𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶-𝔬𝔫𝔢

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yall this is the third time ive written this scene for a fic. send help. im so sick of this scene.

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Feyre went ahead to speak with her sisters, though I knew she was nervous about them turning her away for becoming Fae.

We awaited her readiness for a few hours. Finally, when the estate had been cleared of servants, we approached the threshold.

The residence was stunning in its grandeur and vastness. As Feyre opened the door to greet us, I could tell how tired she was.

"You'd think they'd been told plague had befallen the house," Rhys said, raising a brow.

She welcomed us inside, away from the biting chill.

      I shed my fur-lined coat as we entered the warm house, shoving it into Rhys's arms. He took it without complaints.

"My sister Elain can convince anyone to do anything with a few smiles," Feyre said.

Cassian emitted an appreciative whistle, rotating slowly to take in the splendor of the grand entry hall, the intricacy of the ornate furniture, and the richness of the paintings that adorned the walls.

"Your father must be a fine merchant," Cassian said. "I've seen castles with less wealth."

"My father is away on business—and attending a meeting in Neva about the threat of Prythian," Feyre explained.

"Prythian?" Cassian repeated. "Not Hybern?"

"It's possible my sisters were mistaken--your lands are foreign to them. They merely said 'above the wall.' I assumed they thought it was Prythian."

"If humans are aware of the threat, rallying against it, then that might give us an advantage when contacting the queens," Azriel said, stepping forward.

"Come," Rhys said, still holding my coat. "Let's make this introduction."

Her sisters stood beside the window, bathed in the warm glow of the chandeliers. Feyre breezed across the room, with us trailing in her wake. The human girls regarded our presence, their gazes particularly drawn to the winged males.

"My sisters, Nesta and Elain Archeron," Feyre introduced.

A sense of irritation crept over me as I remembered her sisters' negligence, allowing an eleven-year-old to venture alone into the woods.

Feyre stepped to my side, pivoting to confront her sisters with a poised stance as her hand rested on my arm.

"This is Mariangela," she introduced me.

The sound of my full name, unspoken for months, jolted me. It conjured vivid memories of my father, my brothers, and the sharp echoes of reprimand that followed when I upset them.

"Just Mary is fine," I spoke up.

Feyre raised a brow, but nodded before going on to introduce the rest of them. "Cassian, Azriel, and Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court."

     Rhys had dimmed the night rippling off him, the otherworldly grace and thrum of power. He bowed to the girls.

"Thank you for your hospitality--and generosity," he said with a warm smile. But there was something strained in it.

"The cook left dinner on the table. We should eat before it goes cold," Nesta said.

     She didnt wait for a response before striding off to the head of the polished cherry table.

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