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"Holy smokes, Batman!" I whistled as I pulled up the driveway of Nic's gigantic Spanish style home. Well it wasn't a house. It was freaking huge. Definitely screamed money. "No wonder he could afford to hire an assistant with zero experience at twenty-five dollars an hour."

Hopping out of my brand new powder blue Chevy Malibu CT, I made my way to the front door and unlocked the door. "Domenico," I called out. No one answered, and I didn't hear any movement coming from anywhere in the house. Because his car was in the driveway, I knew he was home. So, I walked in.

Nic is usually downstairs working out while blasting his music. Just let yourself in. Bella's replay in my head. Okay, I'm in but what now, Bells? Usually, I'd be opposed to entering someone's home this way but she did say she texted him I'd be over. And, I guess this did fall under my assistant duties. Taking a few steps inside, I quickly closed the door behind me. I locked it, and my eyes widened when I stood in the huge foyer.

"Hello, Nic," I called out. Moving further into my boss' lavish home, there it was. The music. I followed the hip hop song that drummed from the otherside of the house.

I made my way down the stairs that led to what I assumed was the basement. I wasn't sure where I was going, but Nic had to be down there, right? Making it down to the second lower level of this enormous place, I walked down the secluded hallway, every step closer to the music.

"Hello, Domenico? I came by to have you sign off on some paperwork," I belted out again, hoping he could hear me over his Drake song. I didn't want to catch him off guard. I still got nothing, but the music was really loud. I walked into his home gym and nothing. What the hell? I looked around the weightroom looking for every sign of him but I couldn't think over 'Kiki, do you love me? Are you riding? Say you'll never ever leave from beside me. 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya, and I'm down for you always.' I was about to head back upstairs when out of the corner of my eye I saw a light flicker in the far backside of the room.

Taking a deep breath, I strolled over to the other end of the workout room. Against my better judgment, I stepped towards the doorless entrance. "Domenico?" I lightly knocked on the wall, but I still got no response. "Isabella told me to come—" My words died on my lips when I finally came face to face with the man I'd been looking for.

"Catalina," Nic hummed, and my mouth began to water when my eyes landed on the completely naked upper half of his body as he wrapped a towel around his waist. Are there showers down here? Wait. Was he just in the freaking shower?

Warmth began to envelop my entire body, and I felt a pool of moisture build between my legs. He smirked, watching my reaction to him. He planned this.

Sucking in a shallow breath, I watched the pupils of his rich blue eyes dilate and his nostrils flared with something I couldn't quite place. I took an unintentional step backward. The hair raised on my skin and goosebumps spread throughout my entire body.

"Why are you in my bathroom?" he asked, the smirk on his lips growing wider with each word that left his mouth. My breath caught in my throat when I was met with a fierce aquamarine gaze that sent my hormones into overdrive.

My cheek began to warm and my mouth dried. "Uh, papers..." I stumbled over my words. "They need signing." That was all I could manage to get out of my mouth as I held up the clipboard. When all I really wanted to do was cover my beet red face with the paperwork. Cursing under my breath, I mentally slapped myself for not waiting downstairs like a normal person. "And I didn't know this was a bath...room." I said slowly looking around the elevated locker room style bathroom.

"No point in having a gym down here if I can't shower once I've worked up a sweat," Domenico hummed, his cerulean gaze gradually scanning the length of my body. Waves of desire rushed into me. Nope. He's your boss and you've already been with his brother. I cursed myself for even letting myself get excited.  "Do you work out?"

Caught In Between - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now