Shep, Sledge and Steele

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The next morning, as the sun rose into the sky, the five Vault Hunters slowly woke up, groaning slightly.

Claptrap rolled over and said, "good morning, friends! How are you?"

Mordecai groaned, "tired."

Brick said, "hungry."

Lilith groaned, "sore."

Roland said, "I've slept on worse."

Owen groaned, "I've slept on better."

Claptrap said, "splendid!"

Claptrap rolled away as the five Vault Hunters slowly got on their feet and did some stretching in order to wake themselves up properly. 

After this, they went to speak to Dr. Zed, who was already up and at'em, despite his lack of patients.

He said, "I think you're ready to go after Sledge now. You'll probably find him in the old Headstone Mine, but you can't just waltz in there. The place is locked down tight. If there's any way to get inside, Shep Sanders knows it. He was a foreman for Dahl until they pulled out and left him here. You'll find him near the crossroads, keeping an eye on the bandits."

Owen said to the others, "guess we're gonna go meet with this Sanders guy…."

The group went off to meet with Shep….


The small group made it to the small outpost Shep Sanders was at. He was a man dressed mostly in gray, leaning against a wall.

He said, "hello, friends. The name's Shep Sanders. I oversee the operation of Zephyr Substain and Headstone Mine. Well, that's what I did before Dahl pulled out and the bandits moved in."

Roland said, "so we've heard."

Lilith said, "yeah. And Doctor Zed told us you could help us find the bandit leader; Sledge?"

Shep said, "yeah. But I need some help with some things before I tell ya."

Brick asked, "like what?"

Shep said, "ya see, during one of their first raids, the bandits took over Zephyr Substation and set the emergency brakes on all the wind turbines. They tried to ransom the region's power supply, but Helena Pierce, the woman running New Haven, refused to negotiate. We've been running off generator power ever since. Since you're on some sort of anti-bandit crusade anyway, why not release those brakes and turn the power back on? There'll be a reward for your trouble, including telling you where Sledge is."

Mordedai shrugged and said, "might as well."

Roland said, "we'll get right on it."

The group then set off towards Zephyr Substation, which Shep put the location of on their ECHO devices….


The group soon returned to Shep, having killed a bunch of bandits at the station and releasing all the emergency turbine brakes.

Shep said upon seeing them, "the power grid's back online, such as it is. Now, I need you to go activate all the air conditioners. Just kidding! Dahl seized those right about the same time they built the turbines. Some sort of 'green' initiative, I guess. Crazy, if you ask me, there's nothing green on this entire planet!"

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