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"Unfortunately, I don't know very much about working in a club. But I do know how to work hard, and I learn extremely fast."

Lola's friend glanced down as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth before nervously bringing her eyes back up to meet mine. I was just about to tell her we didn't have any positions available, which wasn't a complete lie, and to kick rocks. But when I looked into those big captivating amber eyes, I couldn't bring myself to say the words.

"Look, Ms. Castillo, w—"

"It's Catalina... You can call me Catalina, please, Dom—I mean, Mr. Mariano."

Catalina cut me off, sounding a little less nervous now than before, and I was suddenly intrigued by the beautiful woman sitting across from me. She trotted a finger over the hem of her plunging neckline, and I felt my cock stir in my jeans.

I wanted to blow off steam. I just had no idea she'd come walking into my office–wearing that fucking dress. But I couldn't go there. She was Lola's friend and I'd already fucked up enough where my little sister was considered. The girl was off limits. Clearing my throat, I brought my attention back to the task at hand and resumed our interview.

"Yes, Catalina, what I was going to say was that we don't have any bartending positions available. S—"

"It's okay, so sorry to have wasted your time, Mr. Mariano. It was very nice to meet you finally. Though it isn't often when she does, Lola always speaks highly of you and your brother,even though she doesn't see you as much as she'd like...crap. I-I meant she really you guys, ya know?" Catalina cut me off once again, and she stood up from her seat stumbling over her words and getting extremely flustered. And though her words hit home I couldn't help but bite back a smile at how nervous I clearly made her.

Ready to leave, she extended an arm in my direction, and her tiny hand stopped just short of me. Looking into my eyes, a ghost of a smile on her full pink lips.

When I took her small hand into mine, a bewildering feeling washed over my body, and I knew I couldn't let her walk out that door.

A few seconds passed and she tried to pull her away from me, but for a reason I couldn't explain. That only made me fasten my hold on her, compelling those hazel eyes to gape up at me in shock. I should've just let her walk out and not thought twice about it, but for some reason, I couldn't. It's like she has some strange pull over me.

One that I haven't felt in a long time, and I wasn't quite ready to dismiss whatever the hell was going on here. Fuck me, I know I'm going to regret this.

"Well, if you would stop cutting me off, I was going to say we don't have any bartending positions available."

What the hell am I doing?

"But, my brother and I were just talking about getting another personal assistant," I lied. "Bella is overworked and I'm sure she could use the help. If you're up for it, that is?"

"Personal assistant?" Catalina cocked her eyebrow in confusion. I don't blame her. I just yanked that shit out of my ass.

"Yes, you'll be working in the office 9 to 5 Monday through Friday, and your weekends will be yours unless something important comes up," I informed her, finally releasing her hand.

I watched her arm recede down to the side of her hips that were being hugged by that dainty dress. My eyes unconsciously followed as her perfectly manicured fingers lightly tugged at the satiny fabric, and I mentally cursed myself for letting them linger on her tight little body a little too long.

"Also, you'll be making $25 an hour, so you'll have to be available whenever we need you."

"For $25 an hour, I would happily be available whenever you need me." Catalina's lips curved into a breathtaking smile before biting her lower lip, obviously pleased with my bid to keep her.

Shit, what I wouldn't give to have those lips wrapped around my aching cock right now. Off limits, Nic. Shuffling around my desk, I moved to stand directly in front of her. Needing to touch her again, I reached up and gently pulled her bottom lip from between her teeth with my thumb. Her big eyes doubled in size at the interaction between us. Off fucking limits.

Ignoring my inner voice. "But you're going to have to stop doing this if you want me to remain professional with you." I skimmed my thumb over the brim of her mouth, causing her breath to hitch, and I leered down at her with hunger in my eyes. I knew I probably shouldn't have said that, but fuck it, I didn't care.

Swallowing hard, she nodded and nearly brought that same lip back between her teeth before stopping almost immediately and trailing her tongue over it instead.

Shit, I'm in trouble. I cleared my throat and hastily adjusted my belt, attempting to hide my growing bulge in the front of my slacks.

"Now that we have that all squared away, we should head over to my brother's office. He just got back from a business trip this morning, and things didn't go as planned, so I'll have to excuse his sunny disposition."

I winked, placing a hand on the small of her back as we walked out of my office and across the hall to my brothers's.

Opening the door, I noticed him facing the window as per usual shit from his desk thrown all over the floor. Apparently, our uncooperative "associate" got word that he was on his way to Italy and fled. Needless to say, Enzo was pissed because he wanted to get his hands on this guy. He doesn't like people fucking with our livelihood.

Ahem. "Lorenzo, I want to introduce you to our second assistant, Catalina Castillo."

My voice pulled him from whatever trance he was in, and he turned to face us. He glanced at me for a second before a strange look swept across his face. He narrowed his eyes, staring at the woman that stood right beside me.

"Talia?" Lorenzo asked, brows furrowed with an unfamiliar expression encompassing his sharp features and I looked over to see an unreadable expression on Catalina's face as well.

"What the hell is going on? And who is Talia?" I tried to exchange looks with either one of them, but they each averted my stare quickly. Sighing, Frustration began to build inside of me from being kept out of the loop. And who the hell was Talia?

"Hey losers, what the hell happened here?"

We all turned to see Lola standing in the doorway, arms crossed over her chest as her cerulean gaze wandered over the mess Lorenzo scattered over the carpet. That's a good question. One I didn't know the answer to, but I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

ツ hope you enjoyed it.

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