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I reached across and placed my hand on Catalina's leg, giving her inner thigh a light squeeze. She was looking so absolutely fucking edible that I was finding it hard to keep my hands to myself.

I was still sporting a hard on from the sexy little burgundy slip dress she was wearing that rose up her tan legs when she slid into the booth after me that I had to bring the back of my fist to my mouth, biting down on my knuckles to suppress the hungry groan that threatened to leave my lips.

Legs I could fucking live between.

When we were leaving the house, Lorenzo and Matteo looked like they wanted to eat her alive, even made protests about how she should forgo her plans with me and just stay home so we could ravish her again. Though the thought was tempting, I wanted to give her the date night I'd promised her so long ago and I intended to follow through this time. As we walked into the restaurant, all eyes were on her. I was a lucky son of a bitch, and I knew it too. She sent me a knowing smirk as I eye-fucked her between courses.

This woman was more than sexy. She was feisty and so fucking brilliant. How had I gone so long without her in my life? Before her, I never thought about the possibility of falling in love again, let alone it actually happening. I didn't even realize when it started to happen so when it smacked me in the fucking mug at first, it scared the shit out of me.

I honestly tried to fight against it, but I found myself seeking out her smile or the way she pulled her eyebrows together and brought her lip between her teeth when she was concentrating.

The waitress brought out our food as we'd talked about where she saw herself in five years. Hopefully still with myself, Lorenzo, and Matteo. I watched her beautiful big hazel orbs light up as she talked about school. She was going for her BSW or Bachelor of Social Work. Catalina had been in the system after her parents died. She said that she'd liked to help kids the way no one helped her.

When I asked her to elaborate, she hesitantly told me about her foster family and the things their eldest son Jared did to her, which had me seeing red. I balled my fist in my lap and I'd made a mental note to find that bastard and beat him within an inch of his life. I so badly wished I could have been the one to protect her from that hell but I couldn't even be that to Lola.

No one fucked with my girl and got away with it, not even her past demons. Something in the way she looked at me let me know she could tell where my head was at in that moment, and she reached over, taking my hand in hers. She told me it wasn't all bad because if it hadn't been for things happening the way they did, she never would have met Lola and then we wouldn't have found each other.

That was one way to look at it. God, I didn't deserve her after what Lorenzo and I put her through, but I'd be damned if I didn't work every day to be worthy of earning her love.

Catalina was my light in the darkness, and I wanted everything with her. When she'd told me she was falling in love me, my fucking heart damn near burst out my chest. I knew falling wasn't the same and being, but I'd fucking take it. Now I wanted to celebrate with my girl. Once we were done eating, I stood and grabbed her hand, leading her to the back of the restaurant. I picked this place for a reason, and I was excited to share a little more of myself with her.

"Where are we going?" Catalina asked with confusion written all over her face as I continued to pull her by the hand through the five-star establishment.

Coming to a solid black secluded wall, I turned to her and asked, "Do you trust me?" Hoping her answer would be a yes. She brought her bottom lip between her teeth the way I loved so much and peered up at me through her long, dark lashes.

"You know I do," she said before reaching up and running her thumb over my cheek. Pleased with her answer, I yanked her towards me and captured her lips with mine, delivering a blistering kiss that had her whimpering. I broke away from her red, swollen lips. I looked around, then turned to knock on the wall three times before pausing for a moment before knocking four more times.

"Wha—" Catalina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion but then gasped when a door hidden in the wall popped open. The huge bouncer held a UV light in his right hand, and he wordlessly nodded to me, holding it up. I immediately rolled up the sleeve of my black button-up, exposing my ultraviolet skeleton key tattoo located on the inside of my left wrist.

Once the man saw the ink, he stepped aside, allowing us to enter the dimly lit passageway that led to the lobby of Sinful, a club I frequented when I came to Barcelona before I met my girl. Her hand tightened around mine, and I could tell she was nervous. I ran my thumb over her knuckles, and she lessened her grip on me. Before we made it all the way through, she tipped her head up, staring up at me.

