𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶-𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱

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ik at this point in the story, it won't make sense why he's having mary go with feyre. but you have to remember the real reason he sent her there, then it will make sense.

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    We were woken from sleep by the sound of Rhys's persistent knocking. He entered with purpose and tossed a belt, adorned with knives, onto the foot of the bed.

"Hurry," he said, flinging open the doors of the armoire and yanking out our fighting leathers. He tossed them onto the bed, too. "I want to be gone before the sun is fully up."

"Why?" I groaned, drawing the blanket over my head, while Feyre rose from our shared bed.

"Because time is of the essence," he said, taking out our socks and boots. "Once the King of Hybern realizes that someone is searching for the Book of Breathings to nullify the powers of the Cauldron, then his agents will begin hunting for it, too."

"You suspected this for a while, though," Feyre pointed out. "The Cauldron, the king, the Book  You wanted it confirmed, but you were waiting for me."

"Had you agreed to work with me two months ago, I would have taken you right to the Bone Carver to see if he confirmed my suspicions about your talents. But things didnt go as planned."

"The reading," Feyre said. "Thats why you insisted on the lessons. So if your suspicions were true and I could harness the Book  I could actually read it—or any translation of whatever is inside."

"Again," he said, now striding for the dresser, "had you started to work with me, I would have told you why. I couldnt risk discovery otherwise. You should have learned to read no matter what. But yes, when I told you it served my own purposes--it was because of this. Do you blame me for it?"

"No," Feyre said. "But I'd prefer to be notified of any future schemes."

"Duly noted," Rhys mumbled.

       Rhys clutched the edge of my blanket and with a swift tug, it slipped away from me. Cold swept over me, prompting a shrill yelp as I reached out frantically for the blanket. He held it from my reach.

"Get up, Mary," he instructed. "We need to leave soon."

        I grumbled, wiping the sleep from my eyes as I sat up. I picked up the leathers on the bed. It would be my second time wearing them. My second time wearing pants, in general. I wasn't sure how I felt about them, yet.

       Rhys yanked open the drawers and pulled out our undergarments. He dangled the bits of midnight lace and chuckled.

"Im surprised you two didnt demand Nuala and Cerridwen buy you something else."

        I rolled my eyes, not blushing for once. But Feyre stalked to him, snatching the lace away. "You're drooling on the carpet."

        I couldn't help but chuckle. I followed Feyre off to the bathroom, bringing my leathers. He was waiting as we emerged. He held up the belts of knives.

"No swords, no bow or arrows," he said.

"But knives are fine?" I asked nervously. I'd never even held a weapon.

        Rhys knelt and spread wide the web of leather and steel, beckoning for Feyre to stick a leg through one loop.

        When he was done with her, he held out mine. I put a hand on Feyre's shoulder to steady myself as I slipped a leg through the loop. He held my leg steady as I slipped the other through, and I couldn't help but notice how careful he was not to touch me above the knee.

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