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Six Months Later...

Things were pretty much back to normal, including my body. Our problem with Olivia practically disappeared overnight.

Three weeks after being back in Miami, Nic and Enzo told me their engagement with her was off, and they were fully committed to our relationship. I asked them what happened with her father. They told me it was handled, so I didn't push any further, even though my gut was telling me something was off about that whole situation.

Well, almost back to normal.

The bedroom door suddenly burst open, causing me to damn near jump out of my skin. It's been six months since that horrible accident. I'd been staying back at home with Lola.

Due to my leg and pelvis bone still healing, I was in one of the downstairs guest rooms.

"You ready to go?" Lo asked, walking over to my bedside.

I stayed with the guys for the first five months when we initially returned from Spain. However, Matteo, Lorenzo, and Domenico slowly but surely began to get on my last damn nerve. As much as I loved them, I could not stand them dealing with me like some fragile piece of glass that would break if they even touched me. I'd barely gotten a kiss out of them, let alone anything else. I know the accident scared them, but I was still me. I hated that they treated me otherwise. So one day, while they were at work, I had Lola come pick me up and bring me back home. They were pissed the fuck off and tried to get—no, force me to go with them, but I wasn't having their shit.

Until they stopped treating me with baby gloves, my ass was staying put, and let's just say things between us have been more than a bit tense lately.

"Knock much?" I asked, tossing my blanket off, playfully cutting my eyes at her. "And yes, I'm ready to go."

She was driving me to my physical therapy appointment today. I still had limited mobility in my leg, but it was much better than it had been. My casts came off a few months back, much to my relief. Those damn things were so damn itchy. I nearly lost my ever-loving mind, and please don't even get me started on how happy I was to be able to take a bubble bath again. That was the top highlight through all the shit that happened.

"Good, then get your stumpy ass up so we can do the damn thing." She laughed, and I shook my head at her. This was what I needed. Someone who didn't act all weird towards me like I was some helpless, injured bird. Don't get me wrong, Lo and I had a moment when I first got back. We hugged, cried, and she told me I better never do that to her again. But once she realized I was okay, we were back to the old us.

I hadn't even told Lo what Dr. Martinez said to me about my ovaries. I didn't want to add to her worry, so I kept it to myself.


"I'll be back in a bit," Lola said to me as she walked out of my room. After my physical therapy, Lo and I went to grab some lunch at a new BBQ place downtown. When we finished our meal, she ended up darting to the bathroom to toss her cookies. Something about a stomach bug or whatever. She was off to the pharmacy to get some anti-nausea medicine while I was headed to the bathroom for one of those famous bubble baths.

Stripping out of my clothes, I heard the bedroom door open behind me.

"I thought you left already?" I asked, not bothering to turn around or cover-up. I wasn't shy, and it wasn't anything Lola hadn't already seen before, especially since she was the one who'd been changing my dressings after I got back.

"Lola, let us in," Domenico's raspy voice came from behind me. I wasn't expecting it, so it caught me a little off guard.

Shit, he said us. God, I missed them.

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