"What is this place?" she asked, just above a whisper. I pulled her closer to me in a protective manner.

"It's a BDSM club," I said bluntly, and her eyes widened at my words.

Catalina halted her movement, nervously licking her lips. "L-like a sex club?" she squeaked out, her cheeks turning bright pink. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, little one, like a sex club." Her mouth dropped open, and it only made me more amused.
"Do you remember what your word is?" I asked, curiously wondering if she'd remembered it from that day I reddened her little ass?

"Red," she breathed out, bringing that bottom lip between her teeth. Fuck, she knew what that shit did to me.

"Good girl," I cooed. "When we enter the club, you will keep your gaze averted to the ground until I tell you otherwise, understood?"

"Really?" Catalina raised a defiant eyebrow, and I clenched my jaw. Why couldn't she ever do what she was told without argument?

"Really. And I expect you to do as you're told," I countered, void of any amusement though I was chomping at the bit inside. She pressed her lips into a firm line, and I fought the desire to smirk.

"Like some obedient pet?" she returned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Exactly." I told her, and she narrowed her beautiful hazel eyes at me. "Or you could always face the consequences?" I shrugged, and she quickly shook her head, not wanting to take that route. "So, eyes to the ground. Understood?" I asked.

"Yes, master." Her words dripping in sarcasm, but I ignored it.
"Now you're getting it, baby girl." I grabbed her hand and led us out of the tunnel. When we entered the lobby, her eyes immediately hit the floor like a good little girl, and a sense of pride washed over me.

"Señor Mariano, it's good to see you again," Cassandra, the wife of the club owner greeted me with a huge smile before she looked over at Catalina. "Enrique was beginning to think that we'd lost one of our best customers."

She brought her gaze back to me and Catalina stiffened at her words. She was probably thinking I brought other women here, but the truth was, I never trusted anybody enough. Yes, I'd come here to play when things got too stressful. I'd have Cassandra set something up for me to release, then I was gone. Same girl. Same room. Nothing special. But this was different. Something else entirely. I trusted Cat, and I wanted her to get to know me on a deeper level. I wanted to share a side of myself that no one in my life got to see. Ever.



I was standing next to Nic, who was very familiar with the woman he was speaking to, and for some reason, a surge of jealousy ran through me.

"Should I set you up in the regular room, Señor Mariano?"

Señor Mariano, I rolled my eyes as the woman, Cassandra, asked Nic with a hint of flirtation in her voice. It made me want to look up at her and assert my dominance over my man. She was lucky I was trying to be good for him, or I'd reach over and slap the taste out of her mouth.

"No, thank you, Cassandra, we're just watching tonight," Nic told her.

What did he mean by just watching?

"Oh, what a shame. You've never brought anyone with you before," she said, her voice tight. Though a sense of relief washed over me, knowing he'd never brought anyone here with him until now, it didn't last long as the woman proceeded to speak. "We would have loved to see you in action with your little plaything."

My body tensed at her words, and anger flashed through me. Plaything? Seriously? Nic must have sensed my irritation, because he instantly snapped at the woman.

"First, you don't know shit," his voice was so low yet so icy it even sent a shiver down my spine. "Second, my loyalties are to your husband. You and I aren't friends. I do wonder how my old colleague would feel knowing he lost a customer with a platinum membership because his little wife couldn't keep her fucking mouth shut," he continued as I heard her let out an audible gasp, and I stifled a laugh. "And lastly, which is the most important part of this tedious conversation, this woman..." Nic paused, turning his attention to me. "Eyes, baby." His words came out stern, and I didn't even think twice before snapping my gaze to meet his intense one. Then he turned his glare to the woman standing in front of us. "My woman will be respected. She isn't some random sub I brought here for your entertainment. She is special to me and, as such, will be treated as much. Now do me a favor, stamp the inside of her wrist so we can get on with it before you really pissed me the fuck off, and I do something you'll regret."

"Y-yes, sir, my apologies," Cassandra said, pulling out the stamper.

