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I rolled to my side and rubbed my closed lids with the back of my hand before opening my eyes. I was in a pitch-black room. I squinted as the red neon digits from the digital clock that sat on the nightstand beside the bed came into focus. It was only 3:45 am. Matteo and I must have left the club earlier than I thought.

"Shit," I whispered, and raked my fingers through my disheveled hair. The last thing I sort of remembered was being lifted from the passenger seat of Matteo's car.

I swear I only meant to close my eyes for a second.

Sitting up, I brushed a hand over what felt like silk sheets and found the spot beside me cold and empty. Leaning over, I turned on the lamp on the nightstand and saw that I was, in fact, alone. I allowed my eyes to wander the room for a second before they landed on some clothes folded on the edge of the bed, which I'm guessing were for me.

After I changed and used the washroom, I went to find Matteo. Walking down the dark hall, I came to a closed door with light coming through from the other side. I lightly tapped, but didn't get an answer. Opening it, I found my handsome friend sitting at his desk, earbuds in, pencils in hand, sketching away. Leaning against the doorframe, I couldn't help the smile that sprawled across my face as I watched him in his element.

Matteo was so focused while his hand danced over the off-white canvas so effortlessly, his thick eyebrows drawn together. Then he pulled his bottom lip between his pearly white teeth as a few tendrils of his raven hair fell over his forehead. God, he was so good looking without even trying. I decided to walk further into the room to see what he was working on.

As I came up behind him, the lines on his canvas became more apparent, and my breath hitched when I saw what looked like my face, only more. I don't even know—just more. Holy shit. Matteo had made me look so sweet and delicate and beautiful. I was so freaking beautiful. Was that how he saw me? My smile was wide; my eyes were so bright, and my skin so soft. I appeared genuinely happy. My heart warmed. I couldn't stop myself from leaning forward and wrapping my arms around his neck from behind. I startled him a bit, but I didn't care. I needed to touch him.

"Hey, gorgeous, how'd you sleep?" Matteo asked, pulling one of his air pods from his ear.

"Okay. Have you slept?" I questioned, still wrapped around him.

"Nope. I felt inspired." He laughed as he tugged my arm free from his neck and pulled me around to face him.

"I can see that. What was the cause of this sudden burst of inspiration?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well, you, of course." He grinned and gestured to the drawing in front of him, and I glanced down, getting a better glimpse at how this wonderful man pictured me.

"It's remarkable, Matteo. You're amazing," I replied, tracing my finger over the perfect lines of my face.

"I lied."

My eyes snapped to his, and I furrowed my eyebrows. What the hell? Please don't tell me he was like Nic and Enzo. I couldn't handle another Olivia sized surprise.


Was all I said.

Matteo turned slightly and reached up, cupping my face. He brushed his thumbs over my cheek, and my heart began to race.

What was he doing?

"I don't want just to be your friend, gattina," he explained as he pulled my face down towards his, and I let him.

He kissed me. It was soft and sweet, just like him.

"Matteo," I whispered against his lips. I wasn't sure if I was asking him to stop or telling him to keep going. So, I let my body answer for me. I snaked my arms around his neck and deepened our kiss. His tongue traced the seam of my bottom lip.

Caught In Between - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now