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Catalina's eyes widened as we pulled up to my aunt and uncle's estate, her limbs still visibly trembling from the four orgasms that I had just given her on the staircase in my foyer. Reaching over, I took her hand in mine, trying to get her attention.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, rubbing small circles onto the back of her hand to comfort her. I knew she was nervous about meeting my family.

Shit, I was worried about her meeting my family, but I could never tell her that. I was nervous, not because I didn't want her here, but because I've never brought a woman to a family event, and I didn't know how they'd react. I mean, I knew they would be shocked.

Hell, I'm shocked. But the look on her face when I told her I had forgotten about the party and she thought we weren't going out was one that I couldn't handle seeing. Even though I could tell she was trying to put on a brave face. Catalina was changing me already, and she didn't even realize it.

"Yeah, I'm good, I'm just..." she gave my hand a light squeeze, "...a little nervous, that's all."

"You have nothing to worry about. Now let's get inside, beautiful. We're already late." I leaned over kissing her on the cheek and winked before getting out of the car and walking around to her side to help her out.

"Be careful with her, she's my baby." I tossed the keys to my Orange GTA Spano to the young valet.

"Y-yes sir," The scrawny kid replied in a shaky voice, quickly running over to the driver's side and moving the car.

"Shall we?" I offered my arm to Catalina, and she quickly looped hers around mine.

"We shall." She giggled, letting me take the lead, and I couldn't help but smile at her cuteness.

Making our way around the room, I introduced Catalina as my date to my friends and family members, who were so happy to meet her because I again never brought anyone around.

My chest tightened, seeing how easily she fit in with everyone, and when we finally got to my favorite aunt, she gave me a huge hug, kissing and pinching both of my cheeks. Pulling back from our hug, she told me how handsome I looked in this penguin suit, and it caused me to blush slightly. When my eyes met Catalina's, I could tell she was amused at this little interaction, and I was glad she was here with me.



My lips turned upward into a toothy grin as I watched this gorgeous middle-aged brunette, who held a striking resemblance to Lola, gush over Domenico. Falling completely mesmerized when the handsome man gave the beautiful woman an honest to god genuine smile that made my heart completely melt.

"And who might you be?" The stunning older woman asked, tilting her head, before flashing me the famous Mariano smirk. Definitely a relative.

"I'm Catalina Castillo, Domenico's assistant."

When I glanced over at Nic, I saw him clench his jaw, and I didn't know why I just introduced myself as his assistant when he's been calling me his date all night. But I guess I panicked, and it technically wasn't a lie.

"And um," I let out a tiny nervous breath and tried to correct myself.

"I guess his date for the evening."

"You don't sound too sure, honey. I'm the aunt, Giovanna. So, which is it? Are you my handsome Domenico's assistant, or are you his date?"

My date's very Italian aunt crossed her arms over her chest while kinking an eyebrow, making me freeze. When I nervously gazed up at Nic for assistants, he just shot me an amusing look before slightly nodding his stupid head. Really, sir, enjoying this, are we?

Caught In Between - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now