I cut my eyes to her and held my right arm out with a triumphant grin splayed across my lips.

Once she placed the temporary lock to match Nic's skeleton key on my wrist, she called a girl to direct us to the back. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to avert my gaze back to the ground or not, but since he hadn't said anything, I kept my head up. As we stepped through the thick black curtain, my eyes instantly widened, and my mouth went dry. This place was unlike any other club I'd ever been to before. The room was dark, dimly lit, and from what I could see, there were men with women, women with women, men with men—some on leashes crawling on the floor following behind their partners, and others were engaging in sexual acts for everyone to see. I also noticed some wore collars without the leashes. The place smelled of pure sex and lust. There was so much going on I didn't know where to look first.

However, I stopped mid-step when my eyes immediately locked on a woman sitting on a round couch wearing a black leather catsuit. She had a harem of men surrounding her. The men were all wearing nothing but tiny little black collars and boxer briefs that both matched her leather suit. They were worshipping her. I swallowed hard, thinking about being in her place with Nic, Enzo, and Matteo. Her men had their mouths all over her exposed mahogany skin, and their hands were sweeping over her covered body, teasing her between her legs while others were pinching at her clothed nipples. I licked my lips as my arousal built in the pit of my stomach, listening to her moans and their groans.

"Don't stare, Catalina." My name sexily rolled off Nic's tongue, saturated in desire. His lips brushed against the shell of my ear, the warmth of his words heating my skin. I let out a shaky breath as heat began to gather between my thighs, but I couldn't seem to look away. His large hand came around the front of my throat from behind, catching me off guard and tugging me to his hard chest with a thud. "Does watching them make your tight little pussy wet, baby?" He nipped at the seam of my neck. A shudder ran through me, and I pressed my legs together to dull the throbbing. "I bet if I slipped my hand under your dress right now, I'd find that perfect cunt dripping, wouldn't I?" He slid his free hand up the back of my bare leg, and I let out a tiny whimper of need, shifting my weight on my heels to misplace the ache. Nic chuckled in my ear as his hand gave my ass a rough squeeze. "Let's find our seats, little one. The show is about to start."

He delivered a slight whack to my round bum before he jerked away and grabbed my hand, pulling me from the scene. I let out a frustrated sigh, which only made him laugh harder. Was he trying to kill me?

We were led to a roll of booths, each separated by foggy glass walls. There wasn't a table inside the area, just U-shaped black couches much like the woman and her harem were sitting on. Only these had sheer curtains draped over the opening, allowing a bit of privacy. Nic pulled me into the one with a perfect view of the stage. He slid in first, then yanked me down, sitting my ass between his muscular thighs with a leg on each side of me.

"So, you've never brought anyone with you to something like this?" I asked, needing to know for sure.

"Never," he answered without hesitation. "Lorenzo doesn't even know I come here."

"Really?" I asked in shock.

"Really." Nic answered. "We share everything, but this is mine."

"But you're sharing it with me?"

"I am." His lips found the back of my neck, and he placed open kisses along the seam, leaving a trail of moisture in their wake. "Only you," he said, pulling his mouth away.

He blew along my wet skin, causing a shiver to tumble down my spine, and I let out another needy whimper as goosebumps pricked at my hot flesh.

"Have I told you how gorgeous you looked tonight?"

Only about a million times since we left the house, I thought to myself as Nic continued to nibble on my neck. His hands cupped the inside of my thighs, and I found myself unconsciously spreading them for him. The man was touching me like he couldn't bear not to, as if he was marking his territory, letting everyone in the club know I was his and only his, including me.

I laid back and pressed myself into his large body, turning my head towards him. "Maybe once or twice, but you could always tell me again, handsome." I smirked. Placing kisses along his chiseled jaw, I groaned, feeling his stubble under my lips.

Since we'd been in Spain, Nic hadn't bothered to shave, and I appreciated the ragged look on him. Don't get me wrong, I loved my man clean-shaven, but that scruff did something to me. His hand came to my chin, and he leaned down, tugging my lips to his soft ones, bringing me into a heated kiss. Our mouths clung together with urgency, tongues swirling as we consumed each other with so much passion. I had to fight the urge to turn, straddle his lap and ride him in the middle of this place.

