescent City, but I don't have a lot of time because of work. I probably won't get to the new book for a few weeks.

So if I write something that contradicts any new information we get in CC3, ignore it. I will fix it after I read the book.

tw for suicide attempt in this chapter

¸.'*¨'* *'¨*'.¸

   Last night was the worst night of my life.

   It was my eighteenth birthday, and my parents had thrown a party to introduce me to society. I'd been dressed in the frilliest dress I'd ever seen. The servants had done my hair in curls and covered my face in makeup. I'd never been allowed to wear makeup before.

  I'd spent the night surrounded by food I'd not been allowed to eat. I'd had to dance with more males than I could count, though I had no interest in any of them.

I'd realized that this was my life now. Being the princess of Spring would consist of parties I hated, males I didn't care for, and no control over anything.

   I went to my garden and cut some poisonous herbs I grew. I made tea from them and drank it, then laid down in my bed and waited to fall unconscious.

   Unfortunately, I'd awoken the next morning in the infirmary with my mother next to me. She was a mixture of distraught and furious.

She had checked on me while I was sleeping, and realized that I was burning up. When I had fully recovered, my brothers had accused me of trying to get attention. My father had just yelled at me until his voice went hoarse.

   Now, I was sitting in the living room with a novel, trying not to think about it.

   There was a knock at the front door. I got up with a deep sigh and answered. My face fell at the male at our door.

   He was gorgeous. Deep violet eyes like I'd never seen before, dark hair, tan skin. I stared for several seconds before I found my voice.

"How can I help you?" I nearly squeaked out.

"Oh, I'm a friend of Tamlin's," he replied. "We were going hunting today."

"He's getting ready," I answered. "You can come in."

    The male smiled gratefully and stepped inside. I closed the door behind him, starring at his Night Court attire.

"I'm Rhysand," he told me. I glanced up at his face, my eyebrows raising. I'd heard of him. Prince of the Night Court. "You must be Mariangela."

"Yes," I replied with a slight curtsy. He chuckled.

"Are you going somewhere?" he wondered, eyes raking over the dress that made me look like a cupcake. "You're dressed so formally."

"My mother chooses my clothes," I admitted, glancing down at the dress self consciously. It was very fancy for just a day at home.

"How old are you?" he questioned.

"I'm eighteen," I replied, glancing up at him.

"And your mother still chooses your dresses?" he teased, a smirk settling on his features.

    My face went red, and I nodded. I didn't have much control over anything in my life. That wasn't my fault.

"I was just kidding," he promised, face falling when he realized what he'd said hurt me.

𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚖(𝙰𝙲𝙾𝚃𝙰𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now