Jamming Signal

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The group had taken Moxxi's hidden exit into the Triton Flats. According to Owen, it was a frozen wasteland that clashed with the lava filled areas they'd seen before.
As they made their way along, they heard Zarpedon say, "I'm sorry, people of Elpis. This is the only way."
And that's when they saw a laser from the center of Helios hit the moon from a distance!
Timothy yelled, "what the flying crap nuggets?!"
Jack said, "woah! How did they know about…. Yeah, uh, I'll get back to ya."
The call abruptly ended as Athena said, "I've got a bad feeling about all this."
Owen said, "you ain't the only one."
Janey called, "what just happened? The whole ruddy moon shook!"
The group continued on through a place called Diemen's Crater. They were able to find a Zoomy station and called a buggy to take them through the flats.
Jack called back, "yeah, so uh, not good! Zarpedon's troops have taken control of the Eye of Helios! It's a big fricken' laser in the heart of the space station. She's targeting the moon's center. Try not to panic but, uh, she's trying to blow up Elpis."
Owen yelled, "over my dead body! Nobody threatens my home and gets away with it!"
The group quickly drove across the flats, avoiding the dangerous wildlife as they did, until they made it to the Causeway. Basically the halfway point. They had to deal with a Claptrap called SC4V-TP who was guarding the gates to the communication facility. They tricked him into thinking they were scavenger recruits by killing a rival group of scavs called Darksiders at a place called the Grabba and stealing their "prisms."
After that was over and done with, he let them pass so they could get to the communication facility, which had been occupied by scavenger leaders named Red and Belly.
Unfortunately, they were forced to use a side entrance to get in there. Wilhelm had kicked the SC4V-TP in anger before the group set off to the side entrance….
The group soon made it to the side entrance to their destination, and was able to use the password: Arrr!
Yes, really….
The group made it to Flinder's Needle.
Red and Belly called the group as they used a jump pad to get over there.
They were dressed similarly to Deadlift. Red wore a big red helmet with two blue visors that covered most of his body, while wearing a gray space suit. Belly wore a yellow space suit, crude metal armor, had a mohawk and a strange backpack.
Belly said, "what we got here, Red?"
Red said, "I dunno, Belly. You tell me!"
Belly said, "those ain't no new recruits, that's for sure!"
Red said, "my thoughts exactly!"
Belly said, "reckon there's only one thing to do, yep!"
Red yelled, "make 'em a cuppa!"
Belly yelled, "yeahhhh! Wait, no! Tear 'em to pieces!"
Red quickly said, "that's what I meant."
Belly said, "you're weird. Go get 'em, lads!"
The call ended as Aurelia said, "they seem even dumber than Deadlift…."
The group had to face a large number of scavs as they made their way into the Crisis Scar. Jump pads made it easier to deal with the scavs guarding the entrance.
Upon entering, they made their way through the Crisis Scar, dealing with more wildlife along the way, seeing Helios blast at Elpis again as Jack pleaded with Zarpedon to stop her actions before innocent people got hurt, which she seemed to ignore, until they arrived at the communication facility where the jamming signal was coming from. They had to deal with a few more scavs as they saw the sign to the place now read, "Red Bellys…. Playce. Red Belly Gang Lives Here. Memburs Onle."
Nisha said, "ha! They can't even spell place!"
Belly said, "look, smug Vault Hunters at the bloody door!"
Red said, "how rude. This is our house!"
Turrets activated as the gates opened up to let some more scavs attack!
Wilhelm and Athena took out the turrets as the others dealt with the scavs. Once the guards and turrets were dealt with, the group was able to enter the comms facility.
Belly said, "the Vault Hunters got moooooves!"
Red said, "nah, they ain't! It's all piss and wind! Let's see what they make of our elite jetpack lads!"
Said elite jetpack lads were easier to take down than they thought. Owen and Athena had a ton of experience shooting Crimson Lance soldiers that used jetpacks.

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