Before we could get too carried away, the lights on the stage dimmed and drew our attention. With one last kiss, I turned to see what the show Nic brought us to watch was all about. I gasped when a spotlight came on shining down on the women in the leather catsuit. But that wasn't what had me stunned. It was the man who had each of his limbs cuffed to each end of a wooden cross that had my head spinning. The woman had one of the men who had been sitting and worshiping her earlier tied up, while the other two were kneeling on the floor on each side of the enormous contraption, both looking down at the floor.

"Good evening, my name is Mistress Eden, and we will be entertaining you this evening." The domineering woman turned to look at the bound man. "Isn't that right, slave?" she asked him in a harsh tone. However, it was stated more of a command than a question.

"Y-yes, M-Mistress Eden." The man nodded vigorously, stumbling over his words, and a wicked grin played on her lips.

Nodding, she walked over to one of the men seated on his knees, then ran her hands through his thick blonde hair before snapping her fingers. He stood, eyes still averted to the ground as he walked over to a bag I hadn't even noticed until now, pulling out a long red feather, a golden cock ring, leather whipping crop, and a blindfold.

Holy shit.

He placed him on the table beside her and dropped his hands to his side, waiting for what I guessed were his following instructions. Mistress Eden walked over and softly touching his cheek. "Good boy," she cooed before grabbing his chin, kissing his lips hard and rough. His hands balled into fists, and he groaned into her mouth.

I swallowed hard as I watched his cock come to life between their bodies, and I pressed my legs together, feeling the heat build between them once again.

Breaking their feverish kiss, she pulled back to eye him, and with the second snap of her fingers, the man resumed his position. Then, picking up the feather and blindfold, Mistress Eden walked over to the bound man, lightly skimming it up through his inner thigh and over his prominent bulge, which caused him to hiss. She smirked again, satisfied with the reaction before moving it up over his chiseled abs, then stopping at his chest and circling the tip over his nipple. Pulling the object away, she grabbed his chin.

"What's your word, slave?" Mistress asked.

"C-cinnamon," the man replied as his body shivered and his fists clenched.

"Good boy," the powerful woman cooed, covering his eyes with the blindfold, before she resumed teasing him with the feather. His breathing picked up, and he let out a pained groan. "Now we begin," Mistress announced, this time addressing the crowd.

I subtly rocked back and forth in my seat, trying to misplace the aching and throbbing between my legs while I watched in amazement while Mistress denied her slave his release for what had to be an hour or so. Nic's hands came to my waist, and he pulled me closer to him, letting his hard cock brush against my ass, which only turned me on more. I shuddered as she played with, whipped, and pleasured him, never allowing him to tip over the edge while Nic began to tease me as well. She kept that up until the man was begging her with a cracked voice, and he sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

At the same time, Nic's thick fingers found their way into my panties, and he pushed them into my needy pussy. He began pumping in and out of me quickly, bringing me to my climax as he curled two fingers, making a come-hither motion inside me. My eyes were still locked on the stage when Mistress finally allowed her slave the satisfaction of letting go, and boy, did he ever. When she removed the tightly wound ring from his pulsing cock, he exploded.

Overstimulated by everything going on, my body jerked when Nic pressed his thumb down on my pulsating clit. I instantly threw my head back onto his shoulder, and my core tensed as I came hard all over his fingers, a whimpering mess. When I opened my eyes, the man was still coming as he thanked his Mistress repeatedly while she praised him over and over again, his body trembling in pleasure as well as mine.

That was by far better than any porn I'd ever watched.

Once the show had ended, Nic removed his hand from between my legs. I was still catching my breath when I turned to face him. He was staring at me with an amused glint in his blue orbs as he licked his fingers clean, and another rush of arousal washed over me. I needed to have him now. I stood from his lap, and he shot me a look of confusion, which made me smile.

Pulling the curtain closed, I stepped back over to him, swaying my hips as I came to stand between his legs.

"And what do you think you're doing, little one?" Nic rested his long arms on the back of the couch, knowing damn well what was about to happen, but I indulged him anyway. I was still revved up from Mistress Eden's show, with a hunger for my guy, and I wanted—no, needed to satisfy my craving.

"I'm going to ride my man's cock, if that's okay with you." I moved to straddle his lap, kissing him hard.

"Fuck baby, if you keep talking like that, I'm gonna marry you," he groaned against my lips, and I laughed, snaking my arms around his neck.

"Is that a fact?" I asked, taking control as some of Mistress had rubbed off on me. My lips latched onto Nic's as I shoved my tongue into his mouth, eliciting a sexy moan from his chest. I moved my hips back and forth, brushing my sex over the swell of his jeans, and a shudder ran down my spine.

Breaking away from his lips, I lick my palm before reaching down and undoing his pants with urgency. He hissed when I took him into my hand, stroking it up and down his hard length. "Fuck," he cursed, his brows furrowed, and he took his bottom lip between his teeth as he watched the movement of my hand, looking sexier than ever.
God, my guy, was sex personified.

"I need you now," I told him, struggling to move his clothing out of the way.

Nodding, he tipped his hips, pushing his pants down his mid-thigh along with his boxers and giving me access to the only thing I desired at the moment.

Lifting myself onto my knees, I moved my panties to the side and guided his thick cock to my sopping entrance. There was no teasing or foreplay, though we'd just had one another last night. We needed each other too much. Nic had laid bare with me, something he'd only ever kept to himself. He shared with me a side of him no one else got to see, and I was grateful. Now I was going to express my gratitude.

I pushed myself downward, taking him in one swift thrust. We both let out a moan of satisfaction before I kissed his lips. His hands shot to my waist, and I began driving down onto him like a woman possessed, giving and taking what we both needed. My climax was fast approaching, and I started swiveling my hips in an attempt to chase it. Nic must have sensed it because his large, calloused hands came to my backside. He gripped my ass and began moving me up and down his cock with vigor. My toes curled, and my head tilted back as my cunt pulsated around his thickness, coming hard.

"My turn," Nic rasped, capturing my lips with his. He shifted back on the couch as his hands came to the underside of my thighs. He hoisted me up, holding me in place before giving me a sexy grin as he began rutting into my tight pussy.

"Fuuuck," I swore as he thrust upwards at an unforgiving pace, making my legs shake. The sound of our bodies slapping together filled the small booth as sweat began to cover us, making our skin slick. I moaned into his mouth, feeling another climax about to hit me like a freight train. My nails dug into his shoulders as it ripped through me.

"So... Fucking... Good..." Nic grunted between thrusts, his fingers biting into my ass. He drove upward, pulling me downward with one last thrust before filling me with his warm seed. Exhausted, I fell forward into him, attempting to catch my breath. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head, his chest heaving.

Bliss. I was in pure bliss.


On the ride back home, Nic and I were all smiles, hands intertwined. I still felt like I was floating. We were at a red light and Nic looked over at me with a warm look in his eyes.

"Did you have a good time?" he asked, bringing my hand to his mouth, brushing his lips against my knuckles.

"It was better than good," I replied as a shiver ran through me, remembering. I unbuckled my seatbelt to lean over toward him and caught his lips with mine.
"Thank you," I said, pressing my forehead to his.

"For what?" He curiously furrowed his brows.

"For sharing that with me." I pecked his lips. "For making me happy."

Nic's hands came to cup my face, and he kissed me as he'd never kissed me before, all teeth, passion, and possession. He didn't need to say a word. That kiss spoke volumes.

A car horn went off behind us, alerting Nic that the light turned green. I sat back in my seat, still staring at one of the men I loved. He turned to look at me with a smile that quickly faded before he was shouting my name. It all happened so quickly, the sound of crunching metal, the glass flying everywhere, the pain.

Then everything went black.

ツ hope you enjoyed it.

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