𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔳𝔢

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the necklace she got from rhys is in the picture above

also i feel like Feyre forgave Rhys WAYYY too quickly for this whole thing cuz it was pretty fucked up even though he had his reasons. Trust, he WILL be groveling for Mary's forgiveness later on

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Feyre and I were left alone in our cell for the next week. While she left to do household chores, I did not move. At some point, we started being sent hot meals instead of moldy bread.

I narrowed my eyes as two High Fae females arrived in our cell. They appeared through the cracks from slivers of darkness, just as Rhysand had.

They remained silent as they reached for us. They had to have been sent by Rhysand—some servants of his from the Night Court.

They pressed close to our bodies and I gasped as we stepped through the closed door, as if it wasnt even there.

The faeries brought us up through dusty stairwells and down forgotten halls until we reached a room.

I gasped as one of them tried to undress me. I fought against her, but Feyre let the other undress her. My fighting didn't do any good, and soon I was exposed.

I had to admit, there was a bit of relief when they bathed us. Though, it was vulnerable, I hadn't had a bath in weeks.

When we got out of the bath, they dried us off and took out paintbrushes and black ink. I began fighting again as one of them started painting my body.

Their brushes were unbearably cold and ticklish, and their shadowy grips were firm when I wriggled. Things only worsened when they painted more intimate parts of me.

I had always been protective of my body. It was the one thing I had control over in my life. The only thing. And so I had been very careful to keep it hidden away.

I wore dresses that covered every inch of me, and I'd never even kissed anyone because I needed my body to belong to me and me only.

No one had ever seen me unclothed except my mother. And now I was naked while a stranger painted my body against my will. In front of Feyre, as well. I knew she was feeling just as vulnerable as I was, but that was little comfort.

Our faces was adorned with cosmetics—rouge on our lips, a smearing of gold dust on our eyelids, kohl lining our eyes—and our hair was coiled around a small golden diadem imbedded with lapis lazuli.

But from the neck down, we were a heathen god's playthings. They had continued the pattern of the tattoo on our arms, and once the blue-black paint had dried, they placed on us a gauzy white dress.

If you could call it a dress. It was little more than two long shafts of gossamer, just wide enough to cover our breasts, pinned at each shoulder with gold brooches. The sections flowed down to a jeweled belt slung low across our hips, where they joined into a single piece of fabric that hung between our legs and to the floor.

It barely covered me, and from the cold air on my skin, I knew that most of my backside was left exposed.

"I'm not wearing this," I said. They didn't say a word.

"Give us something else to wear," Feyre demanded, obviously as self conscious as I felt. Feyre began trying to rip the dress of.

"I wouldnt do that," Rhysand said. He was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Our bargain hasnt started yet," Feyre snapped.

"Ah, but I need an escort for the party," His violet eyes glittered with stars. "And when I thought of you two squatting in that cell all night, alone--" He waved a hand, and the faerie servants vanished through the door behind him. "You girls look just as I hoped you would."

𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚖(𝙰𝙲𝙾𝚃𝙰𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now