Vault Key Pieces

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The connection to Krom's Canyon was heavily guarded by bandits, including two automated turrets and another manned one. The group was able to use long range attacks to eliminate the two automated turrets from the flood lock, and the distance was too far for the bandits to effectively retaliate.

Once inside the canyon, the left fork at the front of the place led them to Krom along the bottom ground level. 

That's when they saw Krom make his entrance. Up on a catwalk built into the canyon wall among his bandit camp, he shot a poor CL4P-TP down before stepping out into the shadows and giving a thumbs up. He wore very little leather armor, a mask over the lower part of his face, and had a balding head with tattoos on the top.

Roland said, "Owen and I will take on Krom. The rest of you deal with his bandits."

The group nodded as they sprung into action. As Roland and Owen used cover to slowly make their way through the camp and to Krom's location, Brick, Mordecai and Lilith kept the other bandits occupied. Krom was using a cannon to shoot at the hapless Vault Hunters, but he couldn't get a clear shot at Owen and Roland as they drew closer and closer to him. Brick was using his hammer to smash any bandit that got close enough as Mordecai found some cover as he sniped the bandits with Bloodwing flying in to attack and distract. Lilith used her Siren powers to sneak behind numerous bandits and do them in.

Krom yelled, "destroy them! Destroy them until there's nothing left!"

But that's right when Roland and Owen got to his position.

Owen growled, "hey, ugly!"

Krom turned and was promptly shot right in the chest! The leader was so confident in his canon, he didn't have a shield! Krom fell off the catwalk. If the shot didn't kill him, the fall certainly did. Roland then manned the canon and shot up the last of the bandits with ease as the others made their way over to them.

Mordecai opened up a large chest that had the Vault Key fragment and a ton of money in it. After dividing the money amongst them, the guardian Angel called again.

She said, "you found another piece of the key without my help. Or did you? I'm always watching you, friends. Be careful. Others are starting to see their own opportunity."

The call ended as Mordecai commented, "something tells me we'll have to fight other people searching for the Vault."

Owen said, "like those Crimson Lance guys."

The group then looted some of Krom's high quality gear before making their way back to the Underpass to hand the key fragment over to Tannis….


As the group drove back towards the digsite, Tannis called and said, "Pierce was explaining something to me, but I wasn't really listening to her droning British warbling. I did catch that you have gathered another of my Vault Key fragments. Whatever else you're doing is unimportant and I don't want to wait, so bring it by immediately."

The group smirked at one another….


Several side missions later….

The group returned to Tannis' dig site as she sat at her desk, looking over several journals she had put together to catalog her time on Pandora. 

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