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I had been working for the brothers for a few months, and everything was running smoothly so far. That day Enzo and I walked out of the storage room, was the last day I'd really been alone around him. Lola was right. They were like ghosts here one days gone for the next three weeks. The brothers apparently had a lot of business in Italy so that's where they spent the majority of their time. It left me time to get to know everyone at the club though and Bella was amazing. We became fast friends.

I found out that she had worked for the brothers for three years. She dropped out of college to work for them full time and it paid off because now she was looking to start up her own clothing line. That's apparently where I came in. Assistant number two. I guess it made sense in the grand scheme of things. Two men. Two assistants. But in the short time that I'd worked here I also learned that even if the world were burning around The Portofino Miami. Isabelle Maite did not, in fact, need my assistants.

I was a pity hire. But I didn't mind. They paid well and were never around. It was a win–win for me.

Most recently Domenico and Lorenzo had been on business. Though this time we were in Spain. They told us that they had to meet with some associates and would be back this weekend. Which was great since I was trying to keep my distance from Lorenzo after our last encounter.

Currently, I was at the club because the guys were short-staffed. There was a flu going around or something? It was my day off, but Domenico texted he'd pay me time and a half if I helped do inventory. So naturally, my ass jumped up, threw on a crop top and some joggers and headed out the door. I'd just financed a new car and I needed all the extra cash I could get.

Hearing footsteps I looked up to see a familiar pair of friendly eyes. "Hey girl, why are you here on a Saturday?" Isabella walked over to me, resting her crossed arms on the bar top. He must've called her in too.

Bella was not at all like I thought she was when I first met her. We had become close since I started working here. She's so hilarious and goofy. Reminded me a lot of Lola. We all hung out a few times out of work and it was a blast.

"Nic asked me to come in and do some inventory before we open tonight since everyone's sick." I smiled holding up the silver clipboard in my hand and waved it in the air in front of me.

"Okay, cool. I was just up in the office and well, I have a few errands to run. Can you close up when you leave?"

"Sure, no problem, Bella."

"Oh, hey I need you to take these files over to Nic's. He just landed from Spain and asked one of us to bring them over. Normally I wouldn't ask and would do it but I'm already running late for an appointment." She held up a manila folder filled with documents, and I scowled at her, making her snort with amusement. I had told her about what happened between Lorenzo and me. Well she kinda pulled it out of me when she witnessed me acting like a total weirdo around him.

"You're trying to kill me aren't you?"

Dominico on the other hand intimidated the hell out of me. And I did not want to be alone with that sexy man.

"What? No. I–Pretty please." she batted her big eyes at me and I laughed.

"Fine." I snatched the folder. "But you so owe a girls night."

"You bet your ass I do," she winked before reaching into her purse and placing a key on the bar. "Sometimes Nic worksout in the basement with the music blaring to just let yourself in. He won't hear you if you knock."

Swallowing down the lump forming in my throat, I picked the key up and put it inside my pocket. "Okay."

Nic and I hadn't spent a lot of time together since I began working here but the time we did have was intense. There was something in the way he looked at me that told me he knew what happened in that supply closet with Lorenzo. Thankfully he'd never said everything. But I could just tell.

One night, Domenico and I were working late in his office. Lorenzo had gone out of town for the night leaving us alone. Nothing major happened but I could feel his eyes on me every so often. But I was too afraid to look up. Scared I might see what I shouldn't want to see. That day we were doing payroll so we ordered in and worked well into the night.

While we were eating and silently going over documents. We both unknowingly reached for the same container and our fingers grazed, only for a moment, but it felt like ages. It was beyond eclectic. He held my gaze and I felt myself become hot under the sheer intensity of the look in his grayish-blue eyes. Heat began to pool in the pit of my stomach and my started to rise and fall as my breathing picked up. Focus on your job, Catalina.

Jerking my hand away from the orange chicken, I quickly averted my gaze and nervously shifted in my seat, causing the skirt of my dress to slink up my bare thighs, a little too high. Gasping, I shoved my hands down to the hem of my dress pulling it back down. My hips slightly rocked from side to side as I adjusted the tight material and my legs pressed together in the process. And when I looked up I froze watching as his wolfish gaze left my lap and sluggishly creeped up the length of my body–unashamedly. My breath caught in my throat when his eyes met mine with the corner of his full pink lips turned upward and he smirked. He fucking smirked.

Domenico was so controlled and disciplined. He was the complete opposite of Lorenzo, who is wild and spontaneous. And despite knowing better. Part of me craved that control, and I didn't know what to do about it. Which was a problem. He was my boss. Lorenzo was my boss. And I was attracted to them. If that wasn't enough of an issue. Nic was also the brother of the guy I had just slept with. I needed Jes—

"Hey, did you hear me?" Bella pulled me from my intrusive thoughts, and I shook my head and told her I wasn't paying any attention.

"Oh my goodness, if you weren't over there daydreaming about our boss you would have heard."


"Oh, don't, what, me, Catalina," she laughed, pulling out her phone from her purse and began texting away. "I mean I get it, girl. They're hot as fuck." she tossed her hair over her shoulder with a dramatic flare and I snorted, rolling my eyes. "And if I liked dick I'm almost positive I wouldn't have lasted as long as you have. But I guess we'll never know." she shrugged, throwing the device back in her bag and it began going off. "Anyway, I just texted Nic and told him you'd be over in a few. Remember just let yourself in. Thanks again." Her phone went off again. "K. Bye."

"Great." I sighed to myself and watched her walk out the club.

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