Where Angels Fear to Tread

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A few hours later, the party had wrapped up. Owen had given Claptrap the emblem from Nisha’s hat as a gift. The little robot loved it and wore it like a badge.

But now, the group had to get back to work.

Owen and the others stood in front of Roland, Brick, Lilith and Mordecai back at HQ.

Roland said, "to be honest, I've got no idea how to get past a door that'll only open for Jack.”

Angel said, "sorry to interrupt, but we've little time. Get to the city of Opportunity. To breach the final door to my chambers, you'll need to be Jack; that means passing a bio-scan and speaking a password in his voice. If you can kill one of Jack's body doubles in Opportunity, I can get you through that door.”

Owen asked, “it's not Timothy Lawrence is it? Cause I have no beef with him, he was a nice guy, all things considered.”

Angel said, “no. Timothy was stationed somewhere else, I don't know where. It's another body double. Jack had more requisitioned after he got the H-Source and took over Hyperion. This body double is some random jerk.”

Felicity said, “good to know.”

Roland said, "much as I hate tellin' you to listen to her, Angel's the best lead we got. You already know not to trust her, but…. Be careful.”

The others nodded as they set off for Opportunity….


The group had teleported to the Highlands once again and made their way to Opportunity. They had to cross a bridge to get there. Opportunity looked like a very small town turned into a tiny city, with Hyperion logos practically everywhere, and a huge golden statue of Jack at the front of it all.

Angel said, "as I said before; to breach the final door to my chambers, you'll need to be Jack; that means passing a bio-scan and speaking a password in his voice. If you can kill one of Jack's body doubles in Opportunity, I can get you through that door.”

Maya said, “got it. Heard ya the first time….”

The group made their way through Opportunity’s town square, facing a few Loader Bots along the way, until they finally found Jack's body double. The guy looked exactly like Jack, and was munching on a hoagie while watching videos of kids falling off stuff.

Angel said, "that's one of the body doubles Jack uses to confuse assassins, and impress his underlings.”

Zer0 pulled out his sniper rifle and blew his head off!

Angel said, "grab the pocket watch device he has. It echoes his bio-signature to every machine in the immediate area, so his doubles can do all of his hand-kissing and baby-shaking for him.”

The group went over to the body, and Axton nicked the pocket watch off of him.

Angel said, "that pocket watch also records audio; Jack loved to listen to the praise of his underlings. We need to create a voice modulator so you can speak in Jack's voice. Get to an info kiosk.”

The group went to a nearby info kiosk

The Hyperion Info Kiosk said in Jack's voice, "did you know that some people on this planet still believe in silly superstitions like angels, demons, and ancient alien warriors? We like to call them bandits.”

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