𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔦𝔳𝔢

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I changed her name to Mariangela. Also trigger warning for self harm in this chapter.

✯¸.'*¨'*✿ ✿*'¨*'.¸✯

I piled mashed potatoes onto my plate at supper that evening. Lucien watched me with amusement until Feyre stepped into the dining room.

"Good evening," Feyre said, moving to her usual seat.

"I heard you two had a rather exciting afternoon. I wish I could have been there to help," Lucien said to her. "You still look lovely, regardless of your Hell-sent afternoon."

"What happened this afternoon?" I asked. I was promptly ignored.

"I thought faeries couldn't lie," Feyre snorted.

Tamlin choked on his wine, and I raised an eyebrow at the claim.

"Who told you that?" Lucien grinned.

"Everyone knows it," she said, piling food on her plate.

"Of course we can lie," Lucien smiled, leaning back in his chair. "We find lying to be an art. And we lied when we told those ancient mortals that we couldn't speak an untruth. How else would we get them to trust us and do our bidding?"

"Iron?" she managed to say.

"Doesn't do us a lick of harm," Lucien informed her. "Only ash, as you well know."

"Even though Lucien revealed some of our closely guarded secrets," Tamlin said, throwing the last word at his companion with a growl, "we've never used your misinformation against you. We never willingly lied to you. Are you feeling better?"

"If I never encounter a naga again, I'll consider myself fortunate," she shuddered.

"The naga?" I demanded, eyes widening.

I'd never encountered one myself, but Tamlin had raised me on tales of the terrifying creatures to keep me out of the woods.

"Yes, the naga," Tamlin confirmed. "So you will do well to stay in the manor unless you are escorted by myself or Lucien. Now leave us, I'd like to speak with Feyre alone."

I nodded my head, getting up and pushing my chair in. I bowed to him slightly before excusing myself.

I went into the hallway, resenting the fact that I was never included in important conversations. I felt useless most of the time.

For nearly my entire life, the only company I'd had was Tamlin, Alis, and Lucien. I was so lonely, and now without access to the woods, I couldn't even be with the animals I so dearly loved.

I entered my bathroom, sniffling and blinking back tears. I opened my cabinet and took the dagger that I'd stolen from my father five centuries ago.

I lifted my sleeve, the sleeve that hid the scars from centuries of abusing myself. I always wore long sleeves, even when it was hot outside.

I also had scars on my shoulder from my father's claws. Evidence of one of his violent outbursts. I liked to hide all of those scars away.

✯¸.'*¨'*✿ ✿*'¨*'.¸✯

I hadn't been allowed to do anything lately. Tamlin wouldn't even let me join him, Lucien, and Feyre on a picnic. I stayed locked up in the manor, since he'd charmed the locks so I couldn't leave.

Tonight was Calanmai. I'd been pressing my brother about letting me go for years, but he had never let in.

"Please, I've never been to Calanmai," I begged my brother at breakfast. Feyre hadn't joined us yet.

"There's a reason for that," he grunted, not even bothering to look at me.

"I'm only ten years younger than you," I protested. I was older than Lucien, yet I was treated like a teenager. "You can't control everything I do."

"I can and I will if it will keep you safe," he retorted.

"You wouldn't want to go, Mariangela," Lucien assured me. "It's just bunch of Fae fucking by the fire all night."

I blushed, my green eyes widening in shock. I'd never been told what went on during the festival.

"Do not speak like that in front of her," Tamlin warned him, shaking his head.

"Don't you think she's old enough to know--"

"Lucien!" my brother snapped, glaring at the male.

Lucien sighed, backing down and shooting me an apologetic glance. I pursed my lips, my cheeks still red.

✯¸.'*¨'*✿ ✿*'¨*'.¸✯

I sat in the dining room that evening, eating some chocolate cookies by myself. I figured Tamlin had already left.

Unfortunately, I was wrong. I froze when he entered the dining room, obviously having been looking for me.

"Go to your room," he instructed.

"Why?" I demanded. "I'll stay in the manor, I promise."

But he had already grabbed my wrist. He yanked me up and dragged me up the stairs. He was stronger than me, so I had no choice but to follow.

He shoved me into my bedroom, causing me grunt as I hit the floor. He raised his hand, putting up an invisible ward that would keep me shut in.

I cried out, jumping at the door, but I was too late. I hit the invisible wall, screaming at him to take it down. But he didn't listen. He just slammed the door in my face.

I sank to the floor, pressing my knees to my chest as tears fell from my eyes. I hated when he locked me in with a ward.

As a child, when my father was sick of me, he'd lock me in a small cabinet for hours at a time. It left me with a debilitating fear of small spaces, the dark, and being locked away.

Tamlin knew this very well, but when his anger got the best of him, he didn't seem to care. I wondered if he also locked Feyre away, or if she was allowed to attend.

She'd been allowed to go hunting with Lucien, she went out on a picnic with both of them. Yet I was expected not to go outside at all.

It was miserable. I had a balcony off of my room, and sitting on it was the only time I was allowed outside. But with the ward, I couldn't even do that.

My breaths were shallow, loud, and painful. I shut my eyes and tried not to think about the fact that I was stuck. I couldn't leave until he came back. And it was Calanmai, which meant he wouldn't he back until mid morning.

𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚖(𝙰𝙲𝙾𝚃𝙰